Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

Welcome guests and regular readers! In the article “Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video” – about the life and work of the Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer.

Mind to understand such a person is difficult. But something attracts in his works. Perhaps we are missing a bit of his madness. But the fact that he was a genius – few doubt it. Man-show, man-mystic, god of imagination, king of surrealism, as soon as the eccentric Salvador Dali was not called.

He allowed himself to appear anywhere in any outfit or even without it. All his life he went contrary to public opinion, and this way of life was chosen by him from early childhood. His real name also sounds unusual: Salvador Domenech Felip Jacint Dali and Domenech, Marquis de Dalí de Pubol.

Biography of Salvador Dali

Yes, the biography of such a person did not go unnoticed by art critics and historians. Incredible stories soared around the name of Salvador Dali. According to biographers, studying the life of this enigmatic personality, it all began with the birth.

In the small Spanish town of Figueres, on May 11, 1904, there was an eerie, gusty wind that frightened the inhabitants. On the same day, a boy was born, who immediately showed his intolerable character. A capricious, hysterical, spoiled child, by any tricks, achieved what he wanted. Zodiac sign – Taurus.

The little provocateur drove the parents literally to despair. At ten years old, El Salvador already knew for sure that he would become great. A boy with ambition found himself in drawings. Even then, the makings of a master were visible in them, but with clear signs of originality.

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

The passion for drawing is supported only by the mother, but for the father such an occupation was not serious. In his diaries, Salvador Dali recalled the kindness of his mother and the violent pressure of his father.

Unbridled character

Moving to Madrid at the age of eighteen made his life easier. The guy is admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts, where at first he stubbornly drew what the teachers demanded.

Master, he finds himself in bohemian society where they feel more confident. His appearance shocks those around him, and this delights the young man. The provincial guy learned to carouse and burn his life instantly.

Meanwhile, the father, guessing about the free morals of the bohemians. He tried by all means to warn his son against all sorts of mistakes. He slipped books of a sanitary and educational nature to the young man.

This literature impressed the young don so much that he began to exclude even the most innocent contacts with the opposite sex. Incredibly, this will also be reflected in the future in his work.

The death of his mother, the only woman who indulged him in all sorts of quirks, shocked the already emotionally unstable El Salvador. A few years later, he dedicated his painting to her, but even there he left an inscription that infuriated his father.

The next momentous events did not allow the young talent to suffer for a long time. For dismissive attitude towards teachers madman kicked out of the academy. He immediately goes to France.

Acquaintance with the idol, Pablo Picasso, determined the further goals of the young master. He introduced his anomalous style into everything he did, be it design, decoration, sculpture, film or painting.

He turned the world upside down and made it his trademark. The balance between madness and practicality accompanied him everywhere. And such eccentricity was to the taste of bohemian Paris.

“Fam fatal” or Elena Dyakonova (Gala)

One luck came to replace another. In the life of Dalí appears Russian woman, a native of Kazan – Elena Dyakonov. In Bohemia it has long had the reputation as a “sinful muse Gala.”

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

Salvador Dali and Gala in the studio of a surrealist painter in Paris in 1934

The wife of the poet Paul Eluard became for El Salvador the only, brilliant and serene muse to whom he dedicated more than a dozen of his creations. For Dali’s sake, she leaves her husband and daughter and goes to a young genius.

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

Galarina. 1945. Theater-Museum Dali, Figueres, Spain

It was an incredible union for half a century. Ten years of age difference did not bother anyone. They found each other.

For Salvador, Gala was the most flexible model. Her charm went off scale and inspired Salvador both as an artist and as a man. And for Gala, the young don became that very cash flow. Her instinct never failed, and this time she was not mistaken.

All charges Gala manager takes over, and El Salvador is working hard on the paintings. After some time, the surrealist and his muse feel cramped in Paris. Gala decides to go to America.

A real sensation

Intuition did not disappoint the mercantile woman. It was there, in a country accustomed to various fevers, that only surrealism was lacking. Dali presented it with all his fantasies.

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

“Dream” 1937. This is a fragile, unstable reality in the world of the subconscious.

The admiration of the Americans knew no bounds, they recognized the shocking Dali as the undisputed leader of world painting. Dali painting were no laws, only temper and unbridled imagination.

The meter reached the highest level and allowed himself such liberties, as, for example, in the case of Aram Khachaturian. The rumor about the dance with the saber spread all over the world. Yes, it was a crazy sight. Great Don suffered. Apparently, he was not interested in world tragedies, so the maestro was carried away by his genius.

At a time when the war was going on in the artist’s homeland, he successfully warmed up the American people with his antics and violent fantasies. The images in his paintings were so bizarre that it is impossible to even guess what was in the thoughts of the creator of surrealism.

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

“Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man”, 1943, USA

His contemporaries envy the state of affairs of the master. This man did whatever he wanted. He wrote what came to mind, and even made a fortune with his antics.

To be in hell before you die

Gala left Don Salvador before death, although they did not stop to chat. She lived almost ninety turbulent, tireless years. After her death, the physical and emotional state of the great artist was shaken. Old age did not spare his eternal youth frivolous person.

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

Diseases overcame, the malicious “old man” broke loose on the nurses, but there was no longer any strength to spit or scratch.

None of the numerous servants heard the smell of smoke that spread through the castle. The exhausted master crawled to the door and lost consciousness. Servants and nurses discovered a badly burned but living genius. The hospital, treatment, skin grafts further crippled the great maestro.

At discharge, the eccentric genius looked pathetic and feeble old man. His tears were constantly flowing and his hands were shaking. He left quietly. Or maybe he didn’t leave, maybe this is another masquerade?

Salvador Dali: biography, interesting facts, video

The Persistence of Memory. 1931. Museum of Modern Art, New York

At its “flowing” watch, which he wrote El Salvador, it was at one time. This time coincided with the time of his death! Coincidence or foresight? Nobody can answer this question.

In this interesting documentary more information on “Salvador Dali: A Biography”

Film “Biography of Salvador Dali”

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