Savory and thyme (thyme): differences, photos

Many gardeners grow medicinal herbs in their garden. Among the plants popular are savory and thyme. Before planting, it is important to understand the characteristics of each plant, growing conditions and methods of application. Savory and thyme, the difference between which is described below, have similar and opposite features.

What is savory and thyme

To understand the issue, thyme and savory are the same plant or not, you need to study each species. These are undersized shrubs that are found on the territory of Eurasia. They belong to the same family. The confusion arises because the plant names are very similar.

Herbs have a number of external differences. To distinguish between savory and thyme, just look at the photos, drawings and descriptions of crops. Their main similarities are decorative appearance, spicy smell and medicinal use.

What does savory look like

Savory garden is an annual plant of the Lamiaceae family. It is also called pepper grass. It has the appearance of a shrub or semi-shrub, with branched erect stems, up to 50 cm high. The leaves of the culture are entire, green in color, located on short petioles. Shoots have a pleasant aroma. Flowering occurs from July to October. In autumn, the fruits ripen in the form of rounded nuts.

Savory and thyme (thyme): differences, photos

To determine if savory or thyme grows on the site, you need to look at the plant during the flowering period. The first type produces flowers from 4 to 15 mm long. They are collected in leaf axils. The color of the petals is bluish, purple or pink. Flowers are located along the entire length of the shoot. The shoot calyx is bell-shaped, regular in shape, with five teeth. The number of stamens is 4, the anthers are divided, they consist of two nests.

In culture, mountain savory is also known. This plant is resistant to frost and drought. It is planted in a sunny area. When grown in partial shade, fewer inflorescences form. The mountain variety blooms later: from July to September. Petals are white-pink with red spots.

Where grows

To find the answer to the question, is savory and thyme the same thing or not, the study of the distribution area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe plant will help. In nature, savory grows near the Mediterranean coast. In addition, culture is found in the middle lane in Our Country. It is cultivated in the Moscow region, the northwestern and southern regions.

The plant does not tolerate severe frosts. Therefore, its cultivation in colder climates is difficult. The area of ​​distribution also covers the steppe regions and Asian countries. Culture prefers rocks and rocky slopes.

What properties has

Savory is a popular spice. Greens are used fresh, dried, salted and pickled. This is an excellent seasoning for salads, first and second courses, sauces. The leaves and stems contain tannins, oils, resins. The taste of this spice is spicy and spicy.

Information! The leaves collected from the top of the savory shoots have the most exquisite aroma.

In cooking, savory was used by the ancient Romans. They added fresh shoots to the sauce, which was served with meat and fish. Over time, the annual spread throughout Europe. Dried grass improved the taste of cutlets, sausages and pies.

Savory is used in many national cuisines. It is one of the ingredients of the popular Bulgarian ketchup. The herb is also known in Moldavian, Armenian, Uzbek and Georgian cuisine.

Savory and thyme (thyme): differences, photos

To understand the difference between herbs, it is helpful to study the scope of each of them. Savory has a positive effect on the body:

  • fights pathogenic bacteria;
  • eliminates indigestion;
  • relieves of worms;
  • relieves colic;
  • has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect;
  • relieves signs of tachycardia, colds, cystitis and migraines;
  • improves appetite;
  • helps with vomiting;
  • relieves spasms.

In medicine, savory is a component for tinctures and teas. The herb is effective in flatulence and has an astringent effect. From the leaves, an essential oil is obtained, which has a bright spicy aroma.

Contraindications to taking savory are individual intolerance, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, it is not recommended to use the herb for atherosclerosis, heart disease, and serious digestive disorders.

What does thyme (thyme) look like?

Many people think that savory is thyme, because these words are very consonant. In fact, thyme has another common name – thyme. Therefore, the assumption that savory and thyme are one and the same is incorrect.

Thyme is a genus of plants that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. These are low-growing shrubs with a pleasant aroma. In total, there are several hundred types of thyme. In Our Country, creeping thyme is the most famous – a perennial in the form of a shrub up to 15 cm high. This is the difference with savory, which is grown as an annual.

Savory and thyme (thyme): differences, photos

Thyme forms large tufts. The shoots of the plant are recumbent, the stems with peduncles are straight or ascending. Leaves are elliptical or oblong. The length of the sheet plate reaches 10 mm, the width is not more than 3,5 mm. The leaves are located on a short petiole. The edges are not wrapped.

Thyme inflorescences are capitate and compact. Calyx – in the form of a narrow bell, up to 4 mm long. The corolla is two-lipped, its length is 8 mm. The difference between savory and thyme is the color of the flowers. In thyme, they are bright, pink-purple.

The flowering period begins at the end of May and continues until the onset of autumn. In September, fruits ripen, which are small nuts.

Where grows

Representatives of the genus Thyme live throughout Eurasia, from the Scandinavian region to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The scope of their distribution is very wide and covers the territory from Great Britain to Eastern Siberia. This is the difference with savory, which grows more often in southern countries.

Thyme prefers temperate climates. The plant is found in areas with rocky or sandy soil. These are steppe zones, roadsides, mountain slopes, forest edges, spaces under bushes.

What properties has

The difference between savory and thyme must be sought in the purpose of these plants. Thyme is an excellent honey plant. After pollination of its flowers, bees bring delicious and fragrant honey. In ancient times, dry leaves of grass were added to incense for worship. The pomace from its shoots is used to create perfume compositions.

Thyme has a strong aroma and a sharp, almost bitter taste. It is added to pork, lamb, mushrooms, pates and cheeses. In small quantities, it goes well with fried fish and liver.

Thyme shoots are used to make drinks. Young aerial parts are added to salads and homemade preparations. Grass gives a special flavor to sausages, teas, vinegar.

Advice! For medical purposes, creeping thyme is used, collected during flowering. The shoots are dried in the fresh air and crushed.

Savory and thyme (thyme): differences, photos

The difference between savory and thyme lies in the beneficial properties. The effect of thyme on the body is as follows:

  • the plant relieves pain in diseases of the respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis;
  • soothes the nervous system;
  • destroys pathogenic microbes;
  • produces a choleretic effect;
  • treats inflammation of the joints.

Medicinal teas and infusions are prepared from thyme. Lotions and compresses from it are effective for diseases of the joints, rheumatism, wound healing. Contraindications for admission are atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergies.

What is the difference between savory and thyme

The differences between thyme and savory are expressed as follows:

  • sphere of distribution of cultures;
  • appearance of plants;
  • bush height;
  • flower color;
  • ways of use;
  • impact on the body.

The main similarity between these herbs is their use in cooking. Plants have a pronounced aroma that enhances the taste of dishes. However, here too there are differences. Savory has a more pungent and spicy smell.


Savory and thyme, the difference between which is very noticeable, nevertheless have their own characteristics. These plants are grown in a summer cottage or harvested in a forest zone. The leaves and flowers of these species are used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Knowing the characteristics of these species and the difference between them will help you find the most beneficial use for these herbs.

9. Collecting herbs in May: thyme (thyme, thyme, savory)

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