
Alexander Dmitrievich Savkin — director and co-founder of the Coaching Institute, coach consultant, co-author of the first Russian book on coaching «Coaching in Russian — the courage to wish», initiator and organizer of the first Russian International Coaching Conference (November 22-25, 2002, St. Petersburg — Moscow, Saint Petersburg.

She has been working in organizational consulting since 1994.

In 2005, he entered the top three nominees for the title of «Best Coach of the Year» (exhibition and conference «Training 2005»).

Freelancer for Ernst & Young (2002-2004) and PricewaterHouseCoopers (2004-present).


Leningrad State University Zhdanov,

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics 1986;

St. Petersburg State University,

Practical psychology of personnel management, 1997;

St. Petersburg Consultative Initiative, London, UK, two-year basic training course on the theory and practice of transpersonal therapy, Jung’s analytical psychology and Assagioli’s psychosynthesis, 1993-1994.

NOU Training Institute, trainer of socio-psychological programs, 1996-98.

AVP (Mexico), Leadership Program «The Art of Living with Intention», 2000-2001

Main activities:

individual coaching of the first persons of various organizations,

carrying out and supporting changes in the organization, programs for the introduction of various innovations both in individual units and in the whole organization;

development and implementation of corporate and open programs in various areas of business psychology, including the exclusive program «The Art of Coaching in Management and Consulting»

Development of a coach training program for a two-year program at the Coaching Institute, conducting various blocks of this program and supervision.

Trainings for the formation and development of leadership qualities, conducted both in the gym and in natural conditions.

Clients for 2007-2009: United Metallurgical Company — Moscow; «Mittal» — metallurgy, Kazakhstan, «Komus» CJSC (St. Petersburg branch); «PEK» LLC — St. Petersburg; «Creative workshop of Tsytsin» St. Petersburg-Moscow; Mirax Group — Moscow, Kyiv, Montenegro; FC Uralsib, Construction Trust No. 36, OTP-bank — Kyiv; «Tetra-electric»; TGC-1.

As well as open coaching programs in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Vilnius, Klaipeda.

In his free time, he goes in for sports, swims in the water, enjoys astronomy, travels and just loves life.


+7(812)441-33-13, +7(495)784-24-12

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