Salmonella on the attack

Salmonella is a bacterium mainly associated with spoiled food. And that’s not entirely true. The cause of problems may also be failure to adhere to the rules of hygiene. Two years ago, the number of cases of salmonellosis was slightly over 8,5, and last year it was over 10. Worse still, this seemingly minor poisoning led to the death of 2016 people in 15. As emphasized by the head of the NIPP of the National Institute of Hygiene, prof. Mirosław Wysocki this sudden and high, because 16 percent. the increase in morbidity should start to worry.

Salmonella bacteria live in the intestines of animals and do not harm them at all. However, for humans, they can even be deadly. 95 percent cases of infection are carried out by eating poultry meat, eggs, especially raw, unpasteurized milk and its products. Less often, their source is contact with animals or a sick person. Salmonellosis manifests as diarrhea and vomiting. May be dehydrated, which may require treatment in a hospital.

Salmonella feels good in the refrigerator

Salmonella bacteria feel good in the refrigerator and in the freezer, therefore the prophylaxis is cooking, frying or baking. When cooking eggs, make sure that both the egg white and the yolk are cut. Ideally, scrambled eggs, fried eggs are also cut. Hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water after cooking such dishes. Dishes, accessories and surfaces in contact with raw eggs should be thoroughly cleaned with detergents. Do not use the same plates or cutlery that have been in contact with raw eggs. A study conducted a few years ago by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute and the Detto company showed that kitchen countertops in our homes are sometimes dirtier than trolley handles in supermarkets, money, and even handrails in trams, buses and trains.

Steamed eggs

In March this year. Several dozen children were poisoned in one of the kindergartens in Chotomów. Some of them ended up in the hospital. Sanitary inspection showed that salmonella was present in the egg paste and meat croquettes. According to the data published by the Department of Epidemiology of the NIPH-NIH, in Poland for many years Salmonella spp. Has been the most common cause of gastrointestinal infections. Eggs can be one of the sources. Therefore, when buying them, you should always make sure that the shells are clean and undamaged. They should be stored in the refrigerator in the original packaging, in line with the expiry date. Children, the sick and the elderly should avoid dishes that contain raw eggs such as tartare, tiramisu, mayonnaise, hollandaise sauces, kogel-mogel and ice cream.

Transitive bacteria

However, food is not always contaminated. After the wedding, which took place in Sokołów Podlaski on May 6, this year, several dozen people were sent to hospitals all over Poland with ailments related to the gastrointestinal tract. Salmonella turned out to be the reason. The obtained results of the food tests indicated, however, that it was not the food that was the cause of the poisoning. On the other hand, Salmonella enteritidis, which was also found in wedding participants, was detected in two of the staff. Therefore, it is important to remember that washing your hands for at least 20 seconds reduces the incidence of diarrhea by half. Meanwhile, most of us spend only 5 seconds on it.

Drying is important

Water alone is not enough to wash your hands, always use soap. When we are away from home, e.g. on a walk, on a bus or elsewhere, we can use a gel preparation or use a hand disinfectant. It is enough to rub them well into your hands to get rid of dangerous intruders. Microbes stick to wet hands more easily than dry hands, so it is very important to dry your hands thoroughly after washing them. Researchers from the University of Bradford in the UK have shown that it is more effective to wipe your hands with a paper towel than to use a dryer. It takes about 20 seconds to dry your hands with a paper towel. The effective use of a dryer takes twice as long, which is why many people do not dry their hands.

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