Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

people have long spoken of cabbage as a second bread. It was consumed all year round both fresh and pickled. She saved in the most difficult times, was the best help in the diet. They even ate cabbage pickle, it contains even more vitamins.

We will try to tell you how to cook sauerkraut according to the classic recipe. This white-headed vegetable was fermented in Our Country in large oak tubs, in which the harvest could be stored all year round, and remained crispy and tasty. Although today many make conservation in the bank. You can quickly ferment a vegetable both in its own juice and with brine. Classic cabbage is cooked with carrots and salt. Sometimes it is flavored with dill. But our recipe will be designed for a three-liter jar.

Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

The benefits of fermentation

Today, when fermenting, few people use barrels, most often they manage with enamelware or use cans. The method of fermenting vegetables in a jar has several advantages:

  • fermentation occurs naturally, quickly, without any additives;
  • thanks to the acid released during fermentation and being the best preservative, all useful substances are preserved in the preparations for the winter;
  • no pathogenic bacteria can survive in sauerkraut. Brine is the best preservative;
  • when fermenting in the traditional way, a minimum amount of salt is used;
  • classic recipes for pickling white cabbage do not involve the use of vinegar.

Cooking a pickled vegetable in three liter jars does not take much time, although it requires skill. Then the cabbage according to the classic recipe turns out quickly, it is crispy and tasty.

Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

These secrets will come in handy

Sauerkraut quickly is a classic of the genre. As a rule, it does not use granulated sugar and any ingredients other than carrots and salt.

  1. To get a quality harvest, use varieties of medium and late ripening.
  2. Forks choose tight, with a dried crown. On the cut, high-quality cabbage suitable for harvesting will be creamy white.
  3. The color of sauerkraut will depend on the method of cutting carrots: a finely grated root crop gives more juice, better stains the brine.
  4. For pickling, use enameled dishes or glass jars.
  5. Ferment on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (men’s days) when the moon is full.
  6. Salt vegetables only with rock salt. If there is none, take table salt without additives, intended for preservation.
Warning! Never use iodized salt: the cabbage will not only soften, lose its crunchiness, but also acquire an unpleasant taste.

Classic is always in trend

The recipes we offer are classic, and will be presented with step-by-step recommendations for fermentation. There are many recipes, but we will take only two: a quick way to get sauerkraut in its own juice and in brine.

Cabbage in own juice

We will tell you how to ferment instant white cabbage in glass jars. For a 3-liter jar of blanks using the classic recipe, we need:

  • white forks – 3 kg;
  • carrots – 500 grams;
  • salt – 2,5 tablespoons without a slide.
Advice! The classic sauerkraut recipe does not use sugar.

Fermentation features

Attention! Before starting work with the ingredients, prepare containers for the workpiece.

We thoroughly wash the jars with hot water and soda, rinse and steam over boiling water. If you are not satisfied with three-liter jars, you can take three liter jars. Sauerkraut is quick and consists of step-by-step actions:

  1. We clean the cabbage forks from the covering leaves, since it is on them that sand and insects remain. Cut into pieces, remove the stalk. You can shred in any way: with a knife or a shredder. The main thing is that the classic recipe involves fine cutting, as cabbage is fermented in a quick way.

    Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

  2. We wash the carrots from the ground, peel and wash again. Grate carrots into sauerkraut in its own juice on a grater with large cells.

    Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

  3. We put the prepared ingredients in a large basin, add salt and knead well with our hands until the juice begins to stand out.

    Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

  4. At the bottom of a 3-liter jar we put a cabbage leaf. Then we fill it with cabbage. It is inconvenient to tamp with your hands, so we use a rolling pin.

    According to any recipes, we do not fill the container to the top so that there is room for the brine.

  5. We insert a nylon cover inside, and on it a small plastic bottle of water as oppression and cover with a cloth so that dust does not get in. We put the jar in the pallet to avoid damage to the table.

    Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

  6. During fermentation, and it can last from 3 to 7 days, we pierce the classic cabbage to the very bottom to release the accumulated gases. If you do not pierce the cabbage, then bitterness will eventually accumulate in it.
  7. A cap of foam will also form on the jar, which must be removed. We cover the prepared cabbage with a nylon lid and store in the refrigerator.

We have given you step-by-step recommendations for making quick sauerkraut. You can always improve the classic fermentation recipe by adding cranberries, lingonberries, apples or other ingredients.

Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

cabbage in brine

Instant sauerkraut in brine according to the classic recipe, with its step-by-step actions, is not much different from the previous description.


Getting sauerkraut drenched in brine is much easier. It turns out not only fast preparation in the bank, but also significant time savings for obtaining the finished product.

We will have to prepare:

  • cabbage – 3 kg;
  • carrots – about 500 grams;
  • salt – 4 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • clean water – 2 liter jars.

How to act

If you decide to use this step-by-step recipe, then we do the work in this order:

  1. We clean the cabbage heads and chop them into strips.
  2. Three peeled and washed carrots on a coarse grater. You can use a Korean carrot shredder.
  3. We combine both ingredients and mix gently. According to the recipes for sauerkraut in brine, it is not necessary to crush vegetables strongly, they are only thoroughly mixed.

    Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

  4. We put the workpiece in a three-liter (you can use a liter jar) glass container and seal it well.

Fill with brine

We measure 2 liters of cold water with a liter jar, pour it into a saucepan. Pour the salt and sugar provided by the recipe, stir thoroughly. As soon as the ingredients are dissolved, pour the cabbage. On top, as always, the lid and weight.

Sauerkraut: a classic recipe for a 3 liter jar

Attention! Chlorinated tap water is not suitable for fermentation: chlorine will deprive the cabbage of elasticity and crunch.

Next comes the classic:

  • piercing the container;
  • removal of foam.

Sauerkraut in brine will be ready in 3-4 days. We spread it in a clean bowl, pressing down to release the juice, cover with lids and put away for storage.

As one of our readers says: “I’ve been simmering a white vegetable with this method for more than one year, the result is always amazing.”

Important information about sauerkraut

Fermentation allows you to avoid heat treatment, so all useful substances, vitamins and trace elements are preserved in the finished product. As a rule, when creating the right conditions for storage, you can use sauerkraut according to the classic recipe in a jar until the new harvest.

If you want to ferment a vegetable in a liter jar, reduce the amount of ingredients accordingly.

Sauerkraut – a classic quick recipe allows you to get a ready-to-eat product after a minimum of 3 days, a maximum of a week. At the same time, note that no preservatives in the form of vinegar are used. For cabbage, vinegar is a mortal enemy, as it kills beneficial properties. In addition, it changes the taste not for the better.

If you are fermenting cabbage according to the classic recipe without brine in your own juice, then it is better not to add sugar, as it speeds up fermentation. It is better to add this component just before serving when preparing salads. But for cabbage soup and stewing, sugar is generally not needed.

Tasty, crispy and simple:

Sauerkraut in brine .. Delicious. crispy The easiest recipe

Instead of a conclusion

In sauerkraut, useful substances are preserved by almost 100 percent. Its benefits to the human body have long been proven. It is especially important to consume pickled vegetables in winter to maintain immunity. The fact is that sauerkraut is compared with lemon in terms of the content of ascorbic acid. Although the latter loses in quantitative terms.

Despite the usefulness, the product has contraindications, since it has a very high content of organic acids:

  1. Firstly, it should not be consumed in large quantities by people with high acidity, gastritis and ulcers.
  2. Secondly, it promotes increased gas formation.
  3. Thirdly, hypertensive patients, diabetics and core patients can consume sauerkraut only in a minimal amount. Before use, it must be rinsed from excess salt. The use of sauerkraut in its pure form for people with such diseases threatens with edema.

The calorie content of the finished product is so low that many begin to include it in their diet for weight loss. This is a mistake, because the acid, on the contrary, kindles, rather than reduces appetite. If it is already included in the menu, then do without vegetable oil.

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