Salvation from the hot summer: thermal water

Most still do not understand the meaning of the word “thermal water”, what and how it is used. The main function of this product is to moisturize the skin. The water is enclosed in a spray that needs to be sprayed onto the face from time to time. Thermal means “warm”, which indicates the origin of thermal water from natural sources.

Thermal water is extracted from underground sources, where it heats up due to increased volcanic activity, therefore it contains a large amount of useful trace elements. Thermal water does not evaporate and creates a protective barrier against harmful environmental properties.

During the working day, thermal water will help to cope with ailments and fever in a stuffy office. It can be sprayed on both face and body. Water penetrates deeply into the skin, moisturizes and tones it. According to cosmetologists, after five o’clock in the evening, the skin absorbs all cosmetic procedures best of all, so be sure to apply thermal water to your skin after a working day and enjoy.

Many people wonder: why can’t you get thermal water at home?

Thermal water is water taken from the depths of the best springs in the world, and it is naturally impossible to repeat its natural enrichment yourself.

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