Sanatorium – what is it and who is it for? What to consider when choosing a sanatorium?

Sanatorium is a health resort in a health resort that offers treatments and rehabilitation classes to people in need of supportive treatment. Characteristic for the sanatorium is also the use of natural and recreational values ​​as an additional element of convalescence and relaxation. Who can benefit from sanatorium treatment and how to apply for it? When can you choose a sanatorium yourself?

What benefits does the sanatorium offer?

The sanatorium is a spa treatment facility located in the spa town. The activity of such a center is focused on providing health services and using for this purpose the natural conditions provided by the health resort (e.g. the healing properties of the climate, spa waters).

As part of the sanatorium’s offer, patients can take advantage of inpatient, XNUMX-hour healthcare services and implement a treatment program with treatments, with simultaneous access to XNUMX-hour nursing and medical care. The sanatorium’s tasks also include taking care of health education and providing preventive services.

Check: Spa treatment – what is it and to whom is it recommended?

Who can take advantage of the sanatorium’s offer?

Sanatorium treatment is intended for people struggling with various health problems. It works well in many chronic diseases, in post-hospital and post-ambulatory rehabilitation, as well as in supporting recovery after injuries or illnesses.

In practice, the sanatorium’s offer can be used primarily by people insured by the National Health Fund, Social Insurance Institution or KRUS. In that case, they must receive referral to a sanatorium from a doctorand the stay at the resort is partially or fully reimbursed. An alternative to the complex procedure of qualifying for such therapy and waiting for a free date is paid treatment in a sanatorium. A full-paid stay is an option available not only for people with specific diseases, but also for people who want to take advantage of rest in a spa and treatments available there to relieve stress, fatigue and various recurring ailments.

also check: Treatment in a sanatorium. Treatments that can be used

How do I get a referral to a sanatorium?

Determining the date of stay in a sanatorium is usually a long process. First, the patient must receive a referral from a NHF doctor. Then the referral should be forwarded for consideration to the appropriate provincial branch of the National Health Fund. If, after a waiting period, which may be several weeks, the patient is qualified for departure, he / she will receive a notification about the date of the stay. Up to two years are expected to go to the sanatorium.

Read: Referrals to a sanatorium. Everything you need to know about them

Worth knowing

Queues to the sanatorium are a well-known problem, which result from the high popularity of spa treatment and many people willing to do so. If we decide to commercial stay in a sanatorium, we can choose the appropriate date, as well as the place of stay (e.g. sea, mountains) and a specific treatment facility.

How to choose a sanatorium?

In the case of a sanatorium, under insurance, we do not have a choice as to where to stay or a specific center. A specific spa treatment facility will be allocated taking into account the availability of specific treatments recommended by the doctor, however, the patient has no influence on the final decision.

The situation is completely different choosing a fully-paid sanatorium. The future patient can review the offers of sanatoriums and rest and treatment centers that offer private stays with therapeutic treatments. When choosing a sanatorium, it is worth considering several aspects:

  1. the location of the center – depending on your preferences, you can choose a resort by the sea, by a lake, in the mountains or in the lowlands;
  2. tourist and recreational values ​​- in the vicinity of some centers you will find interesting walking paths, parks and tourist facilities, which can additionally make your stay more attractive;
  3. available treatments – full-paid stays in sanatoriums are an opportunity to find an offer that allows you to use specific medical treatments, and sometimes also a SPA.

Also read: Nałęczów Health Resort – a Mecca for people with heart diseases

What are the costs of the sanatorium?

For many people, the choice of a sanatorium depends to a large extent on financial possibilities. In the case of a stay in a sanatorium, we privately cover the entire cost of the stay, which depends on the number of days we want to spend on the trip. On average, it can amount to slightly less than PLN 1000 to PLN 1500. In case of sanatorium treatment under the insurance the insurer’s coverage of costs is not always complete:

  1. sanatorium at the National Health Fund – we have to pay for travel to the place of stay, as well as cover some of the costs of accommodation and meals;
  2. sanatorium at ZUS – the insurer covers the entire stay in the sanatorium, including travel, accommodation, meals and treatments.
  3. sanatorium on KRUS – medical rehabilitation of the patient is fully covered by KRUS.

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