Salt-free diet, 14 days, -8 kg

Losing weight up to 8 kg in 14 days.

The average daily calorie content is 890 Kcal.

Have you ever thought about the fact that a seemingly indispensable ingredient in cooking – salt – can provoke problems with excess weight? The fact is that salt retains fluid and can inhibit metabolic processes in the body. As a result, we say hello to excess weight.

The nutrition system that we want to talk about now does not imply a complete rejection of salt, but only suggests a reduction in its amount in our diet. Let’s learn more about this method of losing weight.

Salt-free diet requirements

So, the main requirements of salt-free nutrition include the following.

You can add salt to the food if you wish. But this should not be done during the preparation of the dish, but when it is already ready. Many people oversalt food, consuming more than the body needs, salt, without noticing it. After all, we often salt our food twice – when we cook it and just before we eat it. Remember that one of our goals is to reduce the amount of salt that enters the body, so salt the prepared dish just a little.

To improve the taste, you can add onions, garlic, herbs, various seasonings and spices. Try it. And you will be surprised at how they can modernize dishes and give them new flavors. This eating behavior contributes to the development of new eating habits, which further help to preserve both health and a good figure.

Of course, as with other diets, it is worth adhering to certain rules on a salt-free diet. Not only can you not eat a lot of salt, but you also need to throw out fatty and sweet dishes, smoked meats, pickles, marinades from the diet at least for a while. It is recommended to give up lamb and pork, salty snacks (like chips and nuts), dried, pickled, dried fish, fatty broths (both meat and fish), sausages, sausages and other frankly harmful and high-calorie foods.

Remember about moderation and the rules of a healthy balanced diet. It is recommended to make the basis of the diet low-fat boiled meat and fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables (preferably not starchy), sour berries, low-fat dairy and dairy products, cheese, eggs, rye and wheat bread. From drinks, tea, jelly, dried fruit compotes without sugar are recommended.

You can live by the rules of a salt-free diet for a long time, since it does not contradict the principles of proper nutrition and is unlikely to become stress for the body. For several days, if you do not feel discomfort, you can completely abandon salt. But it is not recommended to eat like this all the time. If too much salt is harmful, then not consuming enough salt can lead to serious health problems.

Did you know that chronic salt deficiency can even be fatal? Therefore, do not even think to say goodbye to salt completely and irrevocably. A pinch of this substance a day will definitely not hurt. Why is salt so useful? It, in particular, helps to carry oxygen into the blood, which, in the literal sense, affects the fact that a person lives. It is also important to note that the salt contains chlorine, which is necessary to maintain the normal state of gastric juice, bile, blood and the gastrointestinal tract in general. Even in the case of a lack of salt, muscles suffer, their functional qualities deteriorate.

At the same time, an excess of salt in the body can lead, in addition to puffiness and excess weight, which we mentioned above, to such problems: high blood pressure, overload on the heart and blood vessels, kidney disease, metabolic disorders in the body and many other negative consequences … For example, sodium, which is high in salt, can even trigger a stroke. The kidneys and liver are also severely affected and overwhelmed by excess salt. So the expression is good in moderation in this case is very relevant.

As for the daily salt intake, it fluctuates and depends on various factors. If in cold weather, when we practically do not sweat, it is enough for the body to receive 5-7 g of salt per day, then in the hot season the limit can be increased to 20-30 g (after all, with sweat the body loses a lot of the salt it needs).

Salt-free diet menu

A sample menu, if you decide to lose weight on a salt-free diet, may be as follows.

Breakfast: a small portion of cottage cheese (proceed from your physiological needs, do not overeat), a slice of bread (preferably salt-free), tea with milk.

Lunch: a few small baked apples.

Dinner: soup or mashed potatoes and mushrooms, vegetable salad. You can have a snack with a small portion of charlotte with apples, or just a fruit, or a handful of berries at your discretion.

Afternoon snack: tea and a slice of bread with jam or preserves.

Dinner: a few boiled potatoes and a vegetable salad (which, instead of the usual oil, it is better to season with low-fat yogurt and lemon juice).

This menu is not unshakable. Turn on your imagination and make up your further nutrition so that the monotony does not bore you, based on the basic rules of this diet.

Salt-free diet contraindications

It is not recommended to adhere to a salt-free diet for people who are engaged in heavy physical labor. Also, among specialists, disputes do not subside as to whether it is possible to eat like this for women in an interesting position.

It is imperative that before starting a salt-free diet, you need to consult with your doctor, both during pregnancy and for people suffering from at least some type of allergy.

Benefits of a salt-free diet

Its undoubted plus is its effectiveness. Many people, switching to the above diet, begin to say goodbye to extra pounds rather quickly. Some say losing weight in 2 weeks up to 8 kg. Agree, this is a tangible result.

The dietary ration is close to a rational proper nutrition, and is also divided into fractions. Therefore, you probably will not encounter an acute feeling of hunger, and losing weight together with recovery will be comfortable.

Disadvantages of a salt-free diet

Not everyone can quickly get used to unsalted or lightly salted foods. To many, they seem tasteless and do not bring any pleasure. Because of this, some on this diet break down and cannot complete what they started.

And of course, if you are used to indulging yourself with various high-calorie delicacies, you will need to try hard and show willpower to develop a habit of proper nutrition and refrain from temptations.

Repeating the salt-free diet

The salt-free diet does not ascribe a clear timetable for adherence. The main thing, as noted above, is not to give up salt at all. And there is no need to talk about repeated dieting.

Just stay on it until you achieve the desired result. And then gradually add other products, remembering to look at the scales and follow their arrow so that all your efforts are justified.

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