Salt free diet

Reviews of salt are always very controversial. Some say that this is a “white death”, while others insist that life and the proper functioning of the body are impossible without it. Indeed, salt is necessary for humans, but only a small amount. And if you use it a lot and uncontrollably, then this will not end in anything good. However, in order to avoid such situations, there is a diet that will help reduce the salt content in the body, since it involves eating only unsalted food. With the help of such a salt-free diet, you can get rid of edema, lower blood pressure, normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, and of course, lose a few extra pounds.

The benefits of salt

Salt is vital for the normal functioning of the body, the stable functioning of all its important organs and systems. Therefore, a complete rejection of salt is simply impossible. Otherwise, this can lead to unpleasant consequences, because salt is necessary for the proper production of insulin, as it can break down glucose. It helps to relax the muscles, which is necessary for their constant work. Salt contributes to the rapid digestion of food and the breakdown of food, since thanks to it, hydrochloric acid is produced in the human body. That is, it is with the help of salt that all beneficial substances, vitamins, macro- and microelements enter the bloodstream. Thus, it turns out that salt is really good for the body, but only in small quantities.

Eating without salt for a long time can lead to such serious diseases as anorexia and osteoporosis. Serves as a metabolic disorder and nervous system disorder, which can result in depression or other mental illnesses.

The essence and rules of salt-free diet

In fact, it is impossible to completely abandon salt even because it is present in various products: meat, bread, vegetables and even various fruits. The salt-free diet is based on this principle – the use of salt, which is found only in foods, completely excluding other types. This strict regimen is suitable for people with exacerbation of chronic diseases or with advanced conditions of diseases. If the purpose of such a diet is only to get rid of puffiness, then it is quite possible to get by with a sparing option. In this case, the addition of food is allowed, but table salt should be used only in a minimal amount.

A salt-free diet can last from 4 to 15 days, depending on the results you want to achieve. And so that these results really pleased, you should follow a few simple rules, thanks to which a salt-free diet does not cause serious discomfort:

  • the daily ration should be divided into several small portions, eat at least five times a day, but not much;
  • it is better to eat steamed dishes, completely eliminating frying;
  • salting dishes or at the very end of cooking, or already cooked foods;
  • add oil only to ready meals;
  • as a substitute for salt, you can use garlic, onions or herbs, soy sauce is allowed, but only without salt;
  • it is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages;
  • every day you need to drink more than two liters of water;
  • Do not overeat and always get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Prohibited products

When salt-free diet is strictly prohibited to use the following products:

  • fried, fatty and spicy foods;
  • smoked meat and pickles;
  • sausages;
  • acidic foods;
  • meat and fish broth;
  • various pickles;
  • lamb and pork;
  • sweet pastry;
  • chips and nuts;
  • alcohol.

Permitted products

List of Allowed Foods for Salt-Free Diet:

  • vegetables are raw and boiled;
  • skimmed milk;
  • dairy products and cottage cheese;
  • fruits and berries;
  • dried fruits and jelly;
  • low-fat types of fish and meat;
  • vegetable broth;
  • rye and wheat bread;
  • porridge;
  • tea.

Japanese salt-free diet

The Japanese diet is one of the varieties of a salt-free diet. This is not a quick, but very effective way to lose weight. It is balanced, and in the process of fasting you can lose up to four kilograms of weight weekly, and for the entire course of the diet about eight kilograms. This option requires a complete lack of salt in the dishes. You can use the thirteen-day method of losing weight, and you can restrict your diet program for a week. You can use in the diet for the first days of 7.

Menu of the Japanese salt-free diet for 13 days

First day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee;
  • lunch – boiled cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil, two boiled eggs, 250 grams of tomato juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of cooked in a double boiler or oven-baked fish.

Second day:

  • breakfast – natural, freshly brewed coffee, unsweetened, a slice of black rye bread;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of cooked fish in a double boiler or oven baked, boiled cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil;
  • dinner – 250 grams of fermented milk product, one hundred grams of boiled unsalted beef.

The third day:

  • breakfast – natural, freshly brewed coffee, unsweetened, a slice of black rye bread;
  • lunch – eggplant or zucchini fried with vegetable oil;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of unsalted beef cooked in a double boiler, two eggs, boiled hard boiled, fresh cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil.

Fourth day:

  • breakfast – fresh small carrots and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of cooked in a double boiler or oven-baked fish, 250 gram of tomato juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of various fruits.

Fifth day:

  • breakfast – fresh small carrots and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of cooked in a double boiler or oven-baked fish, 250 gram of tomato juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of various fruits.

Sixth day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee;
  • lunch – about two hundred grams of unsalted boiled chicken, fresh cabbage with carrots, flavored with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner – two boiled eggs, one fresh carrot, flavored with vegetable oil.

Seventh day:

  • breakfast – freshly brewed green tea;
  • lunch – about two hundred grams of unsalted boiled beef;
  • Dinner – you should choose any of the above complexes, except for the diet from the third day.

Eighth day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee;
  • lunch – a pound of unsalted boiled chicken, fresh cabbage and carrots, flavored with vegetable oil;
  • dinner – one grated carrot, flavored with vegetable oil, two boiled eggs.

Ninth day:

  • breakfast – fresh small carrots, freshly prepared lemon juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of cooked in a double boiler or oven-baked fish, 250 gram of tomato juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of various fruits.

Tenth day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee;
  • lunch – fifty grams of hard cheese, one boiled egg, three medium carrots, flavored with vegetable oil;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of various fruits.

Eleventh day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee unsweetened and a piece of black rye bread;
  • lunch – eggplants or zucchini, fried with vegetable oil;
  • dinner – cabbage fresh, flavored with vegetable oil, two boiled eggs, about two hundred grams of unsalted boiled beef.

Twelfth day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee unsweetened and a piece of black rye bread;
  • dinner – baked or steamed fish, fresh cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil;
  • dinner – 250 grams of fermented milk product, one hundred grams of boiled unsalted beef.

Thirteenth day:

  • breakfast – natural freshly brewed coffee;
  • lunch – boiled cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil, two boiled eggs, 250 grams of tomato juice;
  • dinner – about two hundred grams of steamed or baked fish.

Salt free diet for 15 days

This diet is designed for five stages, each of which lasts for three days.

The first stage involves eating chicken breast for three days, or chicken without fat and skin. The recommended amount is 500 grams per day.

At the second stage, it is allowed to eat lean fish in the amount of 500 grams per day for all three days.

At the third stage – various porridges boiled in water. Not sweet and not salty. In quantities – 500 grams per day.

The fourth stage involves the introduction of vegetables into the diet. It is allowed to eat different vegetables, excluding only potatoes from the diet. You can eat fresh, boiled or baked products in an amount up to two kilograms per day.

The last fifth stage allows the consumption of fruits, with the exception of bananas in an amount of about two kilograms per day.

Salt Free Diet on 4 Day

During this fast, you can lose about five pounds of excess weight. Foods recommended for consumption should be eaten in small quantities in several meals.

On the first day you only need to eat boiled potatoes and drink unsweetened drinks. The use of various seasonings, salt and sugar is prohibited.

On the second day, pasta should be preferred, all without salt, seasoning and oil. You also need to drink drinks without sugar.

On the third day, it is recommended to eat lean, boiled chicken without the skin and drinks without sugar.

The menu on the fourth day is exactly the same as on the first.

Salt-free diet for pregnant women

It is known that salt is able to retain water in the body, which invariably leads to edema. Especially often this can be seen during pregnancy. Of course, expectant mothers in no case can not “sit” on diets, but to follow some rules of a salt-free diet in some cases may even be useful. It is best to begin to adhere to such a diet in the third trimester, when the susceptibility to edema is highest.

Sample menu for a salt-free diet during pregnancy


  • semolina porridge;
  • Milk tea or coffee with milk.


  • borsch or soup;
  • steamed or steamed meat;
  • pasta or steamed vegetables;
  • baked potato;
  • fruit.


  • bun with fermented baked milk or milk;


  • steam fish or meat patties;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • milk;
  • Apple pie.

Salt-free rice diet

One of the popular varieties of salt-free diet – rice diet. Her diet is quite balanced and includes the use of boiled rice without salt, herbs and fresh unsalted vegetables. You can eat rice porridge as much as you like, but it is still better in moderation. At the same time, the norm of vegetables in the menu should not exceed the norm of rice. The recommended duration of such a diet is 7 days. Throughout the entire period of such starvation, you can lose from three to five kilograms of excess weight. In addition, the rice diet is not only a way to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but also a way to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body. After all, rice is able to remove dangerous toxins and harmful toxins, and also has a significant anti-aging and healing effect.

The results and harm of salt-free diets

With proper and moderate consumption of salt, the results of a salt-free diet will undoubtedly delight, since such a diet will not only get rid of a few extra pounds, but also restore and normalize the body’s water-salt balance. However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to proceed with any option of fasting with caution, gradually introducing other products into the diet. Of course, it is advisable to try to use salt in sufficiently small quantities, and it is possible to completely replace it with spices and seasonings.

Harm from a salt-free diet is possible only if you use it for a long time, since prolonged use of food without salt can cause metabolic disorders. In this case, dehydration, cramps in the calf muscles and poor absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems of the human body can occur. Also, a lack of sodium, which is contained in sodium chloride, can lead to heart disease. Therefore, it is better to listen to the recommendations of dieticians and not sit on a strict salt-free diet for a long time.

Salt Free Recipes

In order to more easily endure the period of salt-free starvation, various recipes are proposed below. Cooking such tasty and healthy dishes will distract and allow you to enjoy a meal without salt, without causing discomfort.

Vegetable okroshka

To make such a light soup you will need:

  • radish – 10 pieces;
  • cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • potatoes – 2 pieces;
  • celery stalk – 2 pieces;
  • garlic – 2 tooth.

Finely chop the vegetables, arrange them in plates. Pour the contents of the plates with kefir or whey.

Chicken fritters

To make chicken and vegetable fritters you will need:

  • chicken fillet – 1 stuff;
  • onion – 2 pieces;
  • potatoes – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • greenery;
  • soda;
  • lemon juice.

Finely chop the fillet, grate the onion, add to the meat and insist for half an hour. After adding grated vegetables, soda, herbs and a little lemon juice to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly and cook like ordinary pancakes. They will be especially useful in a double boiler. Serve such a dish with unsweetened yogurt or sour cream.


Salt-free diet is effective and useful if there are chronic diseases in which salt intake is contraindicated. You can also use her more gentle option for losing weight and getting rid of puffiness. In this case, a small amount of salt per day is permitted and the use of a variety of spices and spices. It is extremely important to drink a sufficiently large amount of water during this period. Salt-free diet contributes not only to getting rid of extra pounds of weight, but also to normalize the body’s water-salt balance. It is also useful for pregnant women, especially in the last trimester, when puffiness appears. But it should be remembered that the lack of salt in the body is destructive in the same way as its excess. Therefore, sitting on a salt-free diet, the main thing is not to overdo it, because everything is good in moderation.

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