Useful properties and application of satiety round
Botanical characteristics of satiety
saty is a rhizomatous perennial plant, the height of which varies from 15 to 35 cm. This herb has tuberous thickenings on thin trihedral stems and roots. The gray linear leaves are endowed with short sheaths. Bisexual flowers do not have a perianth, they sit in small scale axils. Inflorescences are collected in graceful umbrellas. The fruit of saty is represented by a trihedral grayish nut. This plant blooms from April to May. Such grass prefers to settle along the banks of rivers and in rice fields. It is common in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Useful properties of satiety
The tubers contain an essential oil with an unusual camphor smell. The presented plant has an analgesic effect on the human body, and it is also able to reduce uterine contractions and stimulate sexual activity. Along with this, satiety is distinguished by anthelmintic and insecticidal properties. This herb greatly increases perspiration. The unique essential oil impresses with its antibacterial effect against coccal bacteria. Often, satiety is prescribed as a diuretic or wound healing agent.
A special infusion of satiety is indicated for fever, gastritis and neurosis. The use of the presented plant will help relieve pain during menstruation, as well as cure some gynecological diseases by eliminating blood stagnation in the pelvic region. It should be noted that satiety is considered an effective digestive stimulant. It significantly improves the absorption of food elements in the small intestine, stops diarrhea, and at the same time contributes to the complete destruction of all kinds of intestinal parasites. Modern doctors often prescribe such a plant for various yeast infections and candidiasis.
Application of satiety
A wonderful water infusion of satiety root tubers is indicated for serious stomach diseases. Along with this, such a medicine is used as a diaphoretic and powerful diuretic. To prepare such a miraculous herbal infusion, you need to take about 1 cup of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of crushed tubers. Pour dry raw materials and insist for about an hour, after which we carefully filter. It is recommended to take such a remedy 3 times a day for one third of a glass. Such a decoction has a stimulating effect on the digestive system with a simultaneous diuretic effect.
Syt round
Syt roundis is an unusual herbaceous plant with single trihedral stems. The height of such grass does not exceed 40 cm. Small linear leaves are complemented by umbellate loose inflorescences. Oblong-linear narrow spikelets have a rusty-red tint. Their covering blunt scales are egg-shaped and greenish in color and have sharp edges. The fruit is represented by a small trihedral nut (about 1,5 mm), which is characterized by a dark gray tint.
The habitat of the round satiety includes not only the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast of Europe, but also Africa, South and North America, as well as Australia and all of Asia. Such a plant grows in wet sandy places and along the banks of reservoirs.
Contraindications to the use of satiety
The presented plant has no contraindications for use.