Saltpeter as a fertilizer: application in the garden and in the garden

Nitrogen and potassium are necessary for all plants for growth and fruiting, so they quickly get out of the soil. In order to cultivate the land every year and get decent harvests, summer residents are forced to use mineral fertilizers. The most popular are nitrogen compounds, especially ammonium nitrate, also known as ammonium nitrate.

Types of fertilizers based on nitrate

Saltpeter is a salt of nitric acid. They are sodium, potassium and ammonia – it depends on the nitrogen compounds. Potassium nitrate contains more potassium (46%) than nitrogen (13%), feeding plants with it activates the processes of photosynthesis. It can fertilize all plants: grass on the lawn, vegetables in the garden, flowers, trees. It is used for root and foliar dressings.

Saltpeter as a fertilizer: application in the garden and in the garden

Sodium is also used as a fertilizer, but ammonium nitrate, with a high nitrogen content, has received the greatest distribution. It can feed all types of soil. The use of nitrogen fertilizers has a very good effect on plant growth and crop quality. The low price and the small quantity required make this mineral fertilizer widely used for lawns, trees and vegetables in the garden. In addition to simple ammonia, they also produce grade B ammonium nitrate. It comes in 2 varieties, is produced in small packages (1 kg), and is used at home for indoor plants or seedlings.

Ammonium-potassium or Indian nitrate is used in the spring, it is an excellent top dressing for fruit trees, tomatoes are often fed with it to improve the taste of fruits. Lime-ammonia or Norwegian – contains calcium compounds, potassium and magnesium. It is indicated for any soil, because it does not increase their acidity, but during the production process it is treated with fuel oil, and it does not decompose in the soil for a long time. Vegetables need calcium supplements, but it is better to use another fertilizer. The use of magnesium nitrate is especially useful in the garden for vegetables and legumes.

Saltpeter as a fertilizer: application in the garden and in the garden

Calcium nitrate is available in dry, like all other types, and liquid state. It is very convenient, it can be used immediately without prior preparation.

Video “Using a product for fruit plants”

Informational video about fertilizing fruit plants with the help of the product. Advantages and disadvantages.

Radish fertilizer with ammonium nitrate. How to fertilize a radish

Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate contains from 26 to 34,4% nitrogen and sulfur from 3 to 14%. From the beginning of their growth, plants require a lot of nitrogen, and sulfur helps to absorb it, this explains its presence in the composition of the fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate can be used on any soil, but on acidic soils, additional calcium compounds are still required so as not to increase acidity. Ammonium nitrate starts working immediately after application, which is why it is usually used in the spring, and this is the only fertilizer that is not afraid of frost. It can only be used for root dressing, because it can burn the greens of the plant. This universal nitrogen fertilizer is used when growing flowers, lawns, vegetables in the garden, fruit trees, shrubs. But calcium nitrate can be used for foliar top dressing, it can be sprayed on plants.

When applied in the spring as a fertilizer, ammonium nitrate still protects plants from many diseases, strengthening their immunity. Crop rotation rules are often not observed in the garden, repeating crops are planted from year to year, because of this, the top layer of soil accumulates pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Saltpeter perfectly protects vegetables from them. The same can be said about perennial lawns.

Saltpeter as a fertilizer: application in the garden and in the garden

How to fertilize

Saltpeter is produced in hygroscopic granules, it is used simply by adding it to the soil, or it can be diluted with water (according to the instructions) and carefully watered plants so as not to spray the aerial part. The amount of application depends on the condition of the soil. Usually 20-30 g is enough – per 1 sq. m, and if the soil is very depleted, then make 30 – 50 g – per 1 sq. m. When planting seedlings of pepper, melon, tomatoes, 1 tablespoon without a slide is added to each hole. During the summer, vegetables and trees are still fed. So, in the garden before flowering and after the appearance of the ovaries, 5–10 g are applied – per 1 sq. m.

Root crops can be fed in this way: make a groove between the rows and dig into it (no deeper than 3 cm) 5-7 g – per 1 sq. m. They only need one top dressing 3 weeks after germination. Dry ammonium nitrate once in the spring feed the future lawn and fruit trees. During the summer, trees can be watered a couple of times with a solution (25 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 10 liters of water), but it is not recommended to water the lawn – the grass will get burned. Under the trees and bushes, dry ammonium nitrate is buried in the trunk circle. Its use should always be accompanied by abundant watering – otherwise the granules will not dissolve, which means that nitrogen compounds will not get to the roots. Top dressing is usually carried out in the first half of summer, so that the plant does not get carried away by growing stems and leaves to the detriment of the formation of fruits.

Saltpeter as a fertilizer: application in the garden and in the garden

Storage conditions

Hygroscopic granules are sold in polyethylene or paper packages. Shelf life – 6 months, and after opening the package – no more than 1 month, if improper storage is allowed, then nitrogen will simply evaporate. It must be kept in a dry room, avoiding temperature changes, otherwise there is a risk of the formation of sparingly soluble crystals. Do not mix with other fertilizers. In general, you need to remember that ammonium nitrate is an explosive substance, and you need to handle it accordingly, carefully studying the instructions. If heating is allowed to exceed 32,3 degrees, an explosion may occur. In summer, storage should be either under a canopy that protects against overheating, or in a cool room.

When using, it is not necessary to apply simultaneously with sawdust, manure, straw or peat in order to avoid spontaneous combustion.


Zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins and squash are recommended to be grown without the use of saltpeter – they can accumulate too much nitrate. Many are afraid of the word “nitrates”, it is associated with mineral fertilizers obtained by chemical means. Nitrates are nitrogen-containing salts that are found in manure, compost, that is, organic substances that we use as fertilizers. They are necessary for plants for growth and fruiting, it is them that vegetables, fruit trees and bushes are pulled out of the soil in large quantities. The question is quantity. Giving your vegetables more manure than required will cause excess nitrate to build up, just as if you were to fertilize too much with saltpeter. For this, norms for the introduction of various top dressings are created, they must be observed.

Saltpeter as a fertilizer: application in the garden and in the garden

Calcium nitrate is also a nitrate fertilizer. It is better to observe the correct dosage than to deprive the plants of the necessary element. 2 weeks before harvesting, experts advise stopping any top dressing so as not to accumulate excess salts in the fruits.

Video “How to feed”

Video instruction on how to make top dressing for watering plants.

Mineral fertilizer ammonium nitrate

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