Sandman white and meadow

Useful properties and use of naps

Botanical characteristics of white doze

Sandman white and meadow

Sandman white – an annual or biennial dioecious herbaceous plant of the clove family. It reaches a height of 45–100 cm and has a branched knotted stem. The leaves are elliptical, pointed at the ends, opposite. The flowers are white, unisexual, collected in an apical semi-umbrella in a fused tubular calyx. The plant blooms in June-July, after which the fruits ripen – oval multi-seeded boxes with 10 teeth at the top.

Dormouse grows in meadows, on the edges of forests, in bushes, near housing, it is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the CIS, except for the Arctic regions. The plant propagates by seeds. Usually the flowers open in the late afternoon, emitting an amazing and delicate aroma, the petals are closed during the day. Before the rain, drowsiness flowers also bloom, and by this sign you can determine the weather.

Useful properties of naps

Sandman refers to medicinal plants and is widely used in folk medicine. For recreational purposes, the aerial part of the white nap is collected in June-July – during its flowering period. Less often, roots and seeds are used, which are collected in the fall. All parts of the plant contain flavonoids and saponins, although there are more vitamins, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives in the leaves, fatty oil is included in the fruit. The plant is also rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and calcium salts.

Slumber preparations have analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and mild hypnotic effects. Most often they are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, poultices.

Application of nap

An infusion of white doze is taken as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism, colitis, stomach pain, and kidney dysfunction. The infusion is also very calming and helps with insomnia. Decoctions of leaves and flowers are prescribed for epilepsy, for contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period, for umbilical hernia – in the latter case, the decoction is not only taken orally, but also compresses are made from it. Decoctions from the roots are used in homeopathy.

In the literature, there is information that the seeds of the white doze are used to treat tumor diseases, mainly neoplasms in the intestines. The seeds are used in tinctures and decoctions.

Herbal infusion: 20 g of crushed leaves and flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and put on a “steam bath” for 15 minutes. After this, the remedy is insisted for 45 minutes and filtered. The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of seeds and roots: take 15 g of a mixture of seeds and roots, pour 250 mg of boiling water and boil in a “steam bath” for about 30 minutes. The finished broth is cooled, filtered and diluted with hot boiled water to the previous volume. Take 2 tablespoons of decoction 2-3 times a day.

Poultices: dry or fresh slumber grass is doused with boiling water and wrapped in gauze in the form of small pads that are applied to hemorrhoidal bumps and swelling.

Sandman meadow

Sandman white and meadow

This meadow grass from the clove family has straight, branched stems up to 1 meter high. The flowers are solitary, large, at the end of the stem are collected in a dense inflorescence. Leaves elliptical, sessile, opposite. The plant blooms from June to August, propagated by seeds. The fruit is an ovoid capsule with ten teeth, which contains many seeds. From one plant, you can collect up to 10-12 thousand seeds. The length of each of them is 1,6 mm, the width is about 1 mm.

Meadow drema is ubiquitous, littering pastures, orchards and orchards, it also prefers wastelands, ravines and weedy places. The plant can be found throughout Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asia and the Caucasus. In folk medicine, it is used as a medicine, being at the same time a valuable feed for livestock. Fresh leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are usually used as raw materials, less often roots and seeds.

Infusions and decoctions of meadow drowsiness are taken as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, choleretic and sedative drug. It helps with toothache and headache, epilepsy, increased heart rate, insomnia, nervous tension. The herb will soothe pain in the stomach and reduce pain in rheumatism, it will contract the uterus well after childbirth and will come to the rescue with colitis. Tinctures and decoctions of seeds are used for tumor diseases.

In addition, the roots can form foam, so they can be used to make soap.

Contraindications to the use of naps

Contraindications for this plant have not been particularly studied, since the nap is not used in official medicine. It is recommended that the exact dosage be observed. You can not use decoctions and infusions for gastritis with zero or low acidity, for colitis with constipation, as well as for severe intestinal dysfunction.

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