Salmonella causes salmonellosis

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Salmonella is one of those bacteria that shared the fate of hurricanes: its name, at least in Polish, is associated with a female name. The American explorer Dr. Salmon did not give her his full name. However, regardless of the supposed gender of the bacteria, in the summer months it wreaks havoc among lovers of cream cakes and homemade mayonnaise.


Of the two known species of rods of the genus Salmonella a man is threatened by one. Subtypes of this species cause various diseases: typhoid fever (salmonella typhi), pseudo-typhoid fever, and most often gastroenteritis, i.e. food poisoning, probably known to everyone from at least one episode in life, not necessarily caused by Salmonellą. Salmonelloza – the disease caused by the Salmonella bacterium, occurs most often in summer, when it is difficult to ensure the comfort of low temperature, especially at collective events: weddings, festivals or canteens.

Although not all food poisoning is equal to salmonellosis, salmonellosis is considered to be one of the more common causes of poisoning in children who tolerate it less well. Exactly, because although salmonellosis may seem “ordinary” poisoning (although those who have such “ordinary” adventure behind them do not wish it to their worst enemy), it should not be underestimated. In healthy and strong people, the presence of bacteria in the body sometimes goes unnoticed, a large group suffer greatly and violently, albeit harmlessly, and in most cases, if vomiting and diarrhea do not lead to dehydration, no antibiotics are given and hospitalization is unnecessary. However, there is a group of people for whom salmonellosis can be dangerous. These include children, the elderly, the sick and those who have a weak immune system, such as patients undergoing chemotherapy or suffering from AIDS. In them, local inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach can turn into systemic inflammation and lead to a life-threatening situation. Then it will not be without urgent antibiotic therapy.

Salmonella – causes / sources

The problem with salmonellosis is this: even if the symptoms of poisoning disappear on their own after a few days, Salmonella sticks remain in the body for several months. During this time, they are systematically excreted in the faeces and are still a potential source of infection. Same as the faeces of animals carrying Salmonella.

You can get banned in various ways: most often eating dishes with raw eggs, such as ice cream, mayonnaise, sauces, creams in cakes, as well as delicatessen meat products: pates, luncheon meat, dumplings, etc. are carriers of bacteria. Therefore, employees of gastronomic establishments are required, inter alia, to stool tests, because only in this way can the presence of sticks be detected. Of course, it is required theoretically – just browse through internet advertising portals to see how easy it is to get the current Sanepid booklet for only PLN 50. It’s scary to think who is serving us food in fast food bars and whether they washed their hands after visiting the toilet …

Salmonella and eggs

Eggs eaten raw, e.g. in tartare, cream or kogel-mogel, are especially dangerous.

Animals are another source of salmonella, contrary to popular belief, not only chickens, but possibly other poultry or livestock.

– According to some studies, about 40-50% of the turtle population is carriers of Salmonella bacilli – says Mateusz Rawski, president of the “Emys” Turtle Breeders Association. – In reptiles, not only turtles, but also iguanas and other lizard species, more than 20 Salmonella serotypes, including those dangerous to humans, are detected. This is dangerous because turtles are often bought for children as trouble-free pets. Meanwhile, kids can become infected with Salmonella while playing with the turtle. There have even been deaths in the US and many other countries, and reports are issued several times a year; Unfortunately, in Poland there are no studies establishing the scale of the problem. Due to the microbiological risk associated with reptile breeding, hygiene should be followed: it is necessary to wash your hands after contact with a turtle or its terrarium equipment, water from aquaterrariums should not be poured into kitchen sinks, it is also unacceptable to use plates, bowls or other kitchen equipment that people later use.

Salmonella – symptoms of poisoning

Salmonella causes unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms similar to the popular food poisoning. Salmonella poisoning differs from the usual one in that it can lead to infection of internal organs or joint ailments. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning appear as early as 8 hours after eating contaminated food.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  1. high fever,
  2. diarrhea,
  3. vomiting,
  4. abdominal pain,
  5. headache.

Salmonella in children

In children, Salmonella infection causes symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, as well as nausea and general weakness. It takes about 12-24 hours for the bacteria to enter the child’s body and the first symptoms of the disease to appear. Diarrhea in children is characterized by the passing of incorrect (liquid or semi-liquid) stools, even several times a day. Additionally, there may be pus, mucus or blood in the stool. Other symptoms associated with Salmonella infection in children include:

  1. general malaise of the child,
  2. high temperature,
  3. feeling pain when passing stools
  4. chills,
  5. abdominal pain (cramp)
  6. pressure on the stool,
  7. dehydration (dangerous to young children).

The diagnosis of Salmonella in children includes medical history and detailed tests (microbiological, laboratory and clinical). Microbiological testing is indicated in children who develop diarrhea with blood that has led to dehydration or severe general health. Then, in such a child, a stool culture is performed.

Important! Each Salmonella infection must be reported to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

In the treatment of Salmonella, hydration is primarily used (oral, intravenous). It is important to replenish water and electrolyte deficiencies. Special powdered preparations, ready to dissolve, are also used. Children must not drink soda and sweet juices as they contain a large amount of sugar, which can aggravate diarrhea and increase water loss from the body. It is allowed to serve diluted apple juice, without added sugar.

Antibiotic is administered in exceptional cases, because not every infection requires it. There is much talk that an antibiotic can cause the infection to become chronic and lead to asymptomatic transmission of bacteria.

In order to prevent the development of Salmonella in your child, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene, also when preparing meals. Teach your child to wash their hands a little before meals, but also to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. Appropriate heat treatment of eggs, milk and meat is equally important.

Salmonella in pregnancy

The most common way of infection is the consumption of contaminated products: meat, fish, eggs and unpasteurized milk. The disease can also be caught as a result of contact with sick animals, such as pigeons, turtles, dogs and cats. Symptoms of Salmonella in pregnancy are the same as those of non-pregnant people, with diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, chills and vomiting.

In general, Salmonella infection does not pose any serious risk to the baby. More dangerous may be the dehydration associated with diarrhea and vomiting, which causes the child to lose minerals. However, the long-term persistence of salmonellosis and its severe course can have serious consequences for the mother and baby, such as miscarriage, sepsis, premature birth and even meningitis.

Treatment consists primarily of overhydration of the organism, plenty of rest, an easily digestible diet and the intake of medicinal charcoal. In turn, a very severe course of the disease must be treated with antibiotics, because ignoring this condition can cause bleeding from the intestine, hepatitis and gall bladder inflammation in a pregnant woman, and even be a threat to the health and life of the mother and child.

Salmonella – treatment

In the treatment of salmonella, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids and eat. It happens that diet or consumption of coal / Smecty is enough to fully heal. If symptoms of poisoning persist after taking these drugs, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic. Unfortunately, there are cases that aspire to visit the hospital. Remember that salmonella is a dangerous food poisoning, especially in young children who become dehydrated more quickly. If you notice disturbing symptoms in your child, contact a doctor immediately!

Patients who: have diffuse salmonella, have reduced immunity, or have undergone surgery or transplantation, should be treated in hospital with antibiotics. This is very important because home treatment can lead to dangerous complications: water and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis.

After going to the hospital, the patient undergoes tests. A stool sample is collected and cultured to see if salmonella is causing gastrointestinal discomfort. Another stool test is performed after the treatment is completed to assess whether the cure has been completely cured (if there are still bacteria in the stool – the patient may continue to infect).

Salmonella and eggs

By starting from the website of the US Food and Drug Administration, you can link by link for a fascinating journey through the world of fighting the heady Salmonella, a journey that is sometimes reminiscent of the potential second part of Kafka’s “The Trial”, titled “Egg”. We will get to know a few, constantly improved versions of the “Egg safety standard”, we will read assurances that despite the risk of salmonellosis, citizens do not have to give up delicious homemade ice cream served during parish picnics, because instead of eggs they can use eggs resembling egg-like products, we will get links to recipes for dishes with eggs without eggs or with eggs pasteurized, dried, frozen or sent into space and happily brought back to Earth, we will listen to the calls for the mandatory salmonellosis warnings on the cartons of eggs and finally accept the encouragement that will fill our hearts that ” The FDA, in collaboration with federal and state agencies, the egg industry, and scientists, will continue to struggle to eliminate the risk of contracting salmonellosis through egg consumption. ” And while institutions like the Egg Safety Center may be fun, they show that the problem is more serious than a two-day diarrhea. The European Union also introduces directives for egg producers, but the safest thing is to simply follow the rules of hygiene: do not eat raw egg dishes (creams, sauces, mayonnaise), soft-boiled eggs and scrambled eggs until the protein is properly cut, and treat other dishes containing eggs with a temperature of at least 75 degrees Celsius and eat immediately after serving, or reheat later; wash your hands !, scald everything you can in boiling water (but not turtles!) and remember that although ab this Salmonella sticks are on everything that can be touched by a dirty hand and on which, for example, an infected mouse can sit.

Salmonella – how to avoid poisoning

Not everyone is at the same risk of salmonella poisoning, and sometimes it is enough to follow a few basic recommendations to avoid contamination. If you want to avoid danger, follow the rules below.

  1. Avoid storing poultry, fish, eggs, and raw meat near items that are ready to eat.
  2. Before putting the eggs in the fridge, let them soak in boiling water for about 10 seconds.
  3. If you have thawed the meat – do not freeze it again!
  4. Try to avoid eating tartare and other dishes made from raw meat.
  5. Would you like ice cream and cream? Choose only those that are well chilled.
  6. Always choose well-done and cooked food, as the high temperatures in cooking kill germs.
  7. Avoid meat of unknown origin.
  8. Always remember to wash your hands after using the toilet and before preparing and eating meals.

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