Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

Early cabbage allows you to get delicious preparations rich in vitamins. Although these varieties are considered not the best options for salting, if the recipe is followed, they are successfully used for salting. After salting, cabbage retains nutrients and can be stored all winter.

The main features

Early cabbage has a short ripening period, so it is often chosen for planting in the garden. The taste of its varieties practically do not differ. With early ripening, heads of small sizes are formed, which crack when watering rules are violated.

Advice! Such cabbage is not stored for a long time, so you need to start home-made preparations using it as soon as possible.

Many gardeners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to salt early cabbage for the winter. Most pickling recipes recommend using medium to late vegetables.

Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

Early cabbage turns out to be less crispy and can turn the preparations into porridge. White varieties are best suited for homemade preparations. Heads of cabbage are chosen dense, without cracks or other damage.

If the cabbage has been frozen, then it is better to refuse to use it. Ready cabbage is stored in a cool place at a temperature of about +1 degrees.

Salting early cabbage

The traditional way of pickling early cabbage includes carrots, salt and spices. However, cabbage goes well with peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, beets and apples. Damaged and withered leaves are removed from heads of cabbage before use.

Salting with carrots

The easiest way to pickle early cabbage involves the use of carrots and salt.

Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

The recipe for making pickles includes several steps:

  1. The upper leaves are removed from a head of cabbage weighing 1,5 kg. To simplify the process, it is recommended to cut the stalk. The head of cabbage is dipped in boiling water, after which the remaining leaves are removed. Dense veins are removed, and large leaves must be cut.
  2. Carrots (0,6 kg) need to be peeled and grated. Carrots can be mixed with ground pepper, bay leaves, cloves and other spices to taste.
  3. The cabbage leaf is folded into a cone and filled with carrots.
  4. The resulting cabbage rolls are put in an enamel pan.
  5. To get a brine, 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. salt. After the liquid boils, it is poured over the prepared vegetables.
  6. For pickling, oppression is put on vegetables.
  7. After 3 days, pickles are transferred to jars, closed with lids and stored.

Salting in banks

The most convenient way of salting is the use of three-liter jars. Vegetables and marinade are placed immediately in a glass container, where they are salted. Such jars can be stored in the refrigerator or underground.

The recipe for salting cabbage for the winter in jars is as follows:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing about 1,5 kg is cleaned from the top leaves. Then it is finely chopped, leaving a few large leaves.
  2. One carrot is crushed in any way possible: using a blender or grater.
  3. Half of the pod of hot pepper must be de-seeded, then finely chopped.
  4. The ingredients are mixed and fried in vegetable oil.
  5. Then the vegetable mass is cooled and chopped greens are added to it.
  6. Vegetables are wrapped in cabbage leaves and placed in glass jars.

    Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

  7. The pan is filled with 2 liters of water, add 7 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Add 50 g of vinegar to boiling water and boil it for another 3 minutes.
  8. Hot brine is poured into jars, twisted with lids and wrapped in a blanket.
  9. After cooling, the jars are transferred to permanent storage.

Recipe with pepper and zucchini

Cabbage is combined with other seasonal vegetables: zucchini and peppers. The process then includes the following steps:

  1. Cabbage (1 kg) is cut into several pieces. Then they are dipped for 5 minutes in boiling water, after which they are finely chopped.
  2. Sweet pepper (0,2 kg) is cut into several pieces and dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. To prepare pickles, you need a zucchini. It is best to choose a young vegetable that does not need to be peeled and seeded.

    Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

  4. One carrot is rubbed on a grater.
  5. Half of the hot pepper is peeled and finely chopped.
  6. All vegetables should be laid in layers in a glass or enameled container.
  7. The next step is preparing the marinade. For 2 liters of water, 4 tbsp. l. salt. When the liquid boils, fill the container with it.
  8. Vegetables need 3 days to pickle, then they are moved to a cool place.

Recipe with pepper and tomatoes

Early cabbage can be salted with pepper and tomatoes. With this combination of products, the recipe is as follows:

  1. One kilogram of cabbage is cut in any way.
  2. Tomatoes (0,3 kg) must be divided in half.
  3. Carrots (0,2 kg) are grated.
  4. Bulgarian pepper (0,3 kg) cut into strips.
  5. All ingredients are mixed, and salt (30 g) is added, and placed in one pan.
  6. Oppression is necessarily put, and salting takes place within 3 days.
  7. The finished mass is removed in the cold.

Beetroot recipe

In the presence of beets, homemade preparations become bright red, while the taste becomes sweet. How to salt cabbage with beets, a certain technology describes in detail:

  1. Cabbage weighing 2 kg is cleaned from the upper leaves and cut.
  2. Garlic (0,1 kg) must be crushed in any way possible.
  3. From the beets (0,3 kg), the peel is peeled, after which it is rubbed on a grater.
  4. Vegetables are placed in several layers in a large container. Garlic and a little chopped parsley are poured on top. This sequence is repeated several times.
  5. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add 200 g of salt and sugar. The brine is heated to a boil.
  6. After cooling, the brine is poured into a container and oppression is placed on top.
  7. Cabbage is left for 2 days in the kitchen.
  8. Salted vegetables are transferred to jars and covered with plastic lids. Banks are stored for 3 days in the refrigerator until the snack is ready.

Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

Recipe with beets and horseradish

To make the appetizer spicy, cabbage and beets are supplemented with horseradish. Before adding to the blanks, it must be cleaned and passed through a meat grinder.

The general procedure for salting early cabbage for the winter is as follows:

  1. Several heads of cabbage weighing 8 kg are cleaned of damaged leaves and chopped.
  2. Then they proceed to the preparation of beets (0,3 kg), which are cleaned and cut into bars.
  3. Garlic (0,1 kg) must be finely chopped.
  4. Horseradish (1 root) is passed through a meat grinder.
  5. Several layers of cabbage are placed in the salting container, between which the remaining components are located.
  6. For salting, a marinade is prepared, consisting of 8 liters of water, in which 0,4 kg of salt and sugar are dissolved. After boiling, the liquid should cool.
  7. Fill a saucepan with warm marinade so that all vegetables are immersed in it.
  8. The load must be installed. In this state, they are left for 2 days.
  9. Then you need to move the blanks to the refrigerator for permanent storage. After 3 days, the snack is completely ready for use.

Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

Salting with vinegar

For the winter, early cabbage can be salted with the addition of vinegar. In the cooking process, spices are necessarily used, which give the preparations the necessary taste.

To salt cabbage, you must follow a certain technology:

  1. Heads of early grade with a total weight of 3 kg are chopped into pieces.
  2. Finely chop the carrots and add it to the total mass.
  3. To prepare the salting liquid, pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add sugar (1 cup) and a little salt. From spices to taste, you can use bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, anise. The liquid should boil.
  4. After cooling, the essence of vinegar (1 tablespoon) is added to the marinade. It can be replaced with 9% vinegar, then it will take 7 tbsp. l.
  5. Marinade is poured over vegetables that need to be kneaded a little. Salting takes up to 5 hours.
  6. Salted vegetable mass is placed in jars and sent for storage in a cold place.

Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars

Apples recipe

Early cabbage goes well with apples. Such cabbage can be salted subject to a certain procedure:

  1. Two heads of cabbage are finely chopped with a knife.
  2. Carrots are chopped randomly.
  3. Apples are peeled from the core, it is not necessary to remove the peel. It is recommended to cut apples into slices.
  4. The vegetables are mixed, after which 2 cloves of garlic are added to them.
  5. Then proceed to the preparation of the brine. For this, 1 liter of water requires 2 tbsp. l. salt, 6 tbsp. l. sugar, a pinch of dill seeds, a few peppercorns.
  6. Vegetables are poured with hot marinade, and a load is placed on top.
  7. After cooling, the blanks are laid out in jars.

Salting early cabbage for the winter in jars


Often early cabbage is not used for salting. However, there are recipes that allow you to pickle it in combination with carrots, peppers, beets and other vegetables. For processing, choose dense heads of cabbage that have no damage. The blanks are stored in a cellar, refrigerator or other place with a constant low temperature.

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