Santa Lucia (Santa Lucia)

Specialists of CJSC “Minsk Grape Wines Factory” proved that real sambuca can be made outside of Italy. Strong anise liqueur Santa Lucia is produced according to classical Italian technology, and an elegant bottle of unusual shape will decorate any feast. The price of a drink of the highest quality is much lower than that of the more famous sambuco. Although the production of “Santa Lucia” began recently, the popularity of the liquor is increasing every year. The drink is currently exported to 16 countries.

Sambuca Santa Lucia is a colorless, transparent liqueur with a sweet taste and rich aniseed aroma, 40% ABV.

Despite the “youth”, sambuca “Santa Lucia” was awarded several prestigious competitions:

  • the title of laureate of the contest “The Best Goods of Belarus-2012” in the nomination “Food Products”;
  • a silver medal at the Moscow exhibition “Prodexpo-2013”;
  • diploma of the winner at the Minsk competition-tasting “Gust-2013”;
  • gold medal at the Moscow exhibition “Prodexpo-2014”.

Santa Lucia (Santa Lucia)

Historical reference. CJSC “Minsk Grape Wines Plant” is a private company with completely Belarusian capital, founded in 2000. The owners built two factories: wine is made at the enterprise in Minsk, alcoholic beverages – in Brest. The factories are equipped with modern fully automated lines.

After 15 years, the company entered the top ten largest taxpayers in Belarus. Taxes paid by the company account for 1% of the country’s budget.

In 2012, the Brest branch of CJSC MZVV launched the production of a series of Italian Santa Lucia liqueurs: sambuca, limoncello, amaretto. Drinks are produced under the brand name Flirt.

The director of the company, I.N. Trotsky, is a principled opponent of any synthetic additives. For the manufacture of sambuca “Santa Lucia” infusions of herbs and spices on grain alcohol of the “Lux” class are used.

The secret of the company: alcohol infusions are diluted with specially prepared blended water from artesian wells, which makes it possible to soften the taste of the drink. Alcohol is filtered with natural birch activated carbon. Therefore, after moderate use of liquor, there is no hangover.

The company’s mixologists recommend drinking sambuca traditionally, with three coffee beans. Lemon and orange slices go well with the liqueur. If the drink seems too sweet and strong, it can be poured into a very chilled glass and diluted with grapefruit juice.

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