Anita Tsoi almost never mentioned that for many years she suffered from a strange illness. Only recently did the singer decide to talk about him.
Anita Tsoi
On September 15, Anita Tsoi became a guest of the YouTube show
As it turned out, for many years Anita was a victim of an exotic parasite.
Many years ago, Choi went on vacation to Australia. Despite the doctors’ warnings, the woman did not receive all the necessary vaccinations, which she later greatly regretted.
On another continent, the singer was bitten by an unknown insect.
For a long time Anita did not attach any importance to the bite she received, until she had strange sensations.
“At first this place was just scratched like a mosquito bite. A few months later, I realized that there was movement and wiggling … ”- recalls the star.
As it turned out, the formation of an insect larva began under the artist’s skin, which usually only cattle bites!
Due to the fact that usually only animals suffer from this fly, doctors did not know how to rid Tsoi’s body of the parasite. To prevent the larva from entering the bloodstream and endangering the woman’s health, experts waited for the alien insect to hatch in an unusual environment for itself. It took ten long years!
“This is darkness. I was hysterical. I was forbidden to cut it out, move it – it had to be overgrown with a cocoon and the cocoon had to harden. He sat in me for ten years, ”said the star.
The larva under the skin brought Anita a lot of unpleasant worries – after all, from time to time she began to move under the skin, and also grew in size.
“This especially frightened my husband. Imagine: you are sleeping with your beloved woman, and there is something walking under the skin, ”the artist now jokingly recalls.
For a long time, Anita Tsoi suffered from an exotic disease
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Fortunately, the doctors’ predictions came true: when the invader completed the formation of the cocoon, he was removed from the body without any consequences for the singer’s health.
Photo: @ anitatsoy / Instagram, Андрей Калмыков / Healthy Food Near Me