Smart people, in spite of Soviet advertising, have not been running away from heart attacks and strokes for a long time; they eat fatty fish and milk, rich in protein, amino acids, trace elements and valuable fats. In many countries of the world, this element of the reproductive system of male fish is considered a delicacy.
Fish milk is a white milky substance in a thin instant film – boiled, fried, pickled, salted, dried, dried. It is believed that the most high-calorie and useful milk of marine fish of valuable species, in particular, salmon.
Salmon Milk Pancakes
– 500 grams of milk (weight indicated when defrosted), – 3 tablespoons of flour, – dry wine (preferably white), – 1 egg, – salt and pepper.
Place the milk in a mixer and beat together with flour and egg. Salt the mass, pour in wine and a little olive oil. Stir. You should get a mass that resembles sour cream in density. Bake the pancakes in the same way as you would with regular dough: in a thick-walled skillet, in a significant amount of hot oil. The pancakes are very delicate, so remove them not with a fork, but with a wide spatula.
Julienne with salmon milk
You will need: – 500 grams of milk (the weight is indicated in defrosted form), – 2 onions, – 0,5 cups of cream, – sunflower oil, – salt and pepper to taste.
Often for this dish, the milk is ground, but then the desired consistency leaves, and the final product turns out to be similar to baked porridge, so it is better and more correct to cut the milk into oblong pieces of 0,5 cm.
To enhance the taste, you can add some finely chopped salmon meat to the dish, which must first be fried
Chop the onion finely, sauté in a little oil, as soon as the onion acquires a characteristic golden color, put the milk in the pan, salt and pepper, stir and pour over the cream. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. You can decorate the finished dish with herbs or unsalted grated cheese.
Korean bouquet
Milk occupies a special place in Korean cuisine, the people highly value dishes made from such a valuable product, therefore, as a rule, men prepare milk and do almost all manipulations with their hands, without knives or household appliances. It’s easy to prepare an original appetizer dish.
You will need: – 200 grams of milk, – a small carrot, – 1 onion, – garlic, – soy sauce, ground pepper and salt to taste.
Heat oil in a large skillet and brown onions and carrots, chopped into long, narrow ribbons, until bright. Fry the milk separately, you don’t even have to cut it: the temperature will dramatically decrease in volume. Combine vegetables and milk, add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and cover. Simmer for a couple of minutes, then salt, be sure to put red and black pepper, at the very end – chopped garlic.