Sand in the kidneys – what is the risk? Pain can be hard to bear [EXPLAIN]

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Sand in the kidneys is the common name for deposits that accumulate in the kidneys, primarily in the renal pelvis and ureters. Sand in the kidneys leads to kidney stones, which is why prevention is so important. A properly balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Is it possible to cure sand in the kidneys? Which doctor should you go to?

  1. Sand in the kidney is a deposit that builds up in the renal pelvis and ureter, and is not excreted in the urine
  2. Sand in the kidneys is an introduction to kidney stones, so it is imperative that the patient is under the constant care of a doctor
  3. Sand in the kidneys can be seen during urination, but is often asymptomatic
  4. What is conducive to the formation of sand? Too little daily fluid intake, a diet with a predominance of animal protein, as well as some chronic diseases
  5. You can find more information about health on the TvoiLokony home page

Sand in the kidneys – symptoms

Our urinary system filters about 180 liters of blood every day and extracts from it substances that are unnecessary and should be excreted with the urine. When the concentration of these substances is too high and they cannot dissolve, they form fine deposits that remain in the ureter. What are the crystals made of? The main substances that make up the deposits are mainly phosphates, uric acid, oxalates and calcium compounds. As time passes, these plaques get heavier and larger and turn into kidney stones. Kidney stones prevent the outflow of urine from the body, they are also the cause of kidney stones and kidney colic.

Why is sand formed in the kidneys? Conditions that favor sand formation are:

  1. a small daily dose of fluids drunk
  2. a diet rich in animal protein
  3. frequent urinary tract infections
  4. diseases such as: diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism
  5. some medications, for example calcium supplements, vitamin D, thyroid hormones

What symptoms does sand in the kidneys cause? Most often, symptoms appear during urination, sand in the kidneys alone does not give any characteristic symptoms, it may even be asymptomatic. The patient is diagnosed when he shows up at the doctor’s or in the hospital with symptoms of kidney stones. With an attack of renal colic, acute pain in the lumbar region is primarily seen, the patient urinates a little, nausea and vomiting may appear. Blood that appears with urine is also characteristic of renal colic.

It is worth supporting the work of the kidneys, regardless of whether we have any problems related to them or not. We recommend a tincture supporting the proper functioning of the kidneys by Klimuszko, which contains herbs that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system. We also recommend Kidneys – a herbal mixture according to Andreas Moritz’s recipe, which has a diuretic and detoxifying effect.

Sand in the kidneys – treatment

For the diagnosis of sand in the kidneys, it begins with basic urine tests. The specialist also orders an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and in some cases an X-ray of the abdominal cavity is also performed. How to treat sand in the kidneys? It is very important in the treatment to drink the right amount of fluids, about 2 liters of water is recommended to wash out the sand in the kidneys. Sand can come off the ureters at different rates. If a kidney stone is formed and it does not exceed 10 mm, it is most often excreted spontaneously with the urine. Unfortunately, there is no specific cure for sand in the kidneys. Most often, the doctor decides to prescribe painkillers, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With frequent attacks of renal colic, the patient should have diastolic medications in his home medicine cabinet, which should be taken at the first signs of renal colic.

When the stone is larger than 10 mm, the risk of inflammation of the urinary system and anuria increases significantly. More invasive methods should then be used: endoscopic removal of the stone, and breaking the stones with a laser or ultrasound is also used. A properly balanced diet is also important during the treatment.

Take care of your kidneys and the entire urinary system before any problems with it even arise. Try Kidney – a liquid supplement. Reach for organic tea for healthy kidneys with birch and juniper.

Find out how your kidneys are working. Perform the Kidney Disease Diagnostics – Blood and Urine Tests package, which you can safely and conveniently buy on Medonet Market.

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