Sasha Black is pregnant

Sasha Cherno and Iosif Oganesyan got married a little less than a year ago – in December 2018. Now a new stage has begun in the life of the spouses: they announced that they are expecting a child. 

Sasha Black is pregnant

December 22, 2018 Joseph Hovhannisyan and Sasha Cherno became husband and wife

The marriage of 26-year-old Sasha Cherno and 28-year-old Joseph Hovhannisyan cannot be called ideal. The spouses are one of the most controversial participants in “House-2”. Fights and mutual insults are also not uncommon in this pair. However, it seems that love is stronger. 

On November 21, Sasha announced the most pleasant news to the fans. “Guys, I’m so happy! I want to convey my joy to you too: my husband and I are expecting a baby! It was very unexpected and unplanned for us, but very handy. I was looking for answers, looking for, and the answer is where it was. My meaning in life, ”the TV star wrote emotionally.

“How much we have passed with you! I am immensely happy, I love you! Guys, we are expecting a baby! ” – echoed his wife Joseph on his Instagram. 

Iosif Hovhannisyan and Sasha Cherno – one of the brightest couples of the TV set

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The couple did not report the gestational age. Unknown to fans and the gender of the future baby. However, knowing the guys, we will be devoted to all the details of Sasha’s pregnancy very soon. Healthy Food Near Me monitors the accounts of the spouses. 

@_iosif91, @sasha_cherno93_official/Instagram

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