It is not difficult to salt rowing mushrooms – in most cases, the harvesting process does not take much time, although you can also find recipes that require soaking raw materials for several days. Of course, salted rows can be bought at the store, but mushrooms salted at home are tastier and do not contain artificial preservatives.

Rows for salting are purchased in specialized stores or assembled independently. This species is found in large numbers in the forests of central Our Country. They do not grow separately like russula, mushrooms, boletus or aspen mushrooms, but form families. Groups are not arranged in heaps, like milk mushrooms, but line up in rows. From this, such a name – rows. They are harvested from mid-August to September.

Secrets of pickling mushrooms

In order for rows to be stored in jars for a long time without loss of quality, and their taste is not interrupted by spices, it is important to know how to pickle mushrooms correctly. It is recommended to adhere to the following tips during salting rows:

  1. Salt caps of fruiting bodies. The legs are set aside separately for frying or stewing in the near future.
  2. Regardless of the method of salting the rows, they are soaked for several hours in cold water. With the hot salting method, 2-3 hours is enough. The cold cooking method requires longer soaking – at least 2 days the mushrooms are kept in water, periodically changing it. In stagnant water, they will turn sour.
  3. Salting of rows is carried out in glass, enameled or wooden dishes without cracks.
  4. In its pure form, raw materials are usually not salted – several layers of mushrooms are alternated in a jar with leaves of fruit trees and sprinkled with various spices. They give the hats a pleasant aftertaste of spices and a rich aroma.
  5. Cut the hats for salting coarsely, especially if you have to harvest them using the cold method. From a long stay in the water and subsequent boiling, the mushrooms will noticeably decrease in size, so small specimens can not be cut.
  6. To make salty rows dense and crispy, you need to look for recipes for winter preparations using cherry leaves – they make mushrooms elastic.
  7. Horseradish will not let the hats turn sour. Horseradish leaves are used in salting.
  8. With spices it is better not to overdo it. If you add a lot of spices to a jar of mushrooms, they will eventually kill the taste and smell of the rows themselves.
  9. In the process of preparing rows, tin buckets should not be used. The brine will react with the metal surface and as a result, the release of toxic substances will begin.
Important! Before filling jars with mushrooms and spices, you need to sterilize them in any convenient way.

Salted rows: recipes for cooking at home

Preparing rows for salting

Before salting rows at home, they are prepared for cooking:

  1. Mushrooms are carefully sorted and excess debris is removed. The legs are cut off.
  2. Before salting, the skin is removed from the caps and the mushrooms are thoroughly washed – the structure of the rows is such that grains of sand and small debris can be packed between the plates of the fruiting body.
  3. After that, the mushrooms are soaked in cold water. Some recipes call for adding a little salt.
  4. Then spread in a colander and let the water drain.
  5. Complete the preparation of mushrooms for salting by boiling. Depending on the recipe, the cooking time can vary greatly, but on average this process takes about 30 minutes.
Advice! Boil the collected raw materials in salted water. It is important to periodically remove the foam from the surface.

How to salt row mushrooms

There are many ways to deliciously salt the row at home. All recipes can be divided into three groups: salting by cold, hot or dry method. Most often they are prepared in a cold or hot way, while in the second case, salted rows can be served on the table after 3-4 days. Cold salting takes more time, but mushrooms after such processing are more crispy.

As a fragrant additive, plant leaves and spices are poured into the jar to the rows:

  • cloves;
  • coriander;
  • dill;
  • pepper;
  • garlic;
  • cherry, oak or currant leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • horseradish root and leaves;
  • cumin and others.
Important! Rows are usually classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. This means that they cannot be eaten raw – they become edible only after heat treatment.

How to salt the rows in a hot way

According to this hot pickling recipe, rows are very fragrant, which is achieved by adding cloves. The complete list of ingredients is as follows:

  • 1 kg rows;
  • 1,5 L of water;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 peas of black pepper;
  • Xnumx buds clove;
  • 70 g salt;
  • 1 Art. l. vegetable oil.

Mushrooms are salted hot according to the following scheme:

  1. Water is poured into a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. When the water boils, peeled and washed hats are added to it.
  3. Then you need to wait until the water boils a second time. Then the fire is reduced and boiled for 40-45 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. The foam is removed from time to time, and the mushrooms are stirred.
  4. At this time, garlic is peeled, cut into thin slices and jars with lids are sterilized.
  5. When the hats are ready, they are laid out in jars in layers, alternating with pieces of garlic, bay leaves and cloves. Additionally, each layer is lightly sprinkled with salt. When filling the jar, it is important to compact the rows tightly to remove the voids between them.
  6. Then the jars are poured with brine and 1 tbsp. l. hot vegetable oil and close tightly. Twisted jars are turned upside down and left to cool.

Cooled jars with salty caps are cleaned in a cool and dark place. You can eat the finished product in 3-5 days, but it is better to let it brew for about a month.

Advice! When boiling mushrooms in boiling water, it is recommended to add 1-2 tsp. citric acid. This will prevent the mushrooms from changing their color too much.

Salted rows: recipes for cooking at home

How to salt the rows in a cold way

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg rows;
  • 1,5-2 liters of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 horseradish leaves;
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill;
  • 10 peas of black pepper;
  • 50 g salt.

Salting mushrooms in rows in a cold way occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, mushrooms are soaked to remove bitterness. To do this, they are laid out in a large container and poured with cold water for 3 days. The top of the container is covered with a lid.
  2. During these 3 days, periodically change the water so that the mushrooms do not turn sour. Elastic hats speak of readiness. If they still break when pressed, then you need to hold them in the water a little more.
  3. Soaked rows are folded into another container in layers, caps down, if the mushrooms are whole. The thickness of the row should be approximately 4-5 cm. After each layer, the fruiting bodies are sprinkled with salt and spices.
  4. A cloth is placed on top, covered with a flat solid object, for example, a plate, and pressed down with oppression. After 2-3 days, the mushrooms should release juice. If it is not enough, oppression is made heavier.

A month later, salted caps or whole fruiting bodies prepared according to this recipe can be served on the table.

How to pickle mushrooms in a dry way

Recipes for salting rows in a dry way are the most convenient – they exclude the stage of soaking mushrooms from the general process. This method got its name because the mushrooms are not soaked before salting. They are thoroughly washed, slightly dried and then proceed to the preparation of raw materials.

The cooking process looks like this:

  1. In the prepared container (enamelled pan, bucket or tank, wooden barrel), rows are laid in layers, placing them with hats down. Sprinkle each layer with table salt.
  2. The top layer of mushrooms is covered with a clean cloth and a lid or other flat and fairly solid object is placed on it.
  3. An oppression is installed on the support: a boiled stone, a brick, a glass jar or a bottle of water.
  4. On the 3-4th day, the rows should settle under the weight of oppression and let the juice flow. More mushrooms are placed in the container, after which the oppression is returned to its place. So the container is filled to the top, after which the mushrooms are transferred to sterilized jars and put in the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

Salted rows: recipes for cooking at home

With this method of salting, the product will be ready for use 1-2 weeks after the last laying of mushrooms under oppression.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is recommended to store salted rows in a cool and dark place. The optimum temperature is from +6°С to +10°С. A refrigerator is suitable for this, but it is better to put the jars in the cellar, as there may not be enough space in the refrigerator for this.

Mushrooms salted in a hot way are stored for 7-8 months. If salted in a cold way, then you can keep them up to six months, and in a dry way – up to a year.

At a lower temperature, pickled mushrooms will freeze slightly and crumble heavily, and after defrosting they will lose their elasticity, the aroma and their taste will become completely different.

In a warm room, salty rows will quickly turn sour and become unsuitable for consumption.


Row mushrooms can be salted in different ways: hot, cold or dry. Each of them has its own advantages, but the most important thing is to follow the general recommendations for salting mushrooms. Then the rows will turn out tasty and crispy, regardless of the method of preparation, and the shelf life of the finished product will be as long as possible. To give the blanks a pleasant taste and piquant aroma, they are diluted with spices and leaves of fruit trees.

For more information on how to salt rows for the winter, you can learn from the video below:

Salting rows of purple. hot way

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