Sausage venom – what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of botulism

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Clostridium botulinum is the most dangerous bacterium that contaminates food, especially in frozen and refrigerated foods. The lethal dose of her toxin is 30 nanograms. Scientists have found out how to block its action. By the way … a new strain of this bacterium has also been developed to produce toxins of even greater virulence.

Botulinum venom and botulinum toxin

An international team of scientists from the University of California and Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, led by prof. Rongsheng Jin and prof. Andreas Rummel discovered how botulinum toxin penetrates into the blood. Botulism, i.e. botulism, is caused by the action of this toxin produced by the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Poisoning usually occurs as a result of eating stale cold cuts. However, it can also occur after eating canned meat, fish or even vegetables, usually improperly prepared at home. There are also poisoning with out-of-date or improperly stored cold cuts or canned food from the store. Botulinum toxin poisoning is very serious – up to 25 percent. of these are severe cases, in which aspiration pneumonia, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest, with subsequent death, may occur.

Botulinum toxin thrives well in frozen or refrigerated productsTherefore, doctors believe that with pressure to lower food prices, the number of food infections will increase even in developed countries. Botulinum neurotoxin is one of the most dangerous bacterial toxins – its lethal dose is 30 nanograms (nanogram is 0,001 milligram, 10-12 kilograms).

As previously stated, the toxin penetrates the inner mucosa of the small intestine and thus enters the bloodstream. However, the determining mechanism of its transmission was not known. To determine how the toxin enters the bloodstream, scientists constructed a three-dimensional computer model based on biochemical analyzes of samples taken from patients.

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Structure of botulinum toxin

As it turned out, the toxin molecule slightly resembles the LEM – the lunar lander of the Apollo spacecraft. It consists of the toxin proper and two independent proteins with a spatial structure resembling the landing gear of a lander. Scientists called them docking proteins. With their help, the toxin molecule attaches to carbohydrates on the surface of the intestine and is thus absorbed into the blood. Scientists decided to reverse this process. So they looked for a compound that would block the ability of docking proteins to bind to carbohydrates on the walls of the small intestine. The difficulty was that such an agent had to be administered orally.

After several more trials, it turned out that a simple molecular inhibitor – pylthiogalactoside (IPTG), a monosaccharide, when administered orally, almost completely blocked the ability of botulinum toxin proteins to bind to carbohydrates in the small intestine. When tested in mice, only two of the 20 rodents that were given the toxin and then IPTG were infected. And these passed the disease relatively easily, without being life-threatening, which means that the penetration of the toxin into the blood was low. According to scientists, such direct results of the research indicate a breakthrough in the treatment of botulism and lead to the quick preparation of a drug for this type of infection.

Earlier research by a team from the British Institute of Food Research, led by Dr.Michael Peck, defined a method of spore detection Clostridium botulinum. Early detection of spores of this bacterium helps to avoid contamination of whole food batches and determine which storage techniques are safe. Consuming even a gram of food in which these bacteria grow and develop means infection with botulinum toxins and, depending on the state of the body, botulism is milder or more severe.

For most infections caused by Clostridium botulinum is due to the action of two types of this bacteria – non-proteolytic and proteolytic. Proteolytic bacteria break down the peptide bond by hydrolysis, which breaks down proteins into amino acid peptides. Both types of bacteria form botulinum toxin, but the non-proteolytic variety of C. botulinum is able to grow and produce the toxin at 3 degrees Celsius, while the proteolytic type of this bacteria will not grow below 12 degrees C. This ability to grow at temperatures , in which food products are usually kept in refrigerators, poses a high risk, especially in the case of ready-made meals that are not deep-frozen and therefore easier for these dangerous bacteria to penetrate.

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The causes of botulism

Botulinum venom is nothing but botulinum toxin, a poison produced in food products contaminated with a stick of botulinum venom. Botulinum is considered to be one of the most powerful poisons in the digestive tract. To cause symptoms of poisoning, 0,001 μg / kg of botulinum toxin is enough. The most popular is food botulism, which usually occurs after the accidental ingestion of spore forms of bacteria (spores).

The main source of botulism is canned food. They contain spore forms which, when transforming into a vagetative form, reproduce under anaerobic conditions, and then undergo autolysis and saturate food with their venom. Poisoning can occur after eating canned food:

  1. vegetable,
  2. meat,
  3. fish,
  4. fruit.

Infection of canned food with botulism will suggest visible bloating in the upper or lower part of the can and a hiss when trying to open it. Sausage venom is also present in other, poorly stored products without access to air, e.g. delicatessen products, cold cuts and sausages. Their improper storage is a problem, especially in summer.

The symptoms of botulism

The first symptoms of botulism usually appear 12-36 hours after eating contaminated food. Sometimes this time is extended to two weeks. At first, the poisoned person shows:

  1. dry mouth (the venom inhibits the secretion of saliva and mucus),
  2. tiredness,
  3. disruption of sweat production,
  4. weakness,
  5. dizziness.

It is only after some time that the neurological symptoms begin to appear in the form of: ptosis, double vision, pupil dilation, photophobia, and convergent strabismus. Patients also begin to complain of increasing difficulty in swallowing food and excessive / reduced salivation. In addition, abdominal distension and problems with urination are characteristic, which is a consequence of damage to intestinal peristalsis. In addition, there is constipation. Death in botulism is most often the result of a paralysis of the respiratory system.

Patients who experience botulism recover very slowly. Muscle weakness and vision problems are the longest of these symptoms. Another type of botulinum toxin disease is a wound infection that resembles tetanus.

Infection can also be caused by botulism bacteria in honey (especially in infants, i.e. children up to 1 year of age). Babies have an underdeveloped intestinal flora that activates the toxin. The symptoms experienced by infants include constipation, lack of appetite and sleepiness.

Poisoning with dangerous botulism leads to complications in the form of:

  1. aspiration pneumonia,
  2. respiratory failure,
  3. cardiac arrest
  4. death (up to 25% of cases).

Treatment of botulism

People suspected of having botulism with these symptoms should see their doctor as soon as possible. Treatment of poisoning mainly includes gastric lavage, administration of laxatives and induction of vomiting.

Another method is the administration of antibiotic serum. Its purpose is to neutralize botulinum toxin and reduce nerve damage caused by its action. Unfortunately, it only works on a free toxin, not yet related to nerve endings, but it does not reverse the paresis that has already occurred (it will disappear with time). Usually, sera are administered even before botulinum toxin is detected in blood tests.

For people with severe symptoms of botulism, supportive treatment (e.g. feeding with a probe or assisted breathing under a respirator) is used for many weeks or months until new neuromuscular connections are formed.

If the function of the respiratory muscles deteriorates, it is necessary to connect a ventilator. Treatment is most often carried out in a hospital setting, but despite this, it is very often impossible to save the patient’s life.

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Detection of non-proteolytic bacteria

New detection method C.botulinum draws attention in particular to the non-proteolytic variety of this bacterium; especially that the presence of its spores in food usually means a significantly increased risk of the occurrence of a proteolytic variety. So far, only spores of bacteria have been detected, without any division into its types, which, as a rule, has a greater presence of a proteolytic variety C.botulinum it gave the illusion that the bacteria were not found in more frozen products.

The new method is based on labeling the samples with a specific peptide, which reacts in the presence of bacterial spores Clostridium botulinum. The sample is then stained and a color change from neutral to purple indicates that bacterial spores are detected. The degree of color indicates the degree of contamination of the sample with spores.

The same team of scientists working under the leadership of prod. Mike Pecka has made sequencing the genome of the newly discovered strain Clostridium botulinum. This strain is extremely dangerous for humans and animals, producing the A5 neurotoxin, the lethal dose of which for humans is about 60%. doses of the usual toxin C.botulinum. It was first isolated from infected wounds, but the team of Prof. Pecka has proven that it is also found in food. Our analysis of the bacterium’s genome showed that while the toxin it produces is unusual, the bacterium itself is very close to the strains known to date, meaning that it poses the same threat to food safety and biosafety in general, Prof. Peck.

The bacterial genome itself turned out to be quite complex – it took up 3,9 million base pairs and was structurally similar to other strains. Scientists have identified the gene that produces the toxin, and fortunately they have found no other genes responsible for a different type of toxin. Worse, the new strain is of the nonproteolytic genus, which means that it can multiply at relatively high temperatures. According to the Chinese news agency Xinhua, this summer In Beijing, two people died and seven became seriously ill after eating foods containing this strain C.botulinum. The sick and the dead were laborers who usually ate canned goods stored in the refrigerator.

According to the Institute of Food Research, both Clostridium botulinum varieties are protected by thorough freezing of food for quick consumption, especially ready meals. Transport is also very important, and it must take place from the manufacturer with cold stores with efficient refrigeration units and freezing indicators. Also in retail chains, especially in small delicatessens, ready-made frozen food should not be stored in refrigerated cabinets for a long time, and the cabinets themselves should not be placed in a point of the store where there is even a lot of sunlight for part of the day, which can damage the cooling system of the device.

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Forms of botulism

The following forms of botulism are distinguished:

  1. Food botulism – is the most common form of botulism and it occurs through the ingestion of products containing botulinum toxin.
  2. wound botulism – results from contamination of deep wounds, e.g. with soil in which botulinum spores are often found. Usually, about 14 days after the injury and contamination, symptoms typical of botulinum toxin poisoning develop, with the exception of digestive disorders.
  3. infant botulism – a form that most often occurs in infants from 6 weeks to 3 months of age. Poisoning may occur due to the consumption of natural honey or maple syrup, and it is these two products that are not recommended to be given to children until the age of 12 months due to the incompletely developed intestinal flora. The character initially manifests as a deterioration in appetite, reduced sucking, profuse salivation and soft crying. You may also become constipated. Then, the cranial, respiratory and innervating nerves of the peripheral muscles are paralyzed, causing the child to laxity and symptoms of respiratory failure.
  4. inhalation botulism – the use of a toxin as a biological weapon.

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Does cooking kill sausage venom?

Be aware that although botulinum toxin bacteria are hardy and heat resistant, cooking food (potentially contaminated with botulinum sticks) for a specified period of time can reduce the risk of bacteria multiplication and toxin production.

Due to the maintenance of high-quality food control, botulism is rarely caused by botulism on industrially processed products. However, botulism still occurs and affects products that have a short shelf life, do not require heating during production, and are vacuum-packed with carbon dioxide.

However, botulism is the most commonly referred to when consuming home-made preserves (preserves, jams and others). This is due to the process of their preparation, and more precisely, they are heated too shortly or at too low temperature, or stored incorrectly (e.g. not in a refrigerator).

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Sausage venom and thermal treatment

High temperatures can neutralize botulinum toxin, and cooking food for 10 minutes or heating it at 80 degrees C for at least 30 minutes reduces the risk of poisoning. It is very important to cook home-made preparations (e.g. fruit jams) for a sufficiently long time. Preferably for 3 consecutive days at least after an hour. This will ensure that botulism is prevented.

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Sausage venom and medical use

Botulinum venom is used to treat a number of therapeutic indications, many of which are not part of the approved drug labeling.

Sausage venom and muscle spasticity

Botulinum venom is used to treat a number of conditions characterized by overactive muscle movements, including cerebral palsy, post-stroke spasticity, spasticity after a spinal cord injury, spasms of the head and neck, eyelids, vagina, limbs, jaw and vocal cords. Sausage venom is also used to relax the tightening of muscles, including those of the esophagus, jaw, lower urinary tract, and bladder, or to tighten the anus, which can exacerbate an anal fissure. Botulinum toxin appears to be effective in treating overactive bladder syndrome.

Sausage venom and other muscle disorders

Strabismus is caused by an imbalance in the action of the muscles that roll the eyes. This condition can sometimes be alleviated by weakening a muscle that is stretching too much or a muscle that has been weakened by disease or injury. Muscles weakened by the injection of botulism recover from paralysis after a few months, so the injection may need to be repeated, but the muscles adjust to the length at which they are chronically held, so that if the paralyzed muscle is stretched by its antagonist, it lengthens while the antagonist shortens, giving a lasting effect. If binocular vision is good, the brain’s motor fusion mechanism, which aligns the eyes with a target visible to both eyes, can stabilize the corrected alignment.

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Sausage venom and excessive sweating

AbbotulinumtoxinA (BTX-A) has been approved for the treatment of unknown cause of excessive underarm sweating that cannot be treated with topical agents.

Sausage venom and migraine

In 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved intramuscular botulism injections for the prophylactic treatment of chronic migraine headache.

Sausage venom and cosmetic dermatology

In cosmetic applications, botulinum toxin is considered relatively safe and effective in reducing expression lines, especially in the upper third of the face. The effects of current botulism injections on glabellar lines typically last two to four months, and in some cases product dependent, and some patients experience longer duration of action.

By injecting botulinum into the muscles underneath the mimic wrinkles, these muscles relax, resulting in a smoothing of the skin that covers them. Smoothing out wrinkles is usually seen three to five days after injection, with maximum effect usually one week after injection. Muscles can be treated multiple times to maintain a smooth appearance.

Botulinum venom is also used to treat hyperactive nerve disorders, including excessive sweating, neuropathic pain, and some allergy symptoms. In addition to these uses, botulinum toxin is being evaluated for use in the treatment of chronic pain. Research shows that botulism can be injected into shoulder joints with arthritis to reduce chronic pain and improve range of motion. The use of botulinum toxin in children with cerebral palsy is safe in the muscles of the arms and legs.

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Side effects of the use of botulinum toxin for medical purposes

Although botulinum toxin is generally considered safe in a clinical setting, serious side effects can occur. Most commonly, botulinum toxin may be injected into the wrong muscle group or over time from the injection site, causing temporary paralysis of unintended muscles.

Cosmetic side effects generally result from unintentional paralysis of the facial muscles. These include partial facial paralysis, muscle weakness and difficulty swallowing. The side effects are not limited to direct paralysis, however, and can also include headaches, flu-like symptoms, and allergic reactions. Just as cosmetic procedures only last a few months, the side effects of paralysis can be of the same duration. At least in some cases, these effects fade away within a few weeks after surgery.

Injection site bruising is not a side effect of the toxin but rather the mode of administration and is reported as avoidable if the clinician compresses the injection site; when this occurs, it is reported that, in certain cases, it lasts 7-11 days. When injected into the masseter muscle of the jaw, loss of muscle function can result in the loss or reduction of the ability to chew solid food. Muscle wasting or losing strength can occur with continuous high doses. However, studies have shown that these muscles rebuild after a botox break.

The side effects of therapeutic use may vary much more depending on the injection site and the dose of venom injected. In general, the side effects of therapeutic use may be more severe than those associated with the use of cosmetics. They can result from paralysis of critical muscle groups and can include arrhythmia, heart attack, and in some cases, seizures, respiratory arrest, and death. Additionally, side effects common in cosmetics are also common in therapeutic applications, including swallowing problems, muscle weakness, allergic reactions, and flu-like syndromes.

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How to Avoid Botulism

The most important preventive measures are presented below.

1. When preparing preserves, remember to keep the products clean and pasteurized.

2. Food contaminated with botulism often smells of rancid fat, so be sure to smell your food.

3. Remember to check the use-by date before consuming the food.

4. Store food products in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

5. Canned food with bulging lids and hissing when opening them – always throw away.

6. Remember to properly store meat, cold cuts and delicatessen products. Do not refrigerate raw meat for more than three days. If you want to inhibit microbial growth, you can sprinkle them with lemon and then wrap them in cling film.

7. Products such as pate or black pudding can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

8. Dried and stewed meats retain their freshness for the longest time.

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