Samara beauty – 2017 participant photo

The final of the competition will take place very soon, where we will find out the name of the beauty queen.

20 beautiful girls claim to be the most beautiful girl in our city.

The site with the female character Woman’s Day announces its nomination within the framework of the competition!

Vote for the participant you like! The winner will receive a diploma and title “Samara beauty – 2017 according to Woman’s Day”, as well as prizes and gifts from the site and our partners. The girls who took the second and third places will receive the titles of the first and second vice-miss, diplomas and gifts.

Voting will continue until 16:00 September 27, and the results will be summed up at the final, which will take place on September 28 at the Bootlegger bar (Moskovskoe shosse, 2, letter G2), the gathering of guests will take place at 18:30.

Meet the participating beauties and vote on the last page!

Age 24 years

“I graduated from the Nayanova Academy and then continued my postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy. I work as a teacher at the same academy. I love dances and classical literature very much, from domestic classics I prefer Bunin and Chekhov. I try to lead an active lifestyle: dancing, gymnastics, and I am also attracted by everything mysterious and mystical. My dream is to embark on a trip around the world and write a book about the most amazing and unusual peoples of the world. Participation in the competition came as a surprise to me, this new and interesting area for me, I am happy to learn it. “

Beauty secret: “Positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle help me to maintain my shape. Whatever happens in life, you must always look for positive aspects and not despair over trifles, because, as you know: who does not burn himself, he will not ignite another! I wish all readers to find themselves in this world and love life – it is beautiful! “

You can vote for Lilia on the last page!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Ksenia Temyanovskaya

“I graduated from the Samara State University of Economics with a degree in logistics, now I am studying by correspondence in the same place on“ tourism ”. I work in the purchasing department of a large retail chain.

Beauty secret: “The secret of my beauty is love. Love for life, for myself, for loved ones, for what I do and what surrounds me. Every day I try to be better (both externally and spiritually) than yesterday. PS I’m sure I’m doing it. “

You can vote for Ksenia on the last page!

Beauty secret: “I have no secrets yet, I use strangers, for example, to get enough sleep. I also think it’s important to be kind and enjoy life. In good and positive women, even wrinkles fold beautifully in old age. “

You can vote for Irina on the last page!

Age 20 years

Student of the Samara University

Beauty secret: “You only need to get enough sleep to look good.”

You can vote for Maria on the last page!

Age 24 years

Assistant to the head of a large construction company.

Beauty secret: «Being perfect does not mean being conspicuous. To be perfect is to engrave in memory… Giorgio Armani. I love this homemade oatmeal mask. Ingredients: honey, oatmeal, kefir. Mix all ingredients and apply to face following massage lines. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes and then rinse off with cool water. I combine all the ingredients by eye, so that it is convenient to apply and keep on the face. “

You can vote for Anastasia on the last page!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Ekaterina Makitrina

“I work as a lawyer in the Gubernskaya Bar Association of the Samara Regional Chamber of Advocates, I specialize in criminal cases.”

Beauty secret: “Beauty is as diverse as life itself, beauty dazzles and shines from within. It is in the eyes and it is in the heart. As if familiar, but always amazing. Beauty is around and within everyone. I believe that the main thing is the beauty of the soul! “

You can vote for Ekaterina on the last page!

Age 35 years

“I am a beauty artist (bridal stylist, make-up artist, nail artist), shopper stylist and first year medical student.”

Beauty secret: “My“ secret ”is an inner perception of myself and striving for my“ improved version ”!

You can vote for Tatiana on the last page!

Age 25 years

“The first education is state and municipal administration, the second is a fitness trainer universal.”

Beauty secret: “The external is a reflection of the internal! Beauty is harmony inside, a sincere smile, a kind heart filled with love for people, and burning eyes with happiness! “

You can vote for Alina on the last page!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Ksenia Milyukova

Age 27 years

“Mom of two daughters! I work, I dance. “

Beauty secret: “I believe that there is no need to give up and always go towards the intended goal! This is what I always do! “

You can vote for Ksenia on the last page!


Beauty secret: “My beauty secret is to think positively!”

You can vote for Anna on the last page!

Age 19 years

“I am studying in the specialty“ law enforcement ”.

Beauty secret: “The secret of beauty? It’s simple: the true beauty of a woman is the purity of the soul, a sense of harmony, femininity and, of course, a good mood. After all, this is the guarantee of a happy life and external attractiveness! “

You can vote for Ekaterina on the last page!

Age 22 years

“A little about myself: I draw well, I sew clothes and my plans would be to study professionally. She graduated from the university – an ecologist by profession, that is, a protector of plants and animals. But at the moment I am not working by profession, rather looking for myself. I learned the skill of hair extension, nails and much more. It was always my dream to try my hand at modeling (that’s probably why I’m taking part in the competition). “

Beauty secret: “My beauty secret is simple: to be always in motion and enjoy life.”

You can vote for Ekaterina on the last page!

Age 13 years old (the youngest participant in the competition)

“I study at school number 100, study at the school of fire, fond of fire and light shows. Since the age of six I have been working in the modeling business, I travel a lot. Today, for two years now I have been an acting master of nail service. I study three foreign languages: English, French, Chinese. “

You can vote for Elizabeth on the last page!

“I work and study at the State Agricultural Academy (full-time department). Since the age of three I have been studying vocals, graduated from a music school and actively participate in all creative activities at work and at school. A member of the new KVN team from the Right in the Heart Society (our video can be found in my videos and on YouTube, if you wish). “

Beauty secret: “My secret is simple – to develop! Never stand still, always achieve your goals. Even in moments of sadness, drive away bad thoughts from yourself, because you are what you think of yourself. Do not hold on to people who do not appreciate you and it is easy to let them go from your life. No worries, no regrets. Surround yourself only with loving people who will always support and guide you on the right path. Find a worthy man who will love every millimeter of your body and your soul. Give love and it, returning to you in a multiple size, will make you irresistible! “

You can vote for Maria on the last page!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Elena Poroykova


Beauty secret: “Believe in yourself, be yourself and do what your soul likes, discarding all prejudices.”

You can vote for Elena on the last page!

Age 30 years

You can vote for Anastasia on the last page!

You can vote for Anna on the last page!

You can vote for Ekaterina on the last page!

You can vote for Irina on the last page!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Anna Lubyanoy

“I study at the Volga State College, majoring in Tourism. I also work as a consultant manager in a wholesale company. I am actively involved in volunteering. Helping people, I feel happy and needed by society. “

Beauty secret: “I don’t have a special beauty secret. I have a positive attitude towards many things and do not pay attention to any misunderstandings. Also, I believe that kindness and tenderness paint me and the people around me. I wish all readers to be gentle and loved, not lose heart over trifles and, most importantly, believe that everything will work out for you. “

You can vote for Anna on the last page!

To cast your vote, just click on the member’s photo. In the mobile version, scroll with the arrow on the right and also click on the photo. Everything, your voice is accepted! If in the mobile version you have only one photo, scroll with the arrow on the right to the one you need and click. Everything, your voice is accepted!

Dear participants! We are for fair voting! Please note that in case of artificial cheating using special programs, we will be forced to determine the winners by the decision of the editorial board. You can repost, ask your relatives, friends and relatives to vote – this is allowed!

“Samara Beauty-2017 according to Woman’s Day”

  • Alina Ivanova

  • Anastasia Davydova

  • Anna Istomina

  • Anna Barantseva

  • Ekaterina Makitrina

  • Irina Taybatrova

  • Ekaterina Golovina

  • Ekaterina Matveeva

  • Ekaterina Sluzhaeva

  • Ksenia Milyukova

  • Ksenia Temyanovskaya

  • Elena Poroykova

  • Elizaveta Sheremetyeva

  • Lilia Nasyrova

  • Maria Bondarenko

  • Maria Utkina

  • Anastasia Shlyakhina

  • Irina Skachkova

  • Tatiana Glotova

  • Anna Lubyanaya

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