
Ichthyologists and environmentalists are sounding the alarm: the population of one of the most common marine fish species, cod, is rapidly declining in the world. The thing is that it is this inhabitant of the deep sea that is extremely popular with culinary specialists all over the world due to its taste and chemical composition.

Over the past few years, the catch of this fish has increased so much that, as a result, the population simply does not have time to recover. However, dozens, if not hundreds, of fish species live in the depths of the sea, which are in no way inferior to cod in terms of taste. One of them is saithe, which also belongs to the cod family.

General characteristics

The habitat of pollock is the entire North Atlantic. This fish migrates over long distances, and therefore is found from Greenland to the New York coast, as well as in waters near Norway and Iceland. It lives at a depth of 200-250 meters.

Outwardly, pollack is very similar to cod, so sometimes they are jokingly called “twin brothers”. The fish has a pointed dark head, an olive-colored back, and the sides are lighter, yellowish-gray. The abdomen of the pollock is milky white, sometimes silvery-grayish.

A distinctive characteristic of saithe is a light, almost straight stripe, which is clearly visible from the side of the body of the fish.

The average body length of an adult saithe is from 60 centimeters to a meter, but there are real giants up to 120 centimeters long.

A large saithe can weigh up to seventeen kilograms, and the largest individual to date, which was caught by a Norwegian fisherman, “tightened” by 22,3 kg. The life expectancy of saithe is up to thirty years.

Saida is a predator. Young fish feed mainly on caviar of other fish and crustaceans, while adults hunt for schooling fish of smaller dimensions: herring, capelin, gerbil. At the same time, pollock usually hunts in huge flocks – predators surround future prey from all sides, and the noise they make is heard even on the surface of the sea.

Saithe spawns throughout its habitat, from January to June. Females lay their eggs at a depth of up to two hundred meters, above areas with soft soils, if the water temperature does not exceed 10 degrees and its salinity is 35%. One female pollock is able to lay at least five million eggs, the diameter of which is 1 mm.

Larvae up to 3,5 mm long hatch in twelve to fourteen days, and the current carries them hundreds of kilometers from the place where the spawning took place.

Promysel said

Until the middle of the twentieth century, pollock was not in great demand as an object of fishing. However, already in the 1950s, the catch of this fish increased dramatically and is now carried out all year round. The main fishing areas are the North Sea, the western and northern coasts of Norway.

Today, in terms of fishing volumes in Western European countries, this fish ranks fourth after the three permanent leaders, which are herring, cod and haddock. At the same time, the saithe population in the northern regions has so far remained stable.

The number of the southern population has declined somewhat in recent years, as a result of which catch rates have been established and restrictions have been introduced on the harvest of this fish in a number of areas.

Calorie and chemical composition

The energy value of saithe is not too high. There are only 100 kcal in 80 g of the product. In this case, the nutrient content is as follows: 19,44 g of protein, 0,98 g of fat and no carbohydrates at all.

Despite the fact that saithe is a fish with a low fat content, it is not inferior to salmon in terms of its chemical composition and beneficial properties. The thing is that saithe meat contains a real storehouse of substances useful for human health: not only vitamins, but also macro- and microelements.

Chemical composition: vitamins
Vitamin K0,1 μg
Vitamin E0,23 mg
Vitamin D42 μg
Vitamin V60,287 mg
Mixed75,8 mg
Vitamin PP3,27 mg
Vitamin V20,185 mg
Vitamin V10,047 mg
Vitamin A46 mg

Vitamin A effectively fights bacteria and viruses, increasing the body’s resistance. In addition, it normalizes metabolic processes, is responsible for the condition of the skin and hair.

Vitamin D is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and is also necessary for strengthening bone tissue. In addition, it is involved in the process of insulin synthesis, therefore, is responsible for the level of glucose in the body.

Vitamin PP, also known as niacin, improves blood circulation, helps lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, takes part in the formation of hemoglobin and normalizes the blood count, and also helps our body absorb protein from plant foods.

Vitamin E is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells and has a beneficial effect on tissue regeneration.

In addition, it helps to get rid of increased fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Vitamin K has a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue, preventing the development of a serious disease – osteoporosis. In addition, it prevents the calcification of blood vessels, helping them to maintain elasticity.

It is also rich in minerals.

Chemical composition: micro and macro elements
Zinc (Zn)0,47 mg
Selenium (Se)36,5 μg
Copper (Cu)0,05 mg
Manganese (Mn)0,015 mg
Iron (Fe)0,46 mg
Phosphorus (P)221 mg
Sodium (Na)86 mg
Magnesium (Mg)67 mg
Calcium (Ca)60 mg
Potassium (K)356 mg

Saida is one of the undisputed champions among fish in terms of the content of potassium in meat, a substance that is vital for normalizing heart rate and strengthening the heart muscle.

Zinc, present in the chemical composition, promotes cell renewal, has a beneficial effect on the human hormonal background. In addition, he is responsible for intellectual activity, improves memory, increases cognitive abilities.

Phosphorus helps to maintain the normal activity of the nervous system, plays an important role in strengthening bone and dental tissue, and is also involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body.

Calcium is important not only for the condition of bone tissue, but also for muscle function. Its deficiency can cause convulsions. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of hormones of a number of organs of the endocrine system: adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland.

At the same time, given the low calorie content of fish, saithe can be considered an excellent product for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their diet.

Useful Properties

Useful properties of saithe meat are dictated by its unique chemical composition. Due to the high content of phosphorus, this fish can be recommended for children and the elderly to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

The iodine contained in saithe meat is necessary for the normalization of the thyroid gland.

The B vitamins present in the composition help to “accelerate” the metabolism, therefore this product can be recommended for people who want to lose weight.

The low calorie content of saithe and the fact that this fish belongs to the so-called “lean” species makes it one of the main components in the diet of people who carefully monitor their weight.


The meat of pollock looks very different from the fillet of ordinary white fish. It is characterized by a grayish color and high density. However, at the same time, you can’t call it either rough or dry, unlike the meat of many other lean fish.

At the same time, it has a specific smell, which is highly appreciated by real gourmets. There is even a statement that those who have never eaten saithe meat have not eaten real sea fish.

On the shelves of shops, pollock usually comes in the form of a frozen fillet or salted. In addition, it is from pollock that very popular canned food in the West is prepared under the name “sea salmon”. Thin slices of salted saithe are soaked in fish oil and tinted with food coloring to give them a pinkish tint that is characteristic of salmon meat. Such canned food boasts high nutritional value, as well as excellent taste.

Moreover, at a price they are significantly inferior to real salmon, and therefore are affordable for a wider segment of the population.


Despite the beneficial properties of saithe, there are also contraindications to the use of this fish. First of all, like all seafood, any fish is a strong allergen. Saithe, like other cod species, is no exception. Therefore, its use should be approached with caution by people who suffer from individual intolerance to seafood, children, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

Cooking application

For the preparation of culinary masterpieces, chilled pollock of medium size is best suited. Make sure that the meat is tightly connected to the skin and has a fresh smell. There are many ways to cook saithe. It is noteworthy that this fish is cooked very quickly, and during the heat treatment process, the meat, which is distinguished by a not very aesthetic grayish color when raw, turns white.

Saida is smoked, marinated and salted. Sandwiches with salted saithe fillet can be served at the festive table – guests will surely like the exquisite taste.

You can simply fry pollock fillets with onions and carrots. By the way, an interesting fact: it is saithe that is used to make the world-famous “File-o-fish” – one of the McDonald’s sandwiches. The fillet is fried in breadcrumbs in hot oil and served on a fluffy bun with cheddar cheese and tartar sauce. The taste of this fish is perfectly revealed when served with vegetables. Many people cook saithe on a pillow of bay leaves, thanks to which the dish acquires a special taste and aroma. Real gourmets add a little white wine to stewed and boiled saithe dishes.

It can also be used to make soup. Boiled or baked, the fish goes well with herbs, as well as lemon and eggs. Pollack meat can be used to make pâtés, rolls, meatballs and meatballs. Also popular are caviar sites and, like all codfish, liver, which contains unique chemical compounds.

Cooking baked saithe in Provencal style

To prepare a dish that will become a real decoration of your holiday table, you will need the following ingredients: pollack carcass 60-80 cm long, two sweet peppers, 200 g pumpkin, two large onions, five cloves of garlic, 200 g asparagus beans, a tablespoon of tomato sauce, one lemon, a few sprigs of rosemary and thyme, olive oil, salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste.

Wash the pepper, cut out the core. Cut into large pieces. Peel the onions and garlic and cut into slices lengthwise. Peel the pumpkin and cut into not too thick slices. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Fry the onion until it becomes transparent. After that, add garlic, pumpkin and pepper to the onion. Fry for three to five minutes. Salt and pepper, then transfer the vegetables to a baking dish.

Roast the string beans. Salt, add a spoonful of tomato sauce, squeeze a clove of garlic. Mix and place in a bowl with vegetables. Clean the fish, salt and pepper. Add seasonings. Place saithe on the vegetables.

Wash the lemon and cut in half. Squeeze the juice from one half onto the fish. Cut the other half into thick slices and brown in a pan with rosemary, then put on fish and vegetables with thyme.

Bake the dish in the oven for thirty to forty minutes. The temperature regime is 200 degrees. The baking sheet can be left uncovered, however, if you notice that the dish is burning, cover it for twenty minutes with baking foil.

Cooking saithe in coconut sauce

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients: one pollock fillet, a tablespoon of curry paste, salt to taste, olive oil for frying. To prepare the sauce: 100 ml of coconut milk, 3-4 green onion feathers, one hot chili pepper, 3-4 tablespoons of curry paste, two stalks of fresh coriander.

Prepare the saithe fillet. Brush it with curry paste on the side where the skin is not, then cut the fillet into large portions.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, first pouring olive oil into it. Place the saithe on the heated surface with the paste side down. Press each piece lightly so that the seasoning turns into a sauce and soaks the fish, and also forms a crust. While frying, move the fish from time to time with a spatula so that it does not stick to the pan.

As soon as a crust appears, turn the fish over and continue to fry it from the skin side.

We’re preparing the sauce. Cut the green onion feathers and sprinkle them over the fish, continuing to keep it on low heat. After that, right in the pan, brush it again with curry paste. Pour the coconut milk over the fish and add finely chopped hot peppers and coriander. The fish is ready.

Cooking saithe in French sour cream sauce

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients: 700 g of pollock fillet, 50 g of olive oil, one glass of milk, 30 g of wheat flour, 100 g of sour cream, 30 g of butter, 50 g of any spicy tomato sauce and 200 g of champignons.

Rinse the fillet, cut into portions and put in milk for ten minutes. After that, take it out, dry it on a paper towel, salt and bread in flour. Fry the fillet in olive oil in a well preheated frying pan.

Prepare the mushrooms. Separate the legs from the hats. Fry the caps in oil whole, and cut the legs lengthwise. Add sour cream and tomato sauce, then bring the mushrooms to a boil, stirring constantly.

Put the fish on a dish, and beautifully lay out the mushrooms on the sides. You can decorate the dish with fresh herbs, and serve white wine with it.

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