The National Health Fund does not pay gynecology and obstetrics hospitals for over-performance and highly specialized procedures, reports Nasz Dziennik.
For example, the newspaper mentions the Saint Sophia Specialist Hospital in Warsaw, which for a long time does not receive money for premature births, blood transfusions, surgeries and other procedures performed in the case of premature babies.
Doctors are alerting that if the situation does not change, patients will be waiting in queues for some operations and treatments. Or pay extra from your own pocket.
– Nothing has changed in terms of over-performance. Both parties – the hospital and the payer – are bound by the value of the contract for the entire year contained in the signed contract. Only after the end of the year, the payer may start discussions with the service provider regarding the reported over-performance, commented Andrzej Troszyński from the National Health Fund in an interview with Nasz Dziennik. (PAP)