
Saury belongs to a group of fish that canned food manufacturers have chosen. It is valued for its good energy value, pleasant taste and the absence of many small bones that cannot be chewed normally.

Canned fish took root on the tables of immigrants from the countries of the former USSR just in the days of the Soviet Union. The TOP of favorites includes not only the legendary sprat in tomato with sprats, but also saury. Tourists still love to take it on hikes, making a hearty soup in haste.

Be sure to find a couple of jars of such goodies on the shelf of a burnt bachelor who is used to serving himself on his own.

Young people like such canned food, because it is unlikely that students are able to get hold of good meat raw materials for stews, and with the help of a semi-finished product it will be possible to organize a plentiful and budgetary dinner.

What kind of animal?

Not even all time-tested fans of this ocean dweller know that he belongs to the mackerel group. They gather in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In total, two genera fell into this family, which differ slightly in external characteristics.

The Atlantic counterpart received an elongated jaw, while the Pacific version is not capable of boasting such a shape. But in all other respects, there were no significant differences among the inhabitants of the two oceans. Both representatives have a long body, which is covered with easily removable scales. The jaws are specially pointed for easier capture of prey.

Fish representatives received a silvery belly, and on the sides of their scales has a greenish tint. The back remains dark. The only sadness for all gourmets is only the fact that the average specimens cannot boast a length of more than 40 cm. This means that the weight of an average individual usually varies within 200 grams.

The fastidious favorite of busy housewives prefers to live in subtropical and temperate latitudes. This means that the saury does not like the cold, instead it chooses the open ocean space, living at a relatively shallow depth.

The source of its diet is plankton of the crustacean type. To acquire offspring, individuals have to migrate far, overcoming considerable distances. Heat-loving fish prefer to sit out the winter period and at the same time the breeding season near the coast of eastern or southern Japan.

As soon as the summer heat comes, it moves closer to Sakhalin or Kamchatka, and then everything repeats in a circle.

Spawning occurs according to the usual scheme: eggs are laid in portions. Future babies are attached to any moving surface, like algae, due to special sticky fibers called threads. It is believed that only those individuals that have survived their third year of existence are suitable for fishing.

If the catch is made in the ocean, then for this, specialists use the natural curiosity of such animals. The classic method of fishing involves the need to set up nets next to light traps. Being interested in bright light rays, whole schools of fish swim in the net.

Despite the fact that many people are accustomed to seeing the mention of saury exclusively in the context of canned products, in specialized stores you can find it freshly frozen. This processing option is great if you want to cook a hearty first course, because such an ear will delight you with good taste and minimal cooking time.

You can also find recipes with canned food that tell how to prepare simple appetizers or salads.

A fresh-frozen analogue works well with any type of heat treatment. Saury is even sent to the pie along with a vegetable filling to make it more piquant.

How to choose the right one?

Some producers often deceive their consumers by releasing less valuable fish under the guise of real saury. And although it may not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the consumer, it would be a shame to overpay for a cheaper analogue, and the jellied unsweetened pastries will not be so fragrant.

To avoid the risks of running into a fake or a completely low-quality product, it is important to follow just a few simple instructions:

  • carefully check the condition of the jar, leaving aside swollen or damaged containers;
  • study the date of manufacture, postponing the option with a “just about” suitable expiration date;
  • read the numbers on the tin cover.

But if people usually do not lose vigilance with the first two points, then problems often arise with the last one. Even long-time fans of this canned food do not always know what the punched numbers indicate on the top of the package.

In total, there are two main markings that provide for the mention:

  • 186 – blanching in an oil base;
  • 308 is a natural product.

If the consumer trusted the designation on the bank, but upon opening it turned out that the installed code did not match the content, then this indicates a fake. And today craftsmen have got the hang of forging even products of well-known brands, releasing counterfeit products under a label with a worldwide reputation.

After the jar is opened, you should visually assess the level of its fullness. If golden light pieces are neatly stacked inside, which have not fallen apart or peeled off, then this is a good sign. Usually, honest manufacturers do not skimp on laying the capacity of at least 70%.

If there was an incomprehensible mess inside, more like minced fish for cutlets, then this indicates either a fake or that the product has already deteriorated.

Energy value

One hundred grams of peeled fillets provide 14 grams of fat and 19 grams of protein. A distinctive feature of saury is the absence of carbohydrates, which makes the fish a favorite among those who are accustomed to adhere to the rules of dietary nutrition.

If you cook such a cleaned carcass in the oven with green beans as a side dish, you will get a tasty and healthy meal.

Also, for the benefits confirmed during numerous scientific studies, the rich composition with components of natural origin should be thanked. Vitamins of groups D, B, A and PP are recorded here. Also, the goodness will please the presence of minerals, among which the most: calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, unsaturated fatty acids.

The last point implies the content of Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are difficult to find in sufficient quantities in other foods. Such elements have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain activity and the state of human vessels.

If you know how to cook almost a delicacy correctly while retaining most of the nutritional value, then you can easily replenish the body with the missing fatty acids. Since the body is not able to independently generate these components, they have to be obtained from incoming food.

Another interesting fact about fish Omega-6 Omega-9s is that their melting point is only 30 degrees.

This means that when they enter the blood stream, they turn into naturally occurring brushes. Cleansing cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels, they act as an excellent natural preventive measure to combat diseases of the cardiovascular system.

And due to the huge number of polyunsaturated acids, the overall rate of blood fluidity increases. This means that with regular consumption of such a product, it will be possible to stabilize blood pressure, using even the thinnest capillaries in the work.

Preferring steamed rice and saury for lunch, over time it will be possible to normalize vision. This will happen due to the shock dosage of vitamin A, which dissolves in fats. As a result, the nerve endings located in the retina receive sufficient nutrition. Along with this, the strengthening of the eyeballs is noted.

Also, a delicious diet salad with the involvement of this ocean dweller will become a source of nutrients for the brain. The point is that a high percentage of phosphorus available here is used as a protection against a possible stroke. This support is especially relevant for the elderly.

Those who care about the health of bones and teeth, go in for active sports, as well as children who continue to grow, cannot do without saury. All of the above are based on validated clinical studies.

Since the fillet contains not only calcium, but also vitamin D, this helps to strengthen the bone skeleton.

A kind of shield against osteoporosis is useful for people of age, as well as, if necessary, adhere to geriatric nutrition.

Another trump card here is antioxidants, which act as a “sponsor” of increasing hemoglobin, returning the blood formula back to normal. This kind of health care will soon pay for itself:

  • increased endurance;
  • improved sleep;
  • good performance;
  • prevention of oncological diseases.

The final positive quality of saury is called the properties of antidepressants. Since the components of the fish are a stimulus for the pituitary gland, it responds to the body by producing serotonin and endorphins.

Harm and contraindications

If we put aside the risks of becoming a victim of scammers who make canned food in artisanal conditions, there are still chances to harm your own body when consuming such a semi-finished product.

Typically, risks cover three main points:

  • knowing one’s own measure, since overeating threatens with indigestion;
  • a ban on eating children under the age of three;
  • caution when consumed by people with hemophilia.

Situations when a person has an allergy are considered separately. This rule applies even to those who do not lean on canned fish in its pure form, but eat it with an egg.

So, the beloved “Mimosa” can turn into a reason for hospitalization in intensive care. Moreover, some patients do not have a direct individual intolerance to the fish itself, but to other components of canned food.

You should also familiarize yourself with the list of possible contraindications, which included diseases of the pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder, thyroid gland.

If the gourmet leans on fatty foods, then the liver will surrender almost without a fight. Potatoes with a generous portion of mayonnaise and saury in oil is a direct way to another diagnosis appearing in the medical record.

Doctors also warn all those who have successfully recovered from Botkin’s disease that you can eat such goodies only six months after the completion of the course of treatment. You should not get involved in similar and people who are registered, being recognized as suffering from diabetes.

Cottage cheese and fish snack

Usually canned saury is used for a strictly limited range of dishes, since people do not have time to look for any other non-standard recipes. At best, they will make a salad with rice out of it, where the cheese will act as a topping.

If you want to diversify the fish diet, then you can try out a simple and at the same time original recipe.

To prepare a fish snack, you only need 200 canned fish, 120 g of cottage cheese and two cloves of garlic.

First, the main ingredients are sent to twist into a meat grinder. And only then garlic is added there, which previously passed through the press. After that, the mass is mixed.

To make it easier to spread on bread, liquid from canned food is added to the mixture. But here it is important not to overdo it, because due to the dryness of the cottage cheese, there is no exact norm. The consistency is brought to mind at its own discretion.

If you do not want to add garlic, then you can replace it with other spices at your own discretion, choosing the optimal proportions yourself.

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