San Miguel (San Miguel)

San Miguel is a Filipino beer with Spanish roots. The drink is named after the district of Manila of the same name, where the company’s first plant was built. The brand is produced by San Miguel Corporation, one of the largest manufacturers in the region, uniting more than a hundred enterprises of various profiles. The brand is sold in sixty countries around the world.

Historical information

The San Miguel beer factory was opened in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, in 1890. The enterprise was built by the Spanish businessman Enrique Maria Barretto de Icaza i Esteban, who won a grant from the royal court for a period of twenty years. The production areas were divided into two parts – in one they made ice, and in the other they brewed beer. It was one of the few factories in Southeast Asia equipped with the most modern equipment.

Success for the new company came quickly – within the first year, 3600 hectoliters of foamy drink were produced. At the beginning of the 20th century, workshops were equipped with electric machines, and the demand for beer only increased. The company has successfully entered the markets of China and the USA. By the XNUMXs, the corporation expanded its scope of interests and began producing food products, and later built a glass factory and even its own power plant.

In 1957, a factory was opened in Spain. In the 90s, the company faced stiff competition from other Asian manufacturers, which led to a temporary drop in sales. It was possible to cope with the difficulties with the help of restructuring unprofitable divisions. San Miguel Corporation occupies about 70% of the beer market in the Philippines, and the company’s subsidiaries are based in many countries around the world.

Interesting Facts

The Spanish company Mahou-San Miguel Group has been financially independent of the parent organization since the mid-50s and is one of the largest exporters in the country.

In 2018, the company sold some of its shares in order to direct funds for expansion. The plans of the San Miguel Corporation include the construction of ten new breweries, designed to produce from 10 to 20 million decaliters of products per year.

Types of beer San Miguel

San Miguel Special, 5%

This golden-colored lager is brewed with hops from the Bavarian Hallertau and the US state of Oregon. Special types of yeast give the drink aromas of bananas, apples and fresh bread. In the glass it forms a stable creamy foam. The taste is dry and well balanced, with moderate hop bitterness. The finish is long and rich. Serve chilled to +6–8 °С with spicy dishes, dried meat, ham and cheese.

San Miguel Select, 6,2%

Amber-colored beer with a dense consistency is produced from three varieties of European hops and malt of varying degrees of roasting. The aroma of medium intensity is dominated by smells of fresh fruits, mixed with floral notes. The taste harmoniously combines malt sweetness and hop bitterness. Makes a gastronomic pair with meat delicacies and chocolate desserts.

San Miguel Gluten Free, 5,4%

The beer is addressed to people with gluten intolerance and is based on the Especial recipe. In a bright aroma, notes of freshly baked bread are felt. On the palate, hints of fruit and honey stand out. Recommended with grilled vegetables, marinated fish and french fries.

San Miguel 1516, 4,2%

Light beer with hop aroma and complex taste. At the start, fruit tones prevail, which are replaced by malt and pleasant bitterness. Brewed in accordance with the German Brewing Purity Law. The manufacturer advises serving the drink with gazpacho, fried fish and Olivier salad.

San Miguel Manila, 5,8%

Hops with different maturation periods are used in production, which makes it possible to obtain a unique aromatic bouquet. Caramel malt gives the drink a dark golden color. Tropical fruits and toasted bread stand out on the palate. Intense bitterness successfully complements Italian and Oriental cuisine.

San Miguel 0,0, 0%

A non-alcoholic variety produced in Spain from pale and caramel malt and a combination of several types of hops. Gold-colored drink with lush foam and aroma of flowers and herbs. Taste with pronounced grain tones and sweetness at the finish. Recommended for light vegetable salads.

San Miguel (San Miguel)

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