Say “YES” to sex!

That’s right, with enthusiasm, and not formally, just to get rid of it. It means to say yes! love, say “yes!” life, says leading Australian sexologist Jacqueline Hellyer on her blog.

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Recently I was talking to a woman who loves to have sex and she admitted that she never refuses her husband, always answering him with great enthusiasm “Yes!”.

At one time, her mother told her that this was the best way to maintain happiness and relationships in marriage, and now she admits that her mother was right.

I couldn’t help but agree. I myself like to say “YES!” sex (meaning by this making love, not just sexual intercourse).

How can we get to the point where we can say “Yes!” to sex? really enthusiastic, and not just to get off? Not like thinking to yourself, “Well, if I have to,” or “Well, if only you would shut up,” or “Well, since you vacuumed the house, so be it.”

We shouldn’t say yes just because we feel obligated, or consider it our duty, or expect to get something in return. We have to say “yes” because intimacy with a partner is so nice. And even if you are not in the right mood yet, if you focus on foreplay and all this love foreplay, then with a high probability you will be very good later.

And after all, when you both experience this blissful post-coital state and feel how magical hormones are spreading throughout your body, how you are overwhelmed with love for your partner and happiness, and you feel young and full of vitality, you understand that it was not in vain that you said your “Yes!”.

And next time, saying yes will be easier and easier. This does not mean that every time it will be an enthusiastic “yes!!!” It is enough that in your “yes” there is openness and acceptance, something like “Yes. Why not? Let’s get started and see what happens.” And you also need to be in touch with yourself in order to understand what exactly you would like in this relationship, which involves security and mutual respect. Maybe you prefer to respond to your partner’s initiative, or maybe you say that you need to take a bath first or finish emails – “I’ll be ready (a) in an hour”, or do something else to prepare yourself for this. “Yes”.

Note that I’m not talking about the field here. In my practice, I equally encounter couples where the male has a stronger attraction, and couples where the libido is stronger in the woman.

It’s time to put an end to the myth that all men constantly want sex, and women, on the contrary, refuse.

As a rule, one of the partners has a stronger attraction, the second one has a weaker one. Moreover, the first is not at all some kind of sexual maniac who wants to use the other and force him to have sex. Most often, he (she) just loves you and wants to express his love through sex. It is hard for him if he is constantly denied. If you are the one with the weakest attraction in your relationship, try using your partner’s desire to help you get into the right mood. Say yes! his impulse, let yourself be desired, by those who are adored and idolized: “Here I am, take me!” And along the way, allow yourself to reciprocate his feelings as soon as you have them yourself.

When you say “yes” to sex, you are actually saying “yes” to the question of whether you deserve love and adoration. Saying “yes” to sex, we say “yes” to love, yes to life. If this concept is hard for you to accept, start small. Start with a “yeah…” as a cautious promise and let it grow into an enthusiastic “YES!”

Give yourself time to grow.

See more at Online The Guardian.

Jacqueline Hellyer is a famous Australian sexologist who blogs on her website

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