Salt-free diet for weight loss: how much weight can you lose if you exclude only one product from the diet – salt?
An indispensable ingredient in food preparation – salt – can be the source of your overweight problems: its excess retains fluid in the body and generally inhibits metabolism. This is the basis of the salt-free diet for weight loss, which, despite its name, does not at all call for a complete rejection of salt – only for its restriction.
Pros and cons of a salt-free diet
It is not necessary to completely eliminate salt on a salt-free diet. Moreover, sodium, which is contained in salt, is an essential element of a healthy diet, it is responsible for removing calcium from the body, an excess of which is harmful.
But salt, like any other substances and trace elements, the body needs in a reasonable amount. In the diet of a modern person, this amount is greatly exceeded – sausages, sausages, bread, canned food, chips, salted nuts and many other products that already contain salt.
So, it is believed that a modern person exceeds his salt rate at least twice, disrupting metabolism and harming his health.
Not all nutritionists agree on the effectiveness of a salt-free diet for weight loss – many of them argue that weight loss occurs only due to water, and as soon as a person returns to his usual diet, the lost kilograms will soon return.
There are also studies in which it has been proven that people who completely abandon salt and salt-containing foods do not at all shine with health, but, on the contrary, are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, since refusal or severe restriction of salt can cause a lack of sodium in the body. So sticking to a salt-free diet is worth it without fanaticism. It is especially useful for hypertensive patients, as well as for people prone to edema.
Salt-free diet rules
Salting food while following a salt-free diet for weight loss is allowed – but a little and not in the process of cooking food, but already when it is ready. You should eat in small portions several times a day, adhering to the principles of fractional nutrition. Garlic and onions can be added to the food so that the food does not seem bland or tasteless. However, as practice shows, the absence of salt in food eventually ceases to affect its taste – on the contrary, the food becomes tasty and aromatic again. In other words, new eating habits are being developed.
During a salt-free diet (as in the case of almost any diet for weight loss), one should give up not only salt, but also the following foods: fried, fatty, smoked and spicy foods, pickles, marinades, meat and fish broths, lamb, pork, confectionery, salty snacks (nuts, chips), dried, dried, pickled fish, sausages and other products containing a large amount of salt.
Your diet should consist of rye and wheat bread, vegetable broths, boiled lean meats and fish, raw and boiled vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products, skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, tea, jelly, dried fruits.
So, a sample menu for one day of salt-free diet can be:
breakfast of tea with milk, cottage cheese and salt-free bread;
baked apple lunch;
lunch of potato and mushroom soup, tomato salad, charlotte with apples;
afternoon tea from rosehip broth and salt-free bread with jam;
dinner of boiled potatoes, leafy salad dressed with low-fat yogurt, curd cream with fruit.
The principles of a salt-free diet can be followed for a long time, but at the same time, make sure that you get the required amount of salt per day. You should not give up salt completely – not only will it not help you fight excess weight, but it can cause irreparable harm to your health.