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The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causes great confusion, especially among the chronically ill. The Polish Diabetes Society has taken a position on this issue and collected the most important guidelines and information for people with diabetes. This is a very important topic for our readers. To your e-mail [email protected] every day we receive many questions from concerned diabetics. What is worth knowing about?

People with diabetes and the risk of COVID-19

The Polish Diabetes Society explains that people with diabetes are not more likely to develop COVID-19 than people in the general population. The problem, however, is that diabetic patients who develop COVID-19 have a higher risk of developing severe complications and deaths than healthy people.

“In addition, there is a correlation between the number of comorbidities (eg diabetes, heart disease) and the risk of developing severe complications of COVID-19 (the more diseases, the higher the risk)”, reads the PTD statement.

Diabetes control plays an important role here. If diabetes is well controlled, the risk of developing severe symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection is similar to that seen in the general population.


People with untreated and uncontrolled diabetes who have large fluctuations in blood sugar levels are at greater risk of developing complications if they become infected.

It is worth knowing that a viral infection, not only that caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, can lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes. This increase can lead to the development of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus – ACE-inhibitors and insulin preparations

The Polish Diabetes Society also draws attention to the fact that drug manufacturers do not report problems with access to insulin preparations and other agents resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the producers, the pandemic in no way affects the production and distribution of drugs needed by diabetics.

At the same time, PTD points out that, in the light of the current information, there are no grounds for giving up ACE-inhibitors and sartans in the treatment of diabetes.

See also: Ibuprofen Worsens COVID-19 Disease? WHO and the European Medicines Agency take the floor

Guidelines of the Polish Diabetes Society for diabetics in the face of the coronavirus

PTD publishes a list of guidelines for diabetics with a plan on how to protect yourself in the event of a possible illness. PTD recommends preparing a list of telephone numbers to doctors, therapeutic team, pharmacy and insurance company, as well as preparing a list of all medications (including vitamins and supplements) that a person with diabetes is taking. What else?

It is worth preparing a set of products containing simple sugars (jelly, hard candy, carbonated drinks) in case of hypoglycaemia or severe weakening of the disease. In addition, you should have a supply of insulin available for a week in case you cannot get a prescription. Glucagon and urine ketone test strips (in case of insulin treatment) will also be useful. PTD recommends collecting the necessary household items and food products.

In order to prevent the disease, take all precautions: wash your hands frequently and for a long time, do not touch the face area with your hands, disinfect your hands with alcohol-based preparations if you do not have access to water and soap. In addition, you should avoid touching surfaces in public places and crowded, poorly ventilated rooms.

The entire guidelines for diabetics, prepared by the Polish Diabetes Society, can be found on the website.

Letters from our readers:

  1. The wife should rest, not be afraid and stressed that something with the baby may be wrong [LETTER TO MEDTvoiLokony]
  2. I do not want to expose myself to people who have to buy pants during an epidemic [LETTER TO MEDTvoiLokony]
  3. I am 33 years old and pregnant, which is at risk [LETTER TO MEDTvoiLokony]

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers

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