Live in a cave? Why not! If we are talking about salt, where you can strengthen the immune system, cleanse the lungs, get rid of allergies … There is such a salt cave in Volgograd.
The salt cave is useful for children and adults
Nowadays, almost anyone can experience the healing powers of the salt caves, and you don’t even need a vacation, you can get wellness procedures in the evenings and on weekends. This became possible due to the massive distribution of artificial salt caves, which are equipped not only in sanatoriums and boarding houses of Russian resorts, but also in many rest houses and even beauty salons and spa centers. Such Salt cavethere is also in Volgograd.
Even in ancient times, people began to use the healing properties of salt caves and are still using it. There are natural salt caves around the world, for example in Israel, Spain, Iraq, Romania, Algeria and Russia. There are more and more people who want to improve their health in these caves, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel to different countries.
An artificial salt cave (halochamber) is a room, the floor, walls and ceiling of which are finished with natural salt. Thanks to the large volume of salt, an atmosphere similar to the climate of a natural salt cave is created in the halo chamber: low humidity, ionized air filled with dry sodium chloride aerosol.
Staying in a salt cave helps to cleanse the mucous membranes of the respiratory system of the body, improve metabolism (water-salt balance), strengthen immunity, relieve stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, general health and rejuvenation of the body.
The salt cave is good for the healing of all body systems
In addition to relieving the existing residual symptoms of a cold, the Salt Cave can also be used to prevent colds. In the Salt Cave, with a regular course visit, the body’s immune system is strengthened. In addition, the frequency and severity of allergic manifestations of all types decreases, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, cold limb syndrome, and spring weakness are relieved here.
A visit to the “Salt Cave” (halotherapy) helps pregnant women to relieve symptoms of toxicosis, improves emotional mood.
In the cave, the state of health always improves, working capacity increases, both physical and mental, and sleep improves.
The walls of the halochamber have a salt coating and thus optimize the temperature and humidity conditions, absorb noise, and have an additional psychoemotional effect. Visitors sit in comfortable armchairs. Play corners are provided for young children – they calmly play in the “salty sand” and at the same time breathe “healthy air”.
The salt cave is also a great way to relax.
It is not recommended to visit the “Salt Cave” in the acute stage of any illness, as well as if there are open wounds.
The healing effect of the salt cave is based on the various properties of negative salt ions, which can normalize metabolic processes and slow down the vegetative functions of the human body. In terms of the health-improving effect, the halochambers are not inferior to real salt caves, while you can visit them at any convenient time all year round, the conditions of stay are more comfortable and, importantly, the course is much cheaper.
Visit Salt cave shown to everyone without age restrictions:
– to relieve the frequency and severity of colds and all types of allergies;
– to relieve the frequency and severity of asthmatic attacks;
– to stimulate and strengthen the immune system;
– to relieve stress and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
– to eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue and overwork.
It is not a medical service.
There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.