Salmonella infection in babies: what symptoms, what precautions?

Salmonellosis, infection with the salmonella bacteria (of the genus Salmonella), is often talked about in the news: contaminated infant milk (Lactalis case at the end of 2017), cheeses or cold meats withdrawn from the market due to a risk of contamination, etc.

We explain to you what it is, what are the risks and symptoms of this disease.

What is salmonella infection, or salmonellosis?

Salmonellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the type Salmonella, or salmonella in common parlance. Most of these bacteria are found in the intestines of animals of the vertebrate family, and transmitted to humans via food, by contaminating certain foods. The bacteria can also proliferate in water that has been contaminated with human feces.

In Western countries, most cases of salmonellosis result from contamination following the ingestion of contaminated food (cheeses, cold meats, milk, eggs in particular).

Salmonellosis: what symptoms in babies? What treatment?

In adults as well as in children and infants, salmonellosis results in symptoms resembling gastroenteritis : diarrhea, intestinal pain, fever, vomiting …

In babies, the symptoms of an infection with a salmonella-type bacteria are therefore quite obvious, and should lead to see a doctor as soon as possible. In the most severe cases, blood may be found in the stool or in the vomit.

In the event of suspicion of salmonellosis, for example after a trip abroad or following the ingestion of a so-called “risky” food, do not hesitate to request a stool analysis so that the diagnosis can be made, or definitively ruled out.

The incubation period of salmonellosis, i.e. the time between infection with the bacteria and the appearance of the first symptoms, can vary between one to three days depending on the dose ingested, the health of the individual and the characteristics of the bacteria in question.

If salmonellosis resolves without treatment after 3 to 5 days on average in adults of normal physical condition, antibiotic therapy should be prescribed in the elderly, infants, or immunocompromised people for whom the infection may be more severe. severe, even fatal.

The treatment of salmonellosis in babies is based on two aspects: compensating for water loss through rehydration; and prescribing antibiotics.

Precautions to avoid salmonellosis in babies

As a precaution, it is recommended to never offer your baby to eat unpasteurized dairy products. Milk and products derived from milk which have not undergone pasteurization are to be avoided.

Regarding meat, eggs and fish, it is recommended to cook well, and not to feed the baby if they are raw or undercooked.

Last but not least, good hygiene in the kitchen is recommended : diligent hand washing before preparing the meal, separating raw food from cooked food, thoroughly washing kitchen utensils, washing fruits and vegetables in clean water before preparing them …

It will be noted that these are more or less the recommendations given to pregnant women to avoid contamination with listeriosis, salmonellosis and toxoplasmosis. Because, like a pregnant woman, a baby has a weakened immune system, and in her case, immature, which makes it more vulnerable to infections.

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