
At the word “sardine” in my head there is a picture of an opened tin can with several fish in oil, a crust of bread and green onions nearby. And this is easily explained: it’s quite difficult to get fresh sardine, but canned fish are waiting daily on the shelves of chain supermarkets and stalls at the entrance.

Fresh sardine is a rather unusual ingredient. The fish is quite bony, so it’s definitely not suitable for a rich soup. But the pickled / canned fish can be eaten directly with the bones (they become very soft and edible), prepare a quick snack, sandwich or fish salad.

General characteristics

Sardine – commercial fish, belongs to the herring family. The sardine itself is tiny: the length does not exceed 20 centimeters, and the maximum weight is 150 grams. Bone fish inhabits the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Sardines gather in huge flocks and together organize their life cycle. The flocks lie at great depths far from the coastline, so as not to catch the eye of local fishermen.

In Natal, South Africa, a record flock of sardines was seen. More than 5 billion fish were recorded in it, which followed the cold current and gradually formed a giant school. Large sea inhabitants watched the accumulation of fish with interest, and then hunted.

There is nothing unusual in the appearance of the sardine: a spindle-shaped body of a silvery or whitish hue, crowned with small but dense scales.

Once a year, whole flocks of sardines approach the coastal zone. This is due to the movement of the zooplankton that fish feed on.

Useful Properties

Fish contains easily digestible protein. The body spends a minimum of time / energy on the absorption of the product, but receives prolonged saturation, high nutritional value and a whole range of beneficial properties. Sardine is a record holder for phosphorus (P) and cobalt (Co).


Cobalt regulates the level of red blood cells in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, creates additional protection for the heart, and regulates the level of thyroid hormones. In addition, with a lack of cobalt, the body experiences “cobalt pneumonia”.


Phosphorus strengthens bone tissue and helps form a high-quality muscle corset. Nutrient accumulates energy in the human body through participation in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The element increases the digestibility of other vitamins and minerals: the body works less, but receives twice as many useful components. Phosphorus also affects the condition of bones, teeth, hormones and chemical reactions in the body.

Vitamin D

The nutrient is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, stimulating calcium-phosphorus metabolism, preventing the development of rickets and osteoporosis. The best natural source of vitamin D is sunlight. Given the specifics of the climate, vitamin is available to us only in the spring-summer period. In the cold season, the body has to wait for outside help. Such help should be sardine. The content of “solar vitamin” in fish is 1500 IU per 100 g.


Another important component of sardines is polyunsaturated fatty acids. All mankind knows about the properties of Omega-3: we force ourselves and our children to drink fish oil, take pills from blisters, and various dietary supplements. But herbal components are always better than chemical ones due to their composition, percent of digestibility and benefits. 1 tablespoon of fish oil loses to fresh ocean fish not only in quality but also in taste. Look for a healthy, and most importantly, a pleasant alternative to satisfy not only the needs of the body, but also nutritional receptors.

Omega-3 is a kind of prevention of thrombosis. The component prevents the pathology of the heart and blood vessels, improves blood flow to the capillaries and fills the body with energy. As a result, we get beautiful skin, a clearly functioning gastrointestinal tract, a healthy heart, and, importantly, a healthy mind.

What else is good sardine:

  • minimizes the manifestations of psoriasis and other skin pathologies;
  • improves vision, nourishes and supports the work of the retina;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • strengthens the protective function of the immune system;
  • prevents the development of asthma.

Chemical composition

Nutrition value (per 100 grams of ocean sardine)
Caloric value166 kCal
Proteins19 g
Fats10 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water69,2 g
Ash1,8 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of raw product)
Retinol (A)0,01
Thiamine (V1)0,01
Riboflavin (V2)0,15
Pantothenic Acid (B5)1
Pyridoxine (V6)0,7
Folic acid (B9)0,0062
Cobalamin (B12)0,011
Ascorbic acid (C)1,13
Tocopherol (E)0,48
Biotin (N)0,00024
Niacin (PP)4,04
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of raw product)
Potassium (K)385
Calcium (Ca)80
Magnesium (Mg)40
Sodium (Na)140
Sulfur (S)200
Phosphorus (P)280
Chlorine (Cl)165
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)2450
Iodine (I)35
Cobalt (Co)30
Manganese (Mn)50
Copper (Cu)185
Molybdenum (Mo)4
Nickel (Ni)8
Fluorine (F)430
Chrome (Cr)55
Zinc (Zn)80

Use in cooking

Fresh sardine is a rare guest on our grocery shelves. Freshly prepared fish is the prerogative of specialized fish establishments that independently supply from abroad. Chain supermarkets chose their path and prepared meter-long shelves for canned sardines. A variety of marinades enveloped in fish, chained in a shining metal fortress. Marinades are really unimaginable: from your own juice with spices to sweet extraordinary combinations. But the quality of such a product is difficult to judge. The safety of canned food depends on many factors, among which the credibility of the manufacturing company is not in last place. To get 100% confidence that you put on a plate, it is best to cook the fish yourself.

Pickled Sardines Recipe

It is impossible to be absolutely sure of the safety of the purchased fish. In addition, the presented assortment is not always able to satisfy the taste buds of spoiled buyers. Independently pickling sardines is one of the simplest culinary manipulations that is available to everyone. Change the ingredients, look for original flavor combinations and try to experiment with the taste palette.

Nutritional value (based on the 1 portion of the finished dish)
Caloric value477 kCal
Proteins7 g
Fats47,9 g
Carbohydrates6,1 g

We need:

  • sardines – 15 pcs;
  • white wine vinegar – 13 tablespoons;
  • olive oil – 180 ml (can be replaced with your favorite vegetable);
  • lemon juice – 50 ml;
  • greens to taste – 50 g;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • a pinch of coarse salt.


Remove the ridge from each fish. This can be done with a special knife, but, having adapted, you can do this surgical manipulation with ordinary kitchen utensils. An easier option – buy already processed sardines or ask the seller of the fish department to get the ridge first. Clean the insides from the fish, thoroughly rinse each sardine, lubricate the abdomen from the inside with wine vinegar (one tablespoon will be enough for one fish) and put in a deep container. Salt with coarse salt and leave to marinate for 5-10 minutes.

Transfer the pickled carcasses to a colander, let the excess liquid drain, and the fish itself will dry out a little. Put the sardines in a suitable baking dish and add the marinade.

Preparing the marinade: mix oil, lemon juice, chopped greens and heads of garlic in a small bowl.

Pour the marinade over the entire surface of the mold, massage the fish with your hands so that the meat is saturated with oil and spices. Wrap the mold tightly with cling film to block air and odors. Send the fish to marinate for the night, in the morning the snack will be ready for use.

How to choose sardines

If everything is very clear with the choice of fresh fish (a quality producer and a decent appearance), then canned food can cause problems. Take the choice of the product with the utmost responsibility, because a pleasant nursery can hide a whole nursery of pathogenic bacteria.

Manufacturer’s authority

Authority is a thing that has been developed over the years, so it really should be trusted. If you have found a really good manufacturer that offers the best value for money, then stop searching and enjoy the result.

Packaging integrity

The only thing that is available to the consumer eye is packaging. Opening banks one after another in search of perfect sardines is prohibited, and this is justified. Make the most of what you see. The label should be aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, holistic. If the label lags behind the base, “smears” your hands with poor-quality factory paint or is torn from the slightest manipulation – put the jar in its place and look for a better option. Perhaps this is precisely the bank that fell into the minimum percentage of factory defects. If all the goods of this manufacturer are equipped with the same characteristics – leave the counter. High-quality plants are equipped with high-tech equipment, which does not allow even a minimum error.

Implementation period

On the tin can must be “knocked out” the term for the sale of the product. Next to the packaging date should be the batch number, shift and abbreviation of the assortment code of fish. This assortment code is different for each country and each fish species. It can be easily broken through a convenient smartphone search engine. Assortment code must match the content. If you are holding a can of sardines in your hands, and the code tells you that it is a river herring, then you should think about the real contents of canned food.

The absence of an assortment code is a gross violation of the law. Most likely, the product was made “underground” and does not have the legal right to be eaten.


The composition of each food product is regulated by state standard. The mark of compliance with the standard (with its abbreviation and serial number) should be on the label. Canned foods should not contain “complex” ingredients, various emulsifiers or flavor enhancers.

Remember: the simpler the composition, the better and safer the product.

Contraindications to use

There are 3 direct contraindications to the use of sardines – hypertension, gout, a tendency to salt deposition in bone structures. Fish provokes sharp jumps in blood pressure, which will negatively affect a person’s condition, can “strengthen” gout, increase the level of salt deposits.

Exclude the ingredient from the diet should be those who suffer from individual intolerance to fish. A similar phenomenon is rare, but still takes place. Look for herbal analog products (for example, broccoli, sesame oil, soybeans, pumpkin seeds) and monitor your health.

With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, it is allowed to eat only boiled, steam or baked fish. The use of canned food must be reduced to zero, since they can adversely affect the current state of the disease.

Do not forget about the permissible dosage of fish. 2-3 fish meals per week will be enough to nourish the body with useful components and prevent side effects.

What are the risks of overeating fish? An imbalance of polyunsaturated fatty acids develops in the body, which leads to diseases and a decrease in overall functionality. Moreover, there is a risk of contracting hazardous methylmercury compounds through fish and seafood. 2-3 doses per week exclude the possibility of accumulation of pathogenic substances, so control your appetite and form rational eating habits.

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