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Sanguine is one of the types of temperament distinguished by psychology. Characteristics of a sanguine are openness, creativity and emotional stability as well as open communication of feelings – if the sanguine does not like someone, he will say it directly, and vice versa – he will openly show his sympathy.

Temperament types and characteristics of a sanguine

In the second century AD, the physician Galen distinguished between four types of temperament, drawing on distinctions from the ancient physician Hippocrates. Both thinkers believed that the human body contained substances such as bile, phlegm, blood and melanos – the black bile responsible for negative moods. In their opinion, it is these substances or juices that influence human behavior and specific temperamental traits and the character attributed to the person. Melancholicy they have a predominance of bile – yellow and black (melanos) in their bodies, which makes them prone to depression and withdrawal from life and contacts with other people, cholera are people whose bodies are dominated by bile, which makes them quick-tempered and sometimes overly ambitious, phlegmatics they have a predominance of phlegm and are rather cautious in action and interpersonal contacts in the body they can’t get it blood predominates.

Sangwinicy They are sometimes referred to as people who are eternally young in spirit – they are generally cheerful and spontaneous, endowed with a sense of humor and easy approach to everyday problems. They don’t worry too much, or at least they don’t worry about just any reason, as they are in the habit of, for example, melancholicy. They are not unforgiving, they can forgive others mistakes and minor unpleasantness suffered from them. They quickly and easily win over people, but also get bored quickly and constantly strive for something to happen in their lives. They cannot stand stagnation and routine, believe that life is there to live it to its fullest and also have a great time at the same time. Sangwinicy they are good speakers, usually characterized by a creative approach to life and professional problems. Typical sangwinik is a colorful, energetic, enthusiastic character who is flexible about tasks and contacts with others.

Advantages and disadvantages of the sanguine

Sangwinicy are extroverted people, open to relationships with others and to getting to know the world in its various aspects. They like to experiment and travel, because nothing irritates them more than stagnation, routine and boredom. To their advantages they must be optimistic about life, sociable, creative, quick to make decisions and just as quick to act. They are great actors, marketers, and speakers. They do not get stressed unnecessarily, believing that there will be a way out of every situation. To the disadvantages they can’t get it they include a tendency to dominate and a strong drive for power over other people, as is the case with cholerics. Sangwinicy however, they are not as ambitious and determined as the Choleric people, which is why they sometimes have the so-called straw enthusiasm. Another feature the sanguineswhich can be viewed as wada, is their tendency to color and color stories, which may be seen by some listeners as confabulation or a lie. Some also consider people with a temperament they can’t get it too cocky because sangwinik he usually has a very high opinion of himself, and nothing enjoys him more than being able to talk about his own life and interests. Sangwinicy sometimes they tend to run away from a boring, gray, prosaic life into a fantasy world where they fulfill their dreams of a colorful, adventurous life. This can turn into escapism and a reluctance to face the real challenges of everyday life. Sangwinik It will be perfect at work where contact with people is required, as long as it will be able to perform its professional tasks in a creative way. His allergy to stagnation, routine and boredom, and his inability to see his own wad however, it can sometimes make that sangwinik he will appear to be too carefree, even arrogant.

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