Salting parsley for the winter

Thanks to technological progress, many now freeze greens and find this method the most convenient. However, some are not going to abandon the old proven methods and still salt parsley and other herbs according to grandmother’s recipes. Below you can find some options for pickling parsley for the winter. Properly prepared, the workpiece will stand for a long time and complement any dishes well.

Salting parsley for the winter

How to pickle parsley correctly

Jars of any size are suitable for storing seasoning. But it is most convenient to use small containers in order to quickly use an open jar. This way, the seasoning won’t spoil. Immediately after opening, air enters the jar, so it will not be possible to store an open container for a long time.

The amount of salted parsley is determined by the hostess herself. The main thing is to take into account certain proportions. In no case should they be violated, since because of this, the workpiece may not be salted and will quickly deteriorate. In a classic recipe, fresh herbs should be 5 times more than salt. Salt for such preparations is chosen the largest. Due to the fine salt, the seasoning may not pickle. It will be very disappointing if the wrong salt is the reason why the greens go bad.

Salting parsley for the winter

Important! Choose regular non-iodized salt.

The classic pickling method

For salting parsley, we need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of parsley;
  • 0,2 kg of coarse kitchen salt.

Next, proceed to the preparation of the workpiece itself. Parsley is thoroughly washed and sorted. It is necessary to remove all damaged and sluggish leaves. Then all suitable branches are dried on a paper or waffle towel.

Attention! Moisture should not remain on the leaves, as it will not allow the salt to act. Such a twist will deteriorate very quickly.

Salting parsley for the winter

After that, all the leaves are cut and ground with prepared salt. The flesh is lightly crushed by hand. The main thing is that the salt is evenly distributed over all the pieces. It’s time to fill the jars with seasoning. The pulp is poured into containers and lightly tamped. The jar does not need to be filled completely. A little space should be left on top, which in the future will be filled with allocated juice. For seaming, ordinary nylon covers are used. They tightly close the jars and send them for storage in a cold place.

Salting parsley sprigs

For this recipe, we need to select only soft young sprigs from parsley. Rough stems are not suitable for this. You do not need to cut the components, they will be harvested as a whole. In this case, the branches should not be too long and lush. Such branches are divided into smaller ones. Salt crystals should be well distributed between them. Some housewives prefer to sterilize jars for this blank, while others simply pour boiling water over the containers. In principle, too thorough heat treatment is not necessary, because seaming will be stored in a cold room. Therefore, you can simply wash the jars with the help of special products, and then scald them with boiled water.

Salting parsley for the winter

Important! When using the containers, they must already be completely dry.

There are 2 options for how salted parsley is prepared. It is more convenient for some housewives to mix sprigs with salt in a large container and only then scatter the greens over the jars. Others first fill the jars with sprigs, and then fall asleep in each salt and mix thoroughly. The main thing is that the grains of salt can be evenly distributed. If you are not comfortable doing this in a jar, then it is better to use a large bowl.

Then the jars are closed with plastic lids and the blanks are placed in a cellar or other cold place. This seaming will not only add a fragrant smell and taste to dishes, but will also serve as an excellent table decoration. Many housewives make 2 options for harvesting. They use chopped parsley for cooking, and salted sprigs for decoration.

Salting parsley for the winter

Pickled parsley with dill

As you know, parsley is often used together with dill. We offer a variant of a delicious preparation of such greens. Everyone can decide for himself how much parsley and dill to put. It is acceptable for one ingredient to predominate. Do not forget that the main thing is the correct proportions. For 1 kg of greens, there is at least 200 grams of salt.

So, we will describe a recipe in which there will be an equal amount of ingredients. We will need:

  • half a kilogram of dill;
  • half a kilogram of parsley;
  • 200 grams of coarse kitchen salt.

The prepared and sorted greens are thrown into a colander and washed under cold running water. The procedure can be repeated several times. Next, the leaves are dried on paper towels or napkins. Now you can cut the leaves in any way convenient for you. At the same time, it does not matter at all how large or small the greens will be.

Salting parsley for the winter

All the parsley and dill are placed in a large bowl or pan, then salt is added there and the workpiece is thoroughly mixed with your hands. Jars and lids for greens are washed and sterilized if desired. Next, you need to leave the jars to dry completely. Only after that you can start distributing the mass among the containers.

Advice! The greens must be tamped down and the jar left unfilled to the end.

Experienced housewives know another secret that can extend the shelf life of the workpiece. Sprinkle a little more salt on top of the greens. This will prevent mold from forming, so the seaming can stay fresh longer. Next, the jars are closed with clean lids and sent for storage in a suitable place.

Salting parsley for the winter

Salt parsley and celery for the winter

In addition, you can cook an interesting preparation with celery. To do this, all ingredients are taken in equal quantities (250 grams). We will need the celery itself, parsley, dill and salt. We measure the required amount of ingredients on the scales so that we get 750 grams of greens and 250 grams of salt.

We prepare the components, as in the previous recipes. They must be washed and all thick stems and damaged branches removed. After that, they are cut into large pieces (about 2 cm). Celery is washed and cut into pieces of the same length. Agree, such a seaming has a very attractive appearance. First, all the greens are mixed, and then salt is added and the workpiece is thoroughly mixed again. The seasoning is placed in clean and dry jars, tamped well and left for a couple of hours so that the workpiece settles and releases the juice. If necessary, add a little more greenery to the jars. Then the containers are closed with lids and left in a cold place.

Salting parsley for the winter


Salted parsley for the winter undeservedly “becomes a thing of the past.” This is a great way to keep the taste and fresh aroma of herbs for a long time for the whole winter. To prepare such a spin, you just need to mix the greens with salt and roll the mass into jars. Anyone can handle this task. When adding salted herbs to cooked food, you need to be very careful not to add them to an already salty soup or other dish.

Salting parsley for the winter.

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