Salt cave helps you lose weight and get sick less often
The halo chamber will be useful to almost every person who wants to strengthen the immune system and general tone. Indications for visiting the salt chamber are for those who often suffer from allergies and dermatological diseases. Halo chambers are often visited by patients with ENT diseases, ionized air helps to relieve coughs and runny nose. A visit to the salt caves also normalizes blood circulation and can eliminate hypertension. What’s more, salt caves have been proven to help you lose weight effectively. Weight loss is achieved by improving metabolism. Speleotherapy treatment is especially popular in children. In a few sessions, the children will be able to restore immunity and even treat some chronic diseases in remission.
Salt Cave: No Entry
Despite the benefits and harmlessness of speleotherapy, some groups of people have contraindications to visiting the salt caves. The procedures in the halochamber will not be beneficial for patients with high fever, tuberculosis at any stage, severe hypertension, chronic kidney damage and coronary insufficiency. Do not visit the salt cave for people suffering from malignant tumors. If you have frequent bleeding, it can be dangerous for you to go to the cell. Although the salt chamber can be useful for expectant mothers, in the presence of toxicosis and any complications, it is better to postpone the visit.
Relaxation by the sea effect
The therapeutic effect of the salt chamber is that for 30-40 minutes you breathe air saturated with useful microelements – iodine, magnesium, calcium and others. The cave maintains a comfortable temperature and microclimate of the sea coast. Getting into a favorable regime, each cell of our body begins to actively renew itself, in connection with which a person recovers faster and feels a surge of vital energy. Visitors to the salt cave are generally enthusiastic. Someone compares the course of treatments with a week’s vacation at the sea, someone with a trip to the mountains. After 5-7 visits, the patients’ bad mood, depression disappears and their working capacity increases significantly. Parents, whose children have undergone a course of speleotherapy, are also happy: their children have been safely cured of seasonal allergies, chronic rhinitis and are much less ill.