Samsung New: Three Comfortable Cleaning Ways

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Cleaning the house takes a lot of time and effort – there are few people who like to spend their weekends at the ready with rags, brushes and buckets. Fortunately, the latest advances in technology allow you to devote time to more enjoyable activities: the latest appliances combine several functions that make cleaning much easier.

Thus, Samsung Electronics presented the Trio System line of washing vacuum cleaners, which combine the functions of dry cleaning, wet cleaning and using an aquafilter without changing the container. In series Vwxnumx included four models in different colors. The undoubted advantage is that you can use the new vacuum cleaners without unnecessary hassle and accessories. They are equipped with a multifunctional brush that allows you to wet cleaning different surfaces without changing the attachment. The brush copes with any dirt: by switching the desired mode on the body of the vacuum cleaner, you can tidy up the floor, carpets, and delicate surfaces (for which a fabric nozzle is provided).

Ease of use is provided by the remote control buttons located on the handle of the vacuum cleaner, which allow you to select the optimal power level and turn on the wet mode during cleaning. The dust container is detached in one motion. The water tank is just as easy to use: for dry cleaning or cleaning with an aquafilter, it can be removed, making the vacuum cleaner lighter and more compact.

Thanks to the multi-cyclone filtration system and the HEPA13 fine filter, the vacuum cleaner removes not only dust and debris, but also pollen, animal hair and fungal spores, making the air in the house clean and safe.

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