Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

We fight with the blue food. Blue is often one of the most obvious signs that a food is spoiled or toxic. We are so mistrustful that even dishes of that color can take away or, at least alter, our appetite. Nevertheless, blue food has its point. Not only for its appearance, but for the nutritional value it gives off due to anthocyanins, the pigments responsible for its color.

Today Summum We propose you a journey through the most attractive and gourmet blue foods, from blueberries to blue potatoes. And for some of those who are more fashionable, such as spirulina or blue latte.

Why you should eat blueberries

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

Is blue food par excellence. The cranberry It is a berry rich in vitamins A, B, C and K, manganese, among other nutrients. It also has a high content of tannins and tannic acid, responsible for both its slightly astringent flavor and its antibacterial properties.

The blueberry is reputed to be protect the system cardiovascular, support eye health and improve concentration. Although its true “superpower” is in its high antioxidant capacity, that is, the ability to counteract oxidation caused by free radicals. The taste of blueberry, sweet and wild is concentrated in your skin, so the smaller, the more exclusive and gourmet.

Espirulina, blue power

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

The spirulina It is halfway between an alga and a bacterium and stands out for its high protein content (it contains more than meat or soybeans), something that makes it an ally for those who want to do without animal protein in their diet.

It is also rich in beta carotene, B vitamins (including B12), iron, essential minerals (especially calcium, but also magnesium, zinc and selenium), omega-3s, essential amino acids and antioxidants! In addition, it is very energetic and acts positively on the immune system.

It is marketed above all in the form of a dietary supplement, in capsules or tablets, and we can add it safely, although little by little, to fruit juices, smoothies, cream or just water. Of course, its main attraction, in the age of Instagram, is that it dyes everything blue. Trendy food is blue.

The Blue Latte is a trend

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

It all started in Australia, in the cafeteria Match Milkbar, which named Blue Algae Latte a drink made from almond milk, coconut nectar, pineapple, ginger and Blue Majik, a spirulina extract.

El Spirulina Latte o Blue Latte is another hot drink based on milk (or vegetable drinks) that conquers social networks for its beautiful and attractive color. Fortunately, you don’t have to go that far to try it. Religion Specialty Coffee, in Madrid, prepares its Blue latte with blue spirulina powder, coconut milk and a sweet ingredient that they do not want to reveal. To try.

Have breakfast with diamonds surrounded by the most exclusive blue

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

Is Pantone 1837 and it is conspicuous by its absence in any Pantone chart of any designer or design studio. The Blue Tiffany existe, but it is a trademark that is produced exclusively for the legendary jewelry founded in 1837 (hence its name).

That Turquoise was chosen corporate color by himself Charles Lewis Tiffany in 1845 and is inspired by the brooches that Victorian-era wives used to give to the service and that wore a turquoise stone. The Blue Tiffany is pure luxury.

How about a breakfast surrounded by that TOP color then?Blue Box Café It is the cafeteria of Tiffany located on the fourth floor of the famous flagship store on Fifth Avenue. Here you can have breakfast with coffee, tea, croissants, bagels, avocado toast and seasonal fruit. The price is around $ 30 and the dishes are also tinted blue. Of course, reserving a table is still an impossible mission!

Do you dare with the Blue chai?

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

The butterfly pea flower is a plant with an intense blue color. Its scientific name is Clitoriaternatea and it is native to India and Southeast Asia. Its high content of flavonoids and anthocyanins is behind its antioxidant power. Among its other virtues would be to stimulate memory, calm the nerves and help strengthen the immune system. No wonder it is nicknamed “blue matcha”!

Once dry, the blue flower is crushed and added to food, changing its color and giving it an elegant blue hue. The Blue chai It is a tea without caffeine that is obtained from the infusion of this flower. It could be the next hot drink.

Mexican snacks, with a blue touch

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

Blue is one of the most gourmet corn varieties. Once again, the reason for its eccentric color and virtues are the anthocyanins that color the grains a purple-blue hue. And not only that.

Anthocyanins are effective antioxidants and give this type of corn a higher nutritional value than other common varieties, such as white or yellow. What’s more, contain B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Blue corn flour is used in Mexican cuisine to make tortillas that are unlike any other, neither by color nor by flavor (nor by price, since they are usually more expensive).

A very Summum proposal: veal Tlacoyos from Tepic Mexican restaurant made with Mexican blue corn.

Vitelotte, the discreet charm of the blue potato

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

“The choice will be everything except easy and indifferent: the grays whose skin is stony are the worst, the best are undoubtedly the violets, even better than the red ones, known in Paris under the name of Vitelotte”. So he spoke Alexandre Dumas of the violet potatoes in his famous gastronomic work ‘Cooking dictionary’.

It is a variety grown in Belgium and France, very exclusive and gourmet. On the outside, its skin is dark blue and on the inside its flesh is rather purple. It is also nicknamed “Black truffle”. The purple potato tastes slightly nutty and the touch it donates to an appetizer table is simply priceless. Su color and its properties are once again related to anthocyanins. In addition, Vitelotte does not absorb much fat and this makes it the ideal choice for making French fries and chips.

How to correctly pair a blue cheese

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

Our rejection of the blue food reaches levels of pure terror when it comes to blue cheeses. You have to be a big cheese lover to face a bite that has neither a smell nor a pleasant aspect (that mold!). Nevertheless, blue cheeses they are the quintessence of gourmet cheeses.

Cabrales, Roquefort, Bleu d’Auvergne, Bleu de Bresse, Gorgonzola, Stilton, Blue Cheddar. The cause of this “gastronomic miracle” is the Penicillium cultures that are strained into the pasta and provide a color between blue and gray-green. Pairing a blue cheese is not easy, but the art of pairing, art and not certain science, has two strong points.

Search for harmony or search for contrast. The best blue cheeses are sweet wines, such as Moscatel, Oloroso or Pedro Ximénez. Or, as for almost all cheeses, ripe and sweet fruit, such as pears and grapes. Pure excellence.

Blue Mojito: wellness squared

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

It is an ancient drink, but its recent success has multiplied its appeal and its possibilities by a thousand. La kombucha It is the fashionable fermented tea drink, it is purifying, energizing and antioxidant.

La Blue Mojito is one of the options of the exclusive line of kombuchas launched by the group Teresa Carles Healthy Food. It has yuzu, mint and spirulina. And it sports a nice bright blue shade.

Jamun, exotic blue

Sapphire Breakfast: All About Blue Food

El jamun It is an exotic fruit of Asian origin to which the Ayuverda recognizes medicinal virtues, among them, the control of blood sugar. How true it is very rich in antioxidants, as revealed by its intense dark blue color, vitamins, essential oils and minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium.

Its scientific name is Syzygium cumin and belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It can be eaten fresh, in jam or in juices, smoothies and shakes and boasts being digestive, mineralizing and diuretic. Do you dare to try it?

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