Such advice at a master class in Yekaterinburg was given by Sasha Zvereva, a singer from the popular group “Demo” in the 90s, and now – a blogger and mother of three children. She also told how to lose weight, make your skin and hair beautiful, and your temperament – burning!
The master classes with which Zvereva travels across Russia is her joint project with endocrinologist Ilya Magerem. Their main message is: diet, that is, a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, can not only help to lose weight, but also, for example, solve the problem of infertility, recover from postpartum depression, strengthen immunity, a woman’s passion and even … a man’s loyalty!
– As Socrates said, we are what we eat. Eaten becomes our smell, hair, teeth, skin … Based on what you want to be, you should eat.
Why is it important to eat a lot of protein? Because everything in our body consists of it! When a girl cannot get pregnant (especially if she is an athlete who uses protein to build muscle mass), she may not have enough protein to build a new body. This also includes the problem of miscarriage. Also, protein “delivers” fats, oxygen, vitamins throughout the body … If there is a lack of protein, you can drink vitamins, but they will immediately come out with urine without exerting any effect.
One of the main functions of proteins is enzymatic: that is, enzymes are formed from proteins that help break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, if you have indigestion, then instead of medication to improve digestion, it is better to eat a little protein food.
Another life hack is associated with the next function of proteins – the immune. We feed the children with protein, and then without fear let them go to visit sick friends – if the child gets sick, he will suffer a mild illness, because he has enough immunoglobulin.
Protein is very important for the body
Many hormones are made from protein. For example, prolactin, a lack of which leads to a lack of milk, as well as thyroid hormones, insulin, FSH and LSH (responsible for pregnancy), prolactin, adrenaline and oxytocin (the hormone of love and fidelity). The latter is produced if you eat enough protein and hug a lot with your loved one. Therefore, so that the husband does not walk, feed him with protein and hug him more often.
Foods that are rich in protein: meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets), cheese, milk, fish, mussels, shrimp, squid, caviar, lentils, beans, peas, nuts, tofu.
You need to eat at least 1,5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. By the way, 100 grams of meat is not 100 grams of protein. 100 g of beef contains only 24 g of protein.
Don’t wanna be frigid? Eat cholesterol
It used to be the opinion that fat is bad, it makes us fat. But – no, carbohydrates make us fat. And there is only one benefit from fats.
Fats are divided into three types: phospholipids – they make us beautiful, triglycerides – generate heat and warm us, cholesterol is a source of sex hormones. There are many rumors associated with the latter. For example, advertisements say that “you cannot fry in such vegetable oil, because it contains solid cholesterol.” This is not the case: cholesterol is formed only from animal fat. And you cannot fry in vegetable oil because of the carcinogens that are formed when it is heated.
I am often asked why I am a vegetarian – I eat eggs and fish? I just don’t want to become frigid. Because with a lack of cholesterol, the level of testosterone, which is responsible for orgasms, decreases.
Fats are also needed for passion
We also have to thank cholesterol for the hormones estradiol (responsible for femininity, softness, smell), progesterone (pregnancy hormone), DHEA (promotes mental activity), cortisol (helps to adapt to the environment), aldosterone (regulates blood pressure), hormone D (increases immunity). By the way, the latter is just a hormone, not a vitamin. It is produced in sunlight from 12.00 to 16.00, or under the influence of cholesterol.
How do all these hormones regulate a woman’s life? At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, all hormones are inactive. In the middle, that is, towards ovulation, they jump – testosterone goes off scale – you want intimacy. At this time, the increased estradiol provides our natural softness, femininity and pleasant aroma. And progesterone while “sleeping” and waiting for fertilization. If it didn’t happen, then it started: PMS, mood swings and other “delights”.
And if pregnancy occurs, then progesterone grows until the baby is born. After childbirth, hormones drop sharply, prolactin comes into play, and women develop postpartum depression. This is due to the fact that nature “blocks” us for a while until we feed the offspring. Have you noticed that the first year after giving birth you don’t want anything at all, and your husband is going crazy? This is because all hormone levels drop. So, in order for the menstrual cycle to go smoothly, and depression bypassed, you need to eat enough cholesterol.
Fat-rich foods: butter, vegetable oil, ghee, milk, sour cream, lamb, beef, pork, lard, salmon, trout, herring, mayonnaise (homemade only), nuts.
You should eat at least 1 g of fat per 1 kg of weight per day.
Do you want to eat sweets and lose weight? Run after the cake
You don’t need to give up carbohydrates, but you should be careful
Carbohydrates are sugar, some of which are stored in the liver as a reserve. For example, you got stuck in a traffic jam, there is no way to eat, then the body will take energy from the liver.
Many nutritionists prescribe fractional meals. But fractional meals lead to a constant feeling of hunger associated with a frequent release of insulin. So you can earn insulin resistance, it is fraught with type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, it is right to eat when you want. Just like refueling a car: we filled a full tank and went to spend it.
It is only important not to be mistaken with the type of carbohydrates. They are slowly assimilated – we eat them when there is a calm day ahead, and quickly assimilated – we use them if vigorous physical activity is ahead. You yourself are your ideal nutritionist, because no one but you knows what you will be doing in the next couple of hours. If you plan to cook borscht, water flowers, read a book – eat slow carbohydrates. If you are going to jog, then you can refresh yourself with easily digestible carbohydrates. But if you ate a cake and lay down to lie down, then this will lead to the accumulation of excess weight, and with it to dark skin on the elbows and acanthosis (dark stripes on the skin). And a child with an excess of fast carbohydrates becomes hyperactive, so it is better not to give chocolate and cake at night.
Slow Carbohydrate Foods: fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, peas, cereals, lentils, whole grain bread.
Fast Carbohydrate Foods: sweets (sweets, cakes, cookies, waffles, ice cream), flour (buns, pancakes, pies), sugar, sugary drinks (juice, soda), instant food (fast food, doshirak), honey.
It is not the amount of carbohydrates that is important, but the calories. The criterion for excess is an increase in insulin more than 11 μU / ml, triglycerides more than 1,0 mmol / L of blood (these indicators can be checked by taking a blood test).
Do you want healthy teeth? Give up milk!
Zvereva claims that dairy products are not good, only harm
I don’t eat meat, I don’t drink milk. But if the Nazis came to me and made a choice – to eat meat or drink a glass of milk, otherwise my family would be shot, I would choose meat. Because there is at least some benefit in it, and in milk there is only harm and destruction of my body and health. Since childhood, we have been so instilled in the dogma: “Drink milk, children, you will be healthy” that now it is difficult to believe that it is wrong. But it is so.
The human body is designed in such a way that the milk protein, casein, is never digested in any way – we simply do not know how to break it down. Only one creature is capable of this – the calf, which secretes renin, which is able to break down casein. A woman’s breast milk also contains casein, but in different proportions, and it is not foreign. Children, while feeding on milk, along with it, receive an enzyme that helps break down casein. With the end of breastfeeding, the production of the enzyme in the baby stops, and he will never be able to digest milk again.
The intestines of a newborn are all in small pores, which absorb low molecular weight proteins (immunoglobulins). These pores also get cosein. But the animal, unlike the human, is very fat, therefore it reveals them. From there, foreign proteins enter the bloodstream. Our body tries to destroy them and sends out an army of antibodies. Therefore, if we drink a lot of milk, the autoimmune reaction rises – as a result, it is difficult for the body to resist many infections, such as viral hepatitis, streptococcus, herpes.
Casein is a protein made up of amino acids that are arranged in a specific order. It so happened that the hormone insulin, which is responsible for sugar, has a similar molecular structure. And when the body sends antibodies to fight the casein, but at the same time kills insulin. Therefore, incurable type XNUMX diabetes is twice as common in children who received cow protein (including powdered formula) in the first year of life.
Green vegetables are the best source of calcium
It is believed that from dairy products we get the calcium necessary for teeth, bones and the proper development of pregnancy. But the paradox is that by using them, we not only do not acquire calcium (although it is in them), but also spend our own reserves. As I said, we do not metabolize cosein. It lies in the stomach for 10 hours, at which time the body tries to process it by sending hydrochloric acid there. The entire environment in our body – saliva, blood, mucous membranes – is alkaline, so acidification is bad, it leads to cancer. And the increased acidity must be neutralized. How? Calcium – after all, it is also an alkali. Yes, there is calcium in cottage cheese or milk, but there is so little of it that it is not enough to extinguish acidity after dairy products. And the body has to waste calcium from bones and teeth.
Another cause of milk harm is cow mastitis. Absolutely every box in the supermarket contains a certain percentage of cow udder pus due to milk yield. Industrialists say: “It’s okay, we pasteurize milk.” But in this case, calcium residues die.
Lactose is taken from casein, which, under the action of the enzyme lactase, is split into glucose and galactose. The latter is also not assimilated in an adult, therefore it is deposited in subcutaneous cells, joints, and the retina of the eye. This is how cellulite, arthritis, cataracts appear.
Where, then, to get calcium? Look at a cow – she’s not sucking another cow’s udder. She eats green grass. Anything green has a lot more calcium than dairy. And these foods are easily digestible.
Foods rich in calcium and magnesium, without which calcium cannot be absorbed: kale, spinach, broccoli, parsley, dill, salads.