Samara beauties in the final of the All-Russian competition Top Model of Russia
Samara will host the final of the qualifying round of the All-Russian beauty contest, the winner of which will represent our city in Moscow.
The final of the competition will take place 2 September 19: 00 in “YR bar & Terrace” (information by phone: 8 (937) -200-00-44, 8 (927) -783-38-81).
Woman’s Day announces its nomination within the framework of the competition “Top Model of Samara – 2016 according to Woman’s Day”! We meet the participants and vote for the participant who, in your opinion, deserves the title of “Top Model of Samara”!
Beauties-models of our city
Growth: 175 см
Motto: “We only live once, so there is no need to miss a single opportunity!”
You can vote for Natalia on the last page!
Growth: 175 см
Motto: “Be different from everyone else! Change the world first inside yourself and then outside! “
You can vote for Antonina on the last page!
Growth: 178 см
Motto: “No external beauty can be complete if it is not enlivened by inner beauty.”
You can vote for Alexandra on the last page!
Growth: 180 см
Motto: “Be yourself – all other roles are already taken!”
You can vote for Christina on the last page!
Growth: 178 см
She believes that, despite her young age, she will be the brightest participant in this competition and will remain in everyone’s memory for a long time!
You can vote for Christina on the last page!
Growth: 178 см
Motto: “If you really want something, you don’t have to stop either for something or for someone else until you get it.”
You can vote for Yana on the last page!
Growth: 178 см
Motto: “If you want to be happy – be happy!”
You can vote for Victoria on the last page!
Growth: 180 см
“Today every corner of the world is accessible to humans, new technologies, new discoveries. Considering all this, I think our generation is very lucky. And we must correspond to this world and develop ourselves every day. Our possibilities are endless, and being an interesting and versatile person for the world is now one of the most important human needs, and external and internal beauty will complement all this. “
You can vote for Ksenia on the last page!
Growth: 182 см
Motto: “In the life of every person there must be a goal, and in order to achieve it, one must go to it without standing still. Be optimistic! Take risks! And at the risk, have fun! That is why I am participating in this competition! “
You can vote for Christina on the last page!
Growth: 182 см
Motto: “Never regret anything. Don’t look back into the past, don’t try to look into the future, live in the present. “
You can vote for Violetta on the last page!
Natalia Volkova became the winner. She received a diploma and the title “Top Model of Samara – 2016 according to Woman’s Day”, a certificate for the “Standard Whitening” procedure
First Vice-Miss Yana Rubtsova she also received a diploma, a certificate for “Express whitening” from Studio Just Smile, a certificate for facial massage and manicure for the express beauty studio “M & Co” and a glossy magazine. BUT Kristina Kupriyanova became the second vice-miss, which received a diploma, a certificate for “Express whitening” from Studio Just Smile, a certificate for facial massage and manicure in the express beauty studio “M & Co” and a glossy magazine.
Dear participants! Please note that in case of artificial vote cheating, we will be forced to determine the winner and the winners of the prizes by the decision of the editorial board! Thanks for understanding!
If you vote from a computer, then you just need to click on the photo you like; if you vote from mobile devices, do not rush to click on the first photo: using the arrows, you can select the desired photo and click on the “Select” button.
“Top model of Samara-2016 according to Woman’s Day”
Alexandra Stepanova
Antonina Tupikova
Kristina Bochkova
Kristina Kupriyanova
Violetta Lobazova
Natalia Volkova
Yana Rubtsova
Ksenia Sokolova
Kristina Frolova
Victoria Yakomaskina