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More than 1000 people have already been referred by sanatoriums for tests for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Passing such a test and obtaining a negative result is a condition for starting a rehabilitation stay. Sanatoriums will start receiving patients on June 15.

Sanatoriums have already issued over a thousand orders for tests for the presence of coronavirus at drive thru points for people who plan to go to health resorts – according to the post of the president of the National Health Fund, Adam Niedzielski, posted on Wednesday.

Sanatoriums return on June 15

After three months, the health resorts resume treatment and rehabilitation activities suspended due to the epidemic on Monday, June 15th.

The basis for a trip to a sanatorium is a negative coronavirus test result, which in turn is performed on the basis of a referral for treatment. The provincial branch of the National Health Fund shall inform in writing about the date and place of such examination. The test can be performed free of charge at drive thru points, but not earlier than 6 days before the start of the spa treatment, informs PAP.

The president of the National Health Fund announced on Wednesday that the first swabs have already been collected. As of Tuesday evening, the sanatoriums had issued over a thousand orders for examination in the drive thru.

People who had to stop the spa treatment after March 15, but it did not last longer than 15 days due to the spread of the coronavirus, will be able to continue it on the basis of the previous referral. The rules here remain the same, but the stay is reduced by the number of days already used. The inmate must also go to a sanatorium in such a case by September 30.

What about missed patients?

– Provincial branches of the National Health Fund are currently verifying the lists of patients – explains Sylwia Wądrzyk. Representatives of all patient groups are taken into account at the same time – both those who have a confirmed referral for treatment after June 15, and those who interrupted the stay or did not start it at all due to the pandemic. It should also be taken into account that at this point not everyone can go to the sanatorium and they want to do it. First of all, we contact everyone who is to start their stay in the sanatorium by the end of June. We call all these people, we also send letters with a list of places where they can perform a coronavirus test, we indicate the dates and places of commencement of the stays. It’s all already happening.

Read also:

  1. On June 15, sanatoriums return. What about missed patients
  2. Referrals to a sanatorium. Everything you need to know about them
  3. On the first night after returning from the sanatorium, I dreamed of rows of rubbish bins filled with empty «monkeys»
  4. Unusual symptoms of COVID-19 in seniors. They are different than in other adults

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