Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

If the hostess is faced with the question of how to save a large amount of beets due to the lack of a cellar, then preparations are better than salted beets for the winter and you can’t imagine. In the old days, salting vegetables was very popular, because it not only allowed them to preserve useful substances in them, but even increase them. From those times, only the tradition of salting or sour cabbage for the winter has been preserved. But salted beets are no less useful and delicious.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

How to pickle beets at home

Surprisingly, quite a lot of different ways and recipes for salting beets for the winter have been preserved. It can be salted fresh and boiled, whole or cut into pieces, with or without sterilization, in its pure form and with the addition of various spices and vegetables.

Any variety of beets is suitable for salting, but the best result is obtained if late varieties are used. They accumulate the maximum amount of sugar in their pulp (up to 12%).

The size of the root crops also does not really matter, because if desired, they can be cut into halves, or even into several parts.

For salting, you can use any dishes, except for aluminum and iron without a protective coating. For small portions in a city apartment, glass jars are ideal. In the conditions of a village or country house, salting can be done in barrels – wooden or plastic, which is more common now.

Advice! When using plastic barrels for salting, you must first make sure that they are made of food-grade plastic.

Preparation of root crops for salting consists in thoroughly washing them and cleaning them from contaminants. For these purposes, you can even use a hard brush.

Peeling beets is not always necessary – each recipe has specific instructions for this.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

If the root crops must be boiled before salting according to the recipe, then they are only thoroughly cleaned of contaminants, without cutting off either the tails or the roots. And in general, they put it in a saucepan for cooking. To get the best taste and color of a boiled vegetable, the following little tricks should be considered:

  • the water in which the beets are boiled is not salted;
  • prepared root crops are already placed in boiling water and immediately covered with a lid;
  • the fire when cooking a vegetable should be medium, not strong, and not weak;
  • immediately after boiling, the beets are poured with cold water and allowed to cool in this form.
Attention! Even more delicious vegetables are obtained if they are not boiled, but simply baked in the oven in the peel.

Boiling time depends on the size of the root crops and can vary from 40 minutes to 1,5 hours. Beets are usually baked for an hour.

The recipe for zasolki beetroot is not available

According to all the old recipes, vinegar was never used when pickling or fermenting vegetables. Salted beetroot itself is a versatile product (in the form of an independent snack, an additive to first courses, salads, vinaigrettes). The brine obtained during its manufacture can be used as an independent drink, reminiscent of kvass. Especially if you add some sugar to it.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

And for the manufacture of salted beets, you need very little:

  • about 8 kg of root crops;
  • 10 L of water;
  • 300-400 g of salt.

According to this recipe for salting, it is necessary to prepare any voluminous dish with a wide neck: a barrel, a saucepan or an enameled bucket.

  1. Root crops of small and medium sizes can be salted whole, the largest ones are cut into two or four parts.
  2. The vegetable is washed very carefully, the peel is not peeled, but the longest tails and roots are carefully cut off.
  3. Prepared vegetables are tightly packed in a clean and dry container.
  4. To prepare the brine, the salt is completely dissolved in still warm boiled water.
  5. Allow the brine to cool to room temperature and pour it over the laid root crops.
  6. Next, you need to put a wooden circle or a lid of a slightly smaller diameter on top than the container itself. A load is placed on it (a container with water, a stone, a brick).
  7. Vegetables should be covered with brine by at least 4-5 cm.
  8. From above, the container is covered with gauze to prevent midges and other debris from getting into the brine.
  9. Leave the container with the future salt preparation in the room at normal temperature for 10-15 days.
  10. At the beginning of the fermentation process, foam will begin to appear on the surface of the brine, which must be removed every day.
  11. In addition, if the container is filled to capacity, then during fermentation, part of the brine may spill out, and this moment must also be foreseen.
  12. After the due date, the container with salted beets is transferred to a cold, but non-freezing place: cellar, basement, balcony.
  13. If there are no suitable conditions for storing a salty dish in a large container, then you can decompose the contents into jars, pour in brine and store in the refrigerator.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

Salting beets for the winter in brine and without it

How beets are salted for the winter in brine was discussed in detail in the previous recipe. But, as with the fermentation of cabbage, there is an option when salting initially occurs without the addition of liquid.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg beet;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 25 g salt.

And additionally for the brine, which will still be needed, but later, you will need:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 20-30 g of salt.

Preparing a salty snack:

All vegetables are washed, peeled and chopped with a sharp knife or on a coarse grater.

In a large bowl, everything is thoroughly mixed, salt is added and mixed again until the juice is released.

They are transferred to a suitable container for fermentation, oppression is placed on top and left in the room for 12 hours.

The next day, the resulting juice is drained, water and salt are added to it and heated to a boil.

After dissolving the salt, the brine is cooled slightly (to about + 70 ° C) and vegetables are poured into it.

The load is placed on top again, covered with a lid, and removed to a cold place with a temperature not higher than + 3-5 ° C.

How to pickle beets for the winter in jars

For urban residents, the recipe for salting beets for the winter in ordinary glass jars will probably be more interesting.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg beet;
  • 2 pieces of onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coriander seeds;
  • 1 Art. l. cumin
  • 750 ml of water;
  • 15-20 g of salt.


  1. Beets are washed, peeled and cut in a convenient way: slices, circles, cubes, cubes.
  2. The onion is peeled and cut into thin slices.
  3. Salt is diluted in water, boiled for several minutes and cooled.
  4. Banks are sterilized in boiling water, in the oven or microwave.
  5. Sterile jars are filled with root crops, onions, sprinkled with spices and poured with cooled brine so that its level is 2 cm below the edge of the jar.
  6. Close with polyethylene lids scalded with boiling water and hold at room temperature for a week.
  7. Then rearrange for 5 weeks in a cool place, after which the salted beets can be considered ready.

How to salt beets with garlic for the winter

Another interesting salting recipe, according to which the dish turns out to be spicy and spicy and will serve as an excellent and healthy snack, no worse than pickles.

You need:

  • 500 g of beets;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 liters of water (both for cooking and for brine);
  • 1,5 Art. l salts;
  • 10 g of parsley;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 20 g of bay leaf;
  • 1 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • 3-5 peas of black pepper.

According to this recipe, it is better to choose small root crops for salting.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes


  1. Rinse the beets thoroughly and, without removing either the peel or the tails, put in boiling water (1 l) for 10 minutes.
  2. Then immediately place in cold water to cool.
  3. After the vegetable has cooled, remove the peel from it and cut off the tails on both sides.
  4. From the second liter of water, prepare a brine by first dissolving salt in it. Then bring the brine to a boil and place finely chopped herbs, chopped garlic and sugar in it.
  5. Boil no more than 3 minutes and cool.
  6. In sterile jars, lay peeled, but whole root crops and spices in layers.
  7. Pour in the cooled brine, close the lids and place in a cold place.

How to pickle beets quickly

According to this simple recipe, salted beets for the winter in jars can be prepared very quickly. But it is better to store such a blank for the winter in the refrigerator.

For salting you will need:

  • 1 kg beet;
  • salt – to taste (from 10 to 30 g);
  • 200 g onions;
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • bay leaf to taste.


Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

The beets are washed and dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes.

  • Cool in cold water and remove the peel and ponytails with roots.
  • Cut into sticks or rings.
  • Onions are peeled and cut into rings.
  • In a prepared sterile jar, chopped onion is placed on the bottom, then a bay leaf.
  • Chopped beets in a separate container are thoroughly mixed with salt, allowed to stand for several minutes.
  • Then spread the top layer in a jar.
  • Pour in vegetable oil and shake lightly.
  • The neck is covered with parchment paper, secured with an elastic band and placed in the refrigerator.

You can enjoy a salty snack in a day.

A simple recipe for salted beets for the winter

The beets salted according to this recipe are as natural as possible, since there is nothing superfluous in the composition of the components. But on the other hand, due to sterilization, it can be stored in winter even at room conditions.

You need:

  • about 1 kg of beets;
  • 1 L of water;
  • 20g salt.


  1. The washed and peeled vegetable is blanched in a standard way in boiling water for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cool, cut in a way convenient for the hostess and put in clean jars.
  3. Brine is boiled from water and salt, hot beets are poured into them in jars.
    Important! In quantitative terms, the vegetable in relation to the brine should be 60 to 40.
  4. Banks are covered with lids and sterilized: 40 minutes – 0,5 l, 50 minutes – 1 l.
  5. Roll up tightly with lids and turn to cool.

How to salt boiled beets for the winter

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

Salted beets prepared according to this recipe make especially tasty vinaigrettes, and they are ideal as a dressing for first courses.

You need:

  • 2 kg beet;
  • 1 L of water;
  • 20-25 g of salt.


  1. Thoroughly washed beets are placed whole in boiling water and boiled until tender.
  2. Cool, remove skin and tails and cut into quarters.
  3. Salt is dissolved in water, heated to a boil and boiled for several minutes.
  4. Pieces of boiled beets are placed in sterile jars, poured with boiling brine and immediately hermetically sealed for the winter.

How to pickle beets with plums for the winter

It is interesting that beets with plums are salted for the winter using the same technology. It turns out a blank with a very original taste, which real gourmets cannot pass by.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • 2 kg of small root crops;
  • 1 kg of hard sour plums;
  • 3 L of water;
  • 20-30 g of salt;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 3-4 carnation buds;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon.

To make according to this recipe, boiled beets are used, cut into pieces and plums blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.

Salting beets for the winter: 8 recipes

The rest of the cooking method is standard.

  1. Beets and plums are placed in sterile jars in layers, sprinkled with spices.
  2. A brine is prepared from salt and sugar with water.
  3. Boiling brine is poured into jars of fruits and vegetables and immediately tightened tightly with lids.
  4. Store salted beets with plums in a cool place.

Rules for storing salted beets

Salted beets, made in jars with sterilization or sealed with lids, can be stored in any cool place without light. Ordinary salted beets require storage in the cold, at a temperature not higher than + 4 ° C. If such conditions cannot be created, then after the end of the fermentation process, it is recommended to decompose the workpiece into jars, pour in brine and sterilize: 0,5 l jars – at least 40-45 minutes, 1 liter jars – at least 50-55 minutes.


Salted beets for the winter are unique in taste and usefulness and a very simple preparation for the winter. Any novice hostess can handle it, and its taste can amaze even sophisticated gourmets.

Beets for the winter

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