Sanitation of the vagina is a procedure that is carried out not only in the conditions of a hospital inpatient department. The technique is successfully used at home with proper skill and special preparations prescribed by the doctor. They are antiseptic drugs that will need to treat the external genitalia of a woman.
Manipulation is part of a comprehensive treatment aimed at reducing any inflammatory process with localization in the delicate area. The same approach is used before childbirth, or as preparation before surgery.
When is rehabilitation needed?
Having figured out what sanitation means, women begin to look for lists of official medical indications for its use.
Initially, only lotions or washings were involved for such an action. But today, the pharmaceutical industry has moved much further, offering an expanded range of tools to make it happen. Candles that are easy to use on their own are in special demand.
Despite the development of technology, according to statistics, the percentage of victims of vulvovaginal infections has not decreased over the years. It is believed that about two thirds of patients in a gynecological hospital have a pathogenic microflora of a mixed type. Because of this, the therapy of an inflammatory lesion requires an integrated approach, and the treatment itself is usually delayed.
In this situation, conventional antibacterial drugs of the spectrum of action will not cope with the task. Sanitation is designed to alleviate the situation, which protects the external genital organs from the penetration of pathogens further – to the reproductive organs. The latter include the uterus with appendages.
Indications and contraindications
The average woman is faced with the need to cleanse the vagina before surgery on the genitals. But in most cases, this is done for her by junior staff, since the victim herself is already under the influence of anesthesia.
Many gynecologists insist on the need to perform such actions during pregnancy in order to protect against the possible development of a strong inflammatory process. The regularity of the procedures should be clarified at the time of the next preventive examination by a gynecologist in the antenatal clinic.
When a microbial agent enters the uterus directly from the vagina after the placenta has been separated, the likelihood of a septic process increases. The risks even extend to the baby, who must pass through the birth canal and at the same time catch a dangerous infection. If labor activity was extremely difficult, then you can not do without sanitation even after childbirth.
The list of the most common prerequisites for the appointment of sanitation includes several common diseases such as:
- bacterial vaginitis;
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- fungi;
- viral lesions;
- non-specific viral conditions;
- local or large-scale inflammation of the gynecological organs, which are located in the small pelvis.
Sometimes manipulation improves the condition with some other anomalies associated with the reproductive system, but here you need to consult a specialist in each case separately. If everything is done according to simple instructions, then the effect will not be long in coming even with a severe form of the course of the disease. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of patients who have evaluated the effectiveness of the method.
The exact price of the course of therapy will directly depend on the duration of treatment, as well as the medications that are treated in the basis of the program approved by the gynecologist. Sometimes simple antiseptics are enough, which are easy to find in any pharmacy.
But with rare anomalies, it is necessary to involve the introduction of vaginal suppositories, which cost more than standard preparations for washing.
Despite a whole bunch of medical indications, sanitation has several significant contraindications. Among them, pregnancy is especially distinguished, which, along with the ban, is an indication. The confusion is caused by the fact that it is allowed for ladies in an interesting position to use rinses, but it is strictly forbidden to use instrumental techniques.
Among other, more understandable indications, there are:
- inflammation at the acute stage of the course;
- menses;
- uterine bleeding;
- an allergic reaction to an antiseptic;
- high body temperature;
- general severe condition.
To avoid the likelihood of a collision with anaphylactic shock, it is enough to conduct an allergic test in advance on a safe area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin.
If it turned out that the body does not take pharmacological drugs, you can look for an alternative. It is ultrasonic cleaning, which is offered by many modern clinics.
In order to level the risks of a possible infectious infection, the preparatory stage before hysteroscopy, colposcopy, oncocytology is never complete without sanitation. All three points provide for a detailed examination of the uterine cavity, where pathogenic microorganisms should not reach. Even the standard installation of an intrauterine device does not occur without prior antiseptic treatment of the vagina.
When a woman, even if she is carrying a baby, has lesions of the genitourinary system, as is the case with ureaplasma, then the course of treatment will not do without sanitation.
Especially pregnant women should pay increased attention to personal hygiene in the early stages, as well as in the third trimester. For many expectant mothers, it is in the period from 34 to 36 weeks that Candida is flexible. It is forbidden to stop his vital activity by systemic methods, such as taking antibiotics or other drugs, because of the likelihood of harming a young family member. Then sanitation will come to the rescue, which does not provoke swelling of the mucous membranes, protecting the birth canal from possible injuries.
Drug classification
The algorithm of the procedure remains identical at home and in the inpatient department of the hospital. For the first time, a doctor can show how to do everything according to the instructions. Then the woman will be able to repeat everything at home without outside help.
The most important thing at this stage is to use only the remedies recommended by the treating specialists, without changing the procedure, dosage and number of times. A good medicine, which is designed to help in a short time, should have a number of qualities that enhance effectiveness:
- high-speed performance;
- antifungal work;
- antimicrobial protection;
- antiviral protection.
The drug will have a pronounced effect against the simplest organisms. But at the same time, the increased activity of the funds should not be stopped by purulent or bloody discharge, if it has come to that.
Schematically, all antiseptics can be divided into three broad camps: a narrow therapeutic focus, polycomponent formulations, and means of a non-specific spectrum of action.
All of them are suitable for different clinical cases, sometimes needing to be combined with other drugs. The first category is considered gentle and effective at the same time. But you can use medicines from there only after the tests with clearly defined results. Only with their help will it be possible not to miss the diagnosis.
But due to the fact that it is often problematic to quickly establish a specific lesion, doctors prefer to play it safe by prescribing a remedy with a strong active ingredient. But for such productivity, you will have to pay with the inhibition of the development of lactobacilli.
Non-specific drugs are often confused with narrow-profile representatives of the pharmacological market, but these are two different categories.
Non-specific analogues work selectively, protecting other organs from their effects. But even here everything is not too rosy, because they often provoke an allergic reaction.
Today, pharmacists have moved forward, offering almost every year new solutions that allow you to work on the destruction of the primary source of the gynecological problem during sanitation really quickly.
At the same time, new generation liquids, which are used according to the scheme, are able to act against several types of microorganisms at once. And lactobacilli will remain in order. On the basis of solutions, suppositories began to appear later, which are an order of magnitude easier to introduce on their own, using the introduction of tampons as a template.
Other types of sanitation
To achieve the desired result, the doctor must first conduct a test to identify the pathogen, as well as determine the nature of the disease. It is about the degree of neglect of the disease.
Traditional monotherapy is usually prescribed immediately. But in especially advanced situations or when it is impossible to constantly follow the previously established instructions, it is better to change the treatment format.
With an increase in the prevalence of mixed infectious lesions that capture pathogenic bacteria and viruses, it is better to approach the issue in a complex manner. This applies not only to the need to involve pills or injections, but also to the need to use special tools.
The last word of technology on a given topic is vacuum sanitation, which is based on three pillars:
- antiseptic solutions;
- vacuum;
- vibration.
The method has one goal – to remove dead cells of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Removal is carried out together with all the microbes that have gathered in the cavity. Such a careful approach guarantees a deeper penetration of the medicinal substance.
Together with the cleansing of infection, tissue renewal occurs, which is the key to the formation of a healthy environment inside the vagina. The main indications for the use of a vacuum unit are cervical erosion and concomitant inflammatory diseases. The ultrasonic version of assistance works a little on a similar principle. It cleanses the vaginal mucosa deeply, which awakens the restoration of the epithelium of the genital tract. This version of help pleases with productivity against the background of painlessness.
Method effectiveness
Having figured out how to carry out reorganization, it remains to decide which way it should be done. If we are talking about hospital conditions, then it is better to trust professionals.
The nurse will offer the victim to sit in the gynecological chair, and then she will treat the vagina with a swab previously soaked in the drug. If necessary, a vacuum or ultrasound is involved.
At home, a woman will have to inject drugs into the vagina that stop inflammation of various etiologies. Before the actual procedure, it is worth carrying out hygiene measures. It will take about three weeks to repeat the procedure to completely neutralize the danger.
During therapy, the problem area first gets rid of pathogenic microorganisms, and then gradually becomes populated with beneficial bacteria. For this, probiotics are involved, the composition of which in abundance includes lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
Regardless of the source of the lesion, you must first consult a doctor, and only then start buying medicines for sanitation. Otherwise, you can cause microbial resistance to the drug, or bring the body to a more serious condition.