Sanepidy will no longer provide data from poviats. We will only know the number of infections nationwide
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As announced by Krzysztof Saczka, currently acting as Chief Sanitary Inspector, a new model of reporting cases of infections and deaths has been introduced from today. Backlog infections that were previously overlooked were added to the total number of infections. We are talking about over 22 thousand. cases.

  1. The Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate are changing the method of reporting COVID-19 statistics. Today, more than 22 have been added to the overall pool of infections. cases that “got lost” in previous reports
  2. Due to the change in reporting, sanitary and epidemiological stations will no longer show statistics for voivodeships and poviats
  3. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The problem with under-counted infections

During the press conference, the GIS referred to the discrepancies in the reporting of infections by provincial sanitary and epidemiological stations and the reports of the Ministry of Health. It turned out that the reports are missing 22 thousand. infections from different provinces. The problem was previously highlighted by Michał Rogalski, who collects and analyzes data provided by the Ministry of Health and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Today these cases, 22 to be exact, have been added to the total number of infections. This means that 594 people have been infected in Poland so far. Only today the Ministry of Health informed about 909 new infections. In addition to dividing the cases into voivodeships, a message appeared: 066 infections are data without indicating the address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.

A new way of reporting infections

After yesterday’s announcement by the GIS of a new method of reporting infections, the announcement of the Ministry of Health regarding new cases has changed. Today, in addition to infections in individual provinces and the number of deaths broken down into deaths due to COVID-19 and due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases, the following message has also appeared: 227 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.

We asked the Ministry of Health if this data would be reported in some way and whether we would find out to which provinces the new infections would eventually be assigned. Just like 22 infections, which today have been added in bulk to the pool of general infections. From the point of view of keeping statistics on the development of the epidemic in Poland, these data are really important.

Sanitary and epidemiological stations will not show their reports

It turns out that the change in the reporting method also affects the reports published on their websites and social channels by voivodeship and poviat sanitary and epidemiological stations. This change was reported, among others, by WSEZ in Rzeszów and WSEZ in Gdańsk.

«Due to the change in the method of reporting and presenting data, we will stop publishing daily reports from tomorrow. Data on # SARS_CoV_2 infections will be published by @MZ_GOV_PL and @GIS_gov directly from the relevant information systems »- we read on Twitter of WSSE in Gdańsk.

– I received information from the director of the PSEZ that there will be no publication of reports from today. This is due to the prohibition of the Chief Sanitary Inspector and it applies to the entire country. Now we will see only nationwide figures, which do not translate much into what is happening here – in our company, Jarosław Dudkowiak, starost of Głogów, quoted by the portal

Therefore, the only source of information about statistics will be the Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. Michał Rogalski commented this in his own style: As of November 24.11, all PSEZs will cease to publish any data on SARS-CoV-2 on their websites. These data will be made public in a centralized manner. This is openly cutting off citizens from any verification of this data! – he wrote on Twitter.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. When is the national quarantine? [CURRENT DATA]
  2. Coronavirus in Poland – statistics for voivodeships [CURRENT DATA]
  3. 27 thousand COVID-19 tests. The expert explains what the cause may be

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