Sandalwood (E166)

Sandalwood can be found in the southern rainforests. It grows in India, Southeast Asia and Ceylon. Its unique wood is highly valued in these countries, because it has long been used to rejuvenate, increase immunity, and get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, it has proven itself well in aromatherapy. The woody-oriental fragrance of sandalwood relieves stress and tension, helps prevent headaches.

On the basis of the acid contained in this exotic plant, a food supplement E166 is made – a dye, which is called sandalwood.

The main characteristics of the nutritional supplement

You can often hear the name sandalwood, but it has long been considered obsolete. This dye has other names: santal, santalin, santalwood.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the International Agricultural Organization assigned the E166 index to this substance, which classified it as a food additive. This product belongs to the group of dyes, but at the same time it has excellent preservative properties. Previously, such a coloring pigment was mined exclusively in a natural way. To do this, crushed the characteristic burgundy core of sandalwood. However, at present, cutting down this exotic plant is prohibited, since due to its valuable properties, it is on the verge of extinction. It is used exclusively for the extraction of a unique essential oil, which is widely used in the perfume industry.

Therefore, red pigments for the manufacture of such a food additive are isolated from other tree species that have red wood. The resulting raw material is treated with ethyl alcohol or ether, and then extracted with various solvents, which are usually chloroform, hexane or lead acetate. Since chemical processes are used to produce this food additive, it is included in the group of synthetic substances.

Santalin has a bright saturated red color and looks like a crystalline powder, and sometimes a liquid. Very soluble in acids and alkalis, as well as in ethers and ethyl alcohol. Absolutely insoluble in cold water, slightly soluble in hot water. There is no smell from this substance.

In alkali solutions, the additive E166 changes color to purple. Also, the shavings acquire a purple hue when interacting with air, and over time it generally turns into blue.

An interesting fact is that there are about thirty-five types of sandals. Some of them are quite interesting, for example, logwood has the same red wood as other representatives of its kind, however, when processed, it turns out a blue dye, not the expected red.

Application of food additive Е166

In Russia, the food additive E166 is not produced or supplied. And some concerns in Germany use this synthetic dye in the production of fabric dyes. Among these stand out:

  • Marabu;
  • Braun’s Heitmann GmbH;
  • Kreul and others.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Sandalwood dye has not found wide application. But in the industry of India, it can be found in the composition of various spices, toothpastes, tea blends and many powders that are used for fumigating premises.

In addition, such food coloring is actively used in the cosmetic industry. Balms, perfume soaps and hair dyes are prepared on its basis. By the way, such an additive is also found in elite products made in Germany and France. It is mainly used there for the manufacture of hair dye.

In the textile industry, sandalwood-based dyes are often used to dye fabrics produced by German factories.

Previously, this food coloring E166 was very often used for painting icons, but due to the very high cost of raw materials, the use of this substance had to be stopped.

If you combine this substance with iron oxide salts, you can get black-violet ink, which is very popular in China and beyond.

Harmful and dangerous properties of food coloring E166

Until now, scientists from various countries are studying this substance and its effect on the human body. At the moment, it is reliably known that sandalwood supplement is toxic and can cause poisoning when ingested.

In addition, some negative effect of this food coloring on the functioning of the endocrine glands has been noticed. The use of the E166 additive in the food industry is prohibited in the Russian Federation and some other countries, since its effect on the human body has not yet been fully studied.

Summing up

Sandalwood is a beautiful bright red dye obtained by synthesizing chemicals. In the international classifier of food additives, it is marked with the E166 mark. However, it is unlikely that a corresponding marker can be found on any food products, since the use of this food additive in the Russian Federation and abroad is prohibited. Scientists have not yet figured out what harm such a synthetic substance can cause to human health, but it is known for certain that there is no benefit from it.

Such a substance is used exclusively for industrial purposes for the production of hair dyes and fabrics. Eating it can cause poisoning and malfunction of some endocrine glands.

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