Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

Many housewives practice salting fish at home. This is due to some factors such as quality and price. Factory salted fish, if you buy it, will turn out to be much more expensive. In addition, the quality of such fish wants to leave the best, and there is not much choice. Almost all fish at the factory is prepared according to one recipe. As for home salting, it can be prepared according to any recipe you like. At the same time, quality is always guaranteed if a quality source product is used.

Brining process

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

For salting, it is desirable to use fresh fish, then the quality of the finished product will be the highest. Unfortunately, fresh-frozen fish is on sale, which is also suitable for salting, but you need to choose it correctly. The fact is that it can be frozen and thawed several times, due to any technical reasons.

Each salting method is aimed at preparing a separate type of fish, although each recipe can really be used for salting any fish and there will be no mistake here. The main thing is to choose the right ratio of ingredients, depending on the size of the fish.

Everyone wants not to oversalt, although many experts say that it is better to oversalt it, and then soak it in cold water for a certain time.

Most recipes are derived from some classic recipe by adding various additional ingredients to it. And here it is very important that these ingredients do not spoil the taste of the fish. As a rule, the following classic recipe is used for salting fish, based on 100 grams of product:

  • Salt – 4 tbsp. spoons, and this is about 90 grams.
  • Sugar – 1 grams.
  • Two carnations.
  • 8 grams of pepper (any kind).
  • You can add cinnamon, coriander and rosemary.
  • Vodka – 90 grams.

Features of salting small fish

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

For salting, only special glassware or enameled dishes are used, in extreme cases – stainless steel dishes. The standard salting includes up to 1 kg of fish and 15 grams of salt. For a stronger salting, take from 30 to 100 grams of salt. To keep the fish longer, add up to 10% saltpeter to it, and you can take a wooden box for salting. In this case, the salt concentration should be higher. The salty product should be stored in a cool place, while fish such as sprat, sprat or anchovy are cooked without prior cutting.

Before the salting process, the fish is thoroughly washed in cold water, after which it is necessary that the excess moisture be removed from the glass. After that, it is mixed with salt, and this must be done so that the salt sticks to the entire surface of the fish, after which the fish is tightly laid out in a special dish prepared in advance.

After laying the fish, it is pressed down with oppression. That is, they take, for example, a wooden circle and a stone is laid on it. This is necessary so that all the fish can cook the same way while in the brine. To salt the fish in this way, 1 kg of the product is taken, salt, various types of pepper, bay leaf and saltpeter. The fish is salted for 2-3 days. As an option, various spices are added to the product, in the form of leaves of currant berries or ordinary blackberries.

Lightly salted herring at home

Salted fish of medium size

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

For a regular but strong salting, you need to take up to 1 grams of salt per 200 kg of the original product. Before this process, the fish is well cleaned, with the removal of the entrails. At the same time, a method is used when the fish is cut not in the abdomen, but along the back. After that, the fish is washed in cold but salty water. To do this, take 2-3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of cold water. The fish is washed until the water is clear, without blood inclusions.

For salting you will need:

  • 1 kg of medium sized fish.
  • 200 grams of salt per 1 liter of water.
  • Bay leaf and pepper to taste.
  • Cardamom or juniper, depending on the origin of the recipe.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • Ginger or nutmeg.
  • Rosemary or cardamom (optional).

Medium-sized fish prepared in this way should be in a cold cellar. On the second day, the juice formed during the salting process is drained, and fresh brine is poured into place. In the future, the brine is replaced on the 4th and 6th day. The total cooking time for fish is about 10 days.

After 10 days, the fish is laid out in jars, after which it is closed with a tight lid. For storage, the product is placed in a dark, cool place, and before use, it is better to soak it in water for 1 hour.

Medium-sized fish is salted with both strong and medium salting, depending on the specific conditions and tastes of the person himself.

After 10 days of the salting process, the fish can be eaten.

Salting large fish

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

Cooking large fish requires mandatory gutting, and even better, if it is cut lengthwise and flattened, then the quality of cooking will be the highest. In any case, the insides are removed, and the head is removed altogether. An incision is made along the back, and it is desirable to remove the spine and most of the bones. The meat must be wiped with a rag and rinsed with water and then immediately rubbed with salt.

Several types of salting large fish are used:

  • Transport.
  • Weak.
  • Medium.
  • Strong.

As a rule, cooking large fish requires a lot of money and time. For normal salting, only coarse salt is used. It allows you to get the most delicious product, and also allows you to quickly remove moisture from the fish. Coarse salt has the best preservative properties, since it does not dissolve as quickly at low temperatures. Before salting, the fish is thoroughly washed and salted, while you should not forget, and first of all, salt inside the belly.

The fish is placed in a specially prepared container with the belly up. A layer of salt is also placed between the fish. The bigger the fish, the longer it will take to marinate.

Fresh Frozen Fish Ambassador

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

Since it is difficult to get fresh fish, fresh-frozen salt is salted, which is frozen on a fishing boat using the flash freezing method. Therefore, first of all, you need to defrost the fish and you need to do everything right. The defrosting process should take place in natural conditions, without forcing this process. To do this, it can be put in the refrigerator overnight.

You need to salt only a high-quality source product. Frozen fish should not have a layer of ice, and there should not be any damage on its body. The eyes should be light, and the sides rounded and thick. When pressed, the meat should be firm and elastic. If according to the recipe you need to remove the skin, then it is better to do this with frozen fish. Then the head and tail are cut off from the fish, along with the fins. After that, it is gutted and washed thoroughly. It will not be superfluous to remove all bones with a ridge. If the carcass of the fish is large, then it is better to cut it into pieces, weighing 50 grams. After that, the onion is cut and laid out on top, with the addition of garlic and spices.

Each piece is salted separately, and the fish is folded tightly into a container. Top the pieces sprinkled with the same dry mixture, with onions and garlic, as well as seasonings. Finally, the fish is placed in the refrigerator. If you put such fish in the refrigerator in the evening, then in the morning you can already eat it. Carcasses weighing up to 1 kg can be salted whole. At the same time, it is better to remove the head, tail and fins, and also carefully gut it.

Herring salting recipes

Herring in brine

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

First of all, you should choose high-quality fish. It is better if it is a freshly caught fish, but fresh-frozen is also suitable. It is better to choose large and fatty herring carcasses, as after salting they will be the most delicious.

As a rule, the Pacific or Atlantic herring is considered the most delicious, with silvery skin, clear eyes and fins pressed to the body. Such fish is usually salted in jars, placing the fish upside down in them, and pouring it with brine. To prepare the brine, 1 liter of water, 5 tablespoons of salt, 5 peas of black allspice, sugar and bay leaf are taken.

The herring is poured with cooled, but boiled brine, with all the necessary ingredients. Preparing the brine should not cause any difficulties. First, the water is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which the necessary ingredients are added to it. After that, the mixture should boil for about 5 minutes, after the fire is turned off and the brine is allowed to cool. After that, the fish is poured with cooled brine and left for 3-4 hours, and then placed in the refrigerator. Before this, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard in each container. Fish should be cooked up to 2 days and only after that it can be eaten.

Home-style herring in spicy brine. Salting herring at home

Dry salted herring

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

This type of salting fish is necessary when you need to quickly and efficiently salt the fish. It is cut, removing the insides, as well as the head, tail and fins. After that, it is placed in a bowl of water for about an hour, after which salt and sugar are dissolved in water. Then the fish is taken out and dried, and then rubbed with a dry mixture of salt and sugar, with the addition of seasonings. Subsequently, the fish is placed in a plastic bag for a couple of hours. At the same time, it should remain here on the table. After a couple of hours, the resulting brine is drained and after 24 hours the fish will be ready to eat.

With the help of dry salting, you can salt the fish, both whole and in pieces.

It can also be salted in a plastic bag using a similar technique and cut into pieces. To do this, the fish is prepared and cut into small pieces. For 1 kg of product, two tablespoons of salt and sugar are taken. The mixture is poured into a bag and pieces of fish are placed here. The package closes tightly. By the way, there are special packages. After that, the entire contents are shaken until the pieces of fish are completely covered with a dry mixture. After one day, such fish can already be eaten.

Dry salted herring – Treat your neighbor – Evgenia Kovalets – episode 83

Cooking herring in vinegar

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

Herring cooked with vinegar is considered the most delicious, and it is one of the most sought-after cold appetizers that are present on the table. First of all, you need to clean the fish well, remove the head and entrails. After that, the skin is removed from the fish to separate the pure fish meat.

If the herring is soaked in milk before cooking, it will turn out to be especially soft. After that, the fish meat is cut into acceptable pieces and folded into a container. You can put green onions on top, and then pour it all over with vinegar.

Basically, grape vinegar is used. Apple cider vinegar is not suitable because of its flavor. Before serving, the fish can be poured with vegetable oil. The product is prepared quite simply, therefore, any housewife can cope with the task.

For preparation it will be required:

  • Water.
  • Vinegar.
  • Onions.
  • A fish.

Methods for salting red fish

Hourly salting of red fish

Salted red fish is an excellent starting product for preparing cold appetizers, in the form of sandwiches, which are indispensable on any festive table. It is not only tasty, but also quite a useful product. Basically, salmon, trout, chinook salmon or pink salmon are used for salting.

To begin with, it is cut and washed thoroughly. Without fail, it is dried, removing excess moisture. It is desirable that there is not a single bone in the fish meat. For salting, it is better to take coarse salt. You can salt or whole fish steaks, or cut into pieces.

For salting, the following fish is used:

  • Salmon.
  • Trout.
  • Kijuch.
  • Chum salmon
  • Chinook

Like any other fish, red fish salt quite quickly.

As a rule, 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar are taken per 1 kg of fish meat. Sprinkle the fish with this mixture. Moreover, the processing must be thorough. After that, all the pieces are folded into a bowl and closed with a lid.

The very next day the meat will release its juice, and the fish will cook in its juice. You can also add onion, dill and coriander here. If you add a little cognac to the meat, it will give the fish meat an exquisite taste. In addition, fish meat cooked with cognac is stored much longer.

With the addition of cognac, the fish is cooked for about 2 days. At the same time, the container should be tightly closed and placed in a cold place.


Mackerel lightly salted. Easy and delicious salted fish recipe

Lightly salted herring is very popular with housewives. Lightly salted salmon and chinook salmon are considered especially tasty. To prepare the product, carefully prepare the fish by removing the entrails, head, tail and fins. What is important is that the head, tail and fins can not be thrown away, since it is really possible to cook a delicious ear from these parts.

Lightly salted product is distinguished by especially light and tasty pulp. This product will be appreciated by real gourmets. The advantage of such a product is that it retains almost all the main useful substances. The presence of healthy fats in the meat of these fish allows you to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and enrich the body with iodine, which in our time is considered a real problem.

Preparation requires:

  • Red fish.
  • Coarse salt.
  • Sugar.

For cooking, the fish is cut into large pieces, and then it is cooked with salt, spices and lemon. For the best quality of cooking, the fish is wrapped in foil and kept for 1-2 hours at room temperature. After that, the fish is placed in the refrigerator until morning, followed by placing the product in the freezer. This method is used to prepare trout, herring and herring, as well as mackerel. To prepare the fish, you need to carefully prepare and rinse in running water, then dry with a paper towel. It is advisable to remove all the bones, then the product will turn out to be the most desirable. Cooking fish requires the use of special containers, preferably glass. If you follow all the recommendations and keep the fish in the juice for the required time, you will definitely get a tasty and healthy product.

Salting fish at home of different sizes: delicious recipes

Salting fish at home is a rather simple, and at the same time, responsible business. To get a really high-quality and safe product for health, it is necessary to adhere to the laws of sanitation. A product prepared in unsanitary conditions is a product hazardous to human health.

The advantages of home salting are also that you can cook exactly as much product at a time as you can eat it in the near future, without resorting to preservatives. In addition, it is possible to cook fish according to any of the recipes, and if you add some unique ingredients to the recipe, you can get an exclusive product that can never be purchased in a store.

As a rule, further cooking of fish means obtaining only a high-quality end product, which cannot be said about the distribution network, where it is really possible to purchase an expired or even spoiled product. The thing is that fish is a quickly perishable product and should be eaten as soon as possible after cooking. In order for the product to be preserved for a long time, chemical ingredients called preservatives are used in industrial conditions. Everything would be fine if these preservatives did not have a negative effect on the human body.

The advantages of cooking are also that it is not at all difficult and takes a minimum of time. Before any feast, it is really possible to pickle any fish at home and serve it to the table. In any case, guests will appreciate the efforts of the housewife.

The fish is tender as butter! How to deliciously salt red fish at home – Lightly salted salmon (salmon, trout)

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