Salad watch out for vodka

Salad “Watch out for vodka” for the winter is a very tasty snack for any feast. Unexpected guests can always be pleased with the fresh and spicy taste of this dish. This appetizer goes well with barbecue and strong drinks. And, of course, this preservation can be used not only for alcohol, but also for any side dish.

How to make a salad Beware the vodka

Salad “Be afraid of vodka” has a simple recipe, but there are important features in cooking. The correct cooking process will give the appetizer a beautiful look. The vegetables themselves will be fresh and crispy.

To keep vegetables fresh in taste, they should be less heat treated. This will preserve the vitamins in the product, due to which it will be easier for the body to deal with the breakdown products of alcohol. When it is necessary to boil all the ingredients, this should not be done for long.

Since they do not use long-term cooking, vegetables must be well marinated. Put the vegetables in the oil-vinegar marinade for 2 hours. However, you may not use

 heat treatment. In this case, the salad with marinade is sterilized only in jars.

The container for preparing snacks must be chosen large and spacious.

Important! Preservation jars must be properly prepared. It is necessary to wash and sterilize the used container well.

Fill dry jars with snacks. In order for the salad to remain fresh, it is necessary to close it hermetically with sterilized lids.

For better preservation, it is better to leave the container in a “steam bath”, preventing cooling at room temperature. The best way to cool down is to wrap all inverted cans in a blanket or towel.

Product selection rules

The choice of products should be taken seriously. Rotten vegetables should not be used. When choosing cabbage, it is better to take autumn varieties, they are much juicier. When choosing tomatoes, you should pay attention to fleshy and medium-sized varieties.

When choosing onions, you can use the usual salad variety. If desired, you can add sweet Yalta.

Salad “Hold on Vodka” for the winter can have a different recipe, and a combination of several vegetables complements its taste.


As a rule, the same products are used to prepare this salad. They are usually inexpensive and very nutritious.

Standard set of components:

  • carrot;
  • bulb onions;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • cucumbers;
  • White cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • salt – 5 teaspoons;
  • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 9% – 200 ml;
  • butter.

All components use 1 kg. More products can be used depending on the desired end result.

If you focus on this ratio in cooking, you can get 10 jars of 0,5 liters.

Step-by-step salad recipes for the winter Beware of vodka

Salad “Hold on Vodka” for the winter has a simple recipe. The advantage of such an appetizer is that vegetables in the off-season remain on the table like on a summer day. And for any feast, it will be an invaluable preservation.

Consider the recipe for the salad “Watch out for vodka” with step by step photos.

First you need to wash all the vegetables under hot water. Remove excess debris from each product. Cut onions.

Salad watch out for vodka

Carrots are chopped on a special Korean-style grater or cut into strips.

Salad watch out for vodka

 Grind cucumbers in semicircles.

Salad watch out for vodka

Chop the tomatoes into cubes.

Salad watch out for vodka

Bulgarian pepper cut into half rings or strips.

Salad watch out for vodka

Chop the cabbage on a grater or with a knife.

Salad watch out for vodka

Pour boiled water over carrots for 15 minutes. This will make it softer. Combine all vegetables together in one bowl.

Salad watch out for vodka

Add salt, spices, sugar, oil, vinegar and mix everything by hand. Leave the resulting mass for one hour.

Salad watch out for vodka

Vegetables during this time should give the juice, and this will be the marinade. Pour the resulting liquid into another saucepan. Put on fire and let it boil. Immediately pour the prepared marinade over the vegetables.

Mix the whole mass with a ladle and send to the fire.

Salad watch out for vodka

 After the whole billet begins to boil, it must be boiled for 10 minutes. Pre-sterilize jars and lids. When the salad is ready, you need to transfer it with a ladle into the prepared container and roll it up.

Salad watch out for vodka

Delicious salad “Watch out for vodka” is ready. It can be served with hot meat dishes.

Salad Watch out vodka with sterilization

It is possible to prepare a cucumber salad “Beware of Vodka” with sterilization. This will give the workpiece a special taste and it can be stored longer.

Products for making the salad “Beware of Vodka”:

  • 1 kg – tomatoes;
  • cucumbers – 800 g;
  • carrots – 600 g;
  • cabbage – 1 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper – 800 g;
  • onion – 600 g;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • vinegar 9% – 150 ml;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup.

Cooking begins with the sterilization of the necessary utensils for preserving the salad, namely: jars, lids. The best way to sterilize would be the oven. Banks must be washed and put in the oven. Keep at 160 degrees for 20 minutes. Boil the lids in a small container for 15-20 minutes.

The next step is to prepare the products. They should be cleaned and rinsed under hot water.

You can cut it as your fantasy tells, but usually there is a certain standard of preparation. Tomatoes are cut into cubes, carrots are rubbed on a grater. Cabbage is shredded like a salad. Peppers and onions are cut into halves of the rings. Cucumbers are cut into slices and in half.

Add vinegar, spices, salt, vegetable oil and sugar to the finished mass. Leave the workpiece for 1 hour. When the vegetables have started juice, drain all the liquid into another container. Next, fill the prepared jars with a little more than the middle of the salad and pour the marinade on top. Cover and sterilize for 20 minutes. After that, roll up the lids, turn over and leave to cool under a towel. The farewell vodka salad recipe is simple, and the appetizer is ready to eat.

Salad Watch out for vodka without sterilization

In order for the Vodka Beware tomato salad to be juicy, like in summer, it is most often made without sterilization. This appetizer is easy to prepare and the end result will be a great addition to any side dish.


  • cucumbers;
  • White cabbage;
  • Bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup;
  • vinegar – half a glass;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • sugar – 100

Preparing snacks begins with cleaning and washing vegetables. It is also important to prepare the inventory, it must be washed and sterilized.

Cucumbers cut in half and cut into thin strips or semicircles. Chop the cabbage into strips, you can use a special grater. Slightly knead with your hands so that she starts up the juice.

Remove seeds and membranes from peppers. Cut lengthwise into several pieces and cut into cubes. Strongly finely chopped should not be. Grate carrots on a fine grater or use a special one for carrots in Korean. Chop the onion into half rings. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Salad watch out for vodka

Transfer all prepared vegetables to a deep enameled pan. Mix gently with your hands. Add sugar, salt, vinegar, oil and stir again. Leave the whole mixture to marinate in its own juice for 1 hour.

Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. Boil the snack for 10 minutes. Next, transfer the salad to ready-made jars and tightly tighten the lids. Banks turn over and wrap in a blanket.

Salad Watch out for vodka without cabbage

The preparation of this snack is very similar to the original version. However, for those who do not like cabbage, you can use the following simple recipe.

Necessary ingredients:

  • fresh tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • vinegar 9% – half a glass;
  • vegetable oil – 2 cups;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • spice.

First you need to prepare the container. Sterilize the jars in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Treat lids in boiling water for 15 minutes.

Wash vegetables under hot running water. Tomatoes cut into cubes. Chop cucumbers into rings. Chop carrots on a coarse grater. Sweet pepper cut into cubes. Onion cut into half rings.

Transfer all vegetables to an enameled pan and mix thoroughly, without using force. Add salt, spices to taste, vinegar, oil and mix again. Let it brew for 2 hours.

Salad watch out for vodka

Drain the finished marinade through a sieve, boil and pour back to the vegetables. Put the whole mass on fire and cook for 15 minutes.

Let the finished snack cool down. It should be upside down and wrapped in a towel.

Salad watch out for vodka

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of the final product depends on the correct preparation and sterilization of the jars. If everything was done correctly, then you can store at room temperature.

Important! Preservation can not be kept in a bright, warm place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. The best storage room is the cellar.

Without sterilization, lettuce is best eaten within six months. Snack “Watch out for vodka” for the winter, which has been sterilized, can be stored for 1 year. Next comes the oxidation process of the used cover.

Salad for the winter BEWARE OF VODKA ✔

Salad reviews Beware of vodka for the winter

Daria, 37 years old, Rostov.
Delicious salad “Watch out for vodka”! Our family really liked it! All foods are nutritious and reminiscent of the taste of summer. They made a few such conservations, which they regretted. We plan to double that next year.
Elena, 62 years old, Novgorod.
Preparing an appetizer turned out to be not difficult, and it really was chic with vodka. It seemed a little that there was not enough salt, but we added it already in an open jar and the taste became even better.


Salad “Watch out for vodka” for the winter turned out to be a simple and affordable dish. It contains many vegetables that are filled with vitamins. The name of the appetizer is of genuine interest, and its taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

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