The Sagittarius man and the Virgo woman are essentially complete opposites of each other, trying to find something in common in these relationships. Therefore, it is difficult to call their couple a folding one, we can observe a period without any problems only at the very initial stage of their relationship, when people are just starting to get to know each other. The couple has little compatibility, but with a successful scenario, it may well build a good union.
Virgo is a calm, practical woman, likes to plan everything in advance, does not tolerate haste and an irresponsible attitude to life. She is beautiful, smart, always knows what she needs to get from today. Her graceful manners immediately captivate the flirtatious Sagittarius, who begins to show her obvious signs of attention. A sensitive Virgo decides that it is necessary to give this charming guy a chance and lets Sagittarius into her social circle. But she does not know what to expect from this fiery young man, she asks herself: “Can he be trusted?”. She doesn’t have this question in vain. The charming man Sagittarius, having received the desired attention of the girl, after a while switches to others. This behavior of a man discourages Virgo, because this does not fit into the image of an ideal partner, as Sagittarius presented himself. But the girl should not worry: the heart of a man in love already belongs only to her, and this flirting with other ladies is just in his blood.
These two representatives of the elements of fire and earth have many dissimilar features: Virgo is hardworking, decent, she likes to spend time at home, she has few friends, but they are the closest to her. And Sagittarius loves noisy companies, fun parties on weekends, always in the spotlight.
Sagittarius is fascinated by the natural beauty of the Virgo, he likes her manner of speech, her feminine behavior. At first, this makes him fall in love with this mysterious girl. But Virgo is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A serious girl may not immediately appreciate a man because of his excessive love for audience sympathy, but the charming Sagittarius will try to get his own. At the initial stages of the relationship, this couple will play the role of a matchmaker, the law of attraction of opposites, but over time it may cease to operate. Sagittarius’ love for the excessive attention of society will push Virgo to jealousy, since she is the owner of life. This couple may not have a stable pleasant relationship, because, as you know, mutual understanding is necessary for the appearance of deep feelings between people. And Sagittarius and Virgo can be united, perhaps, by working relationships.
Love compatibility
A couple of Sagittarius and Virgo in life, we can see very rarely. The reason for this is very simple – their circles of communication simply do not overlap, and working in the same team, they may not know each other’s names. Only an interesting case, a bright date or a mutual acquaintance who “accidentally” introduces them at a party on the occasion of some event can help them become a couple. This can be the starting point for a Sagittarius-Virgo relationship. However. In these relationships, both of them will have a very difficult time – these two people have absolutely polar views on life and this does not unite them at all.
Only a simple animal passion can unite the hearts of two. In this, the needs of the Sagittarius man and the Virgo woman are almost the same, except that sex does not mean the same thing for them. For the playful Sagittarius, this is another passionate adventure, and for Virgo, romance and love between partners is important. If a man can fully show his interest in this woman and warmly care for her, then, most likely, passion and a new stormy romance will arise between them. Virgo in these relationships will often have to be patient with a partner, because sometimes he will give her significant reasons for jealousy. And only if the girl is confident enough in herself, this will not cause her any inconvenience, unless she is a little disappointed in her windy lover.
It will be extremely difficult to build love for Sagittarius and Virgo, both partners will have to invest a lot of energy in order for the relationship to remain normal. But is it necessary for both a man and a woman? A Sagittarius man can quickly lose interest in a difficult and difficult girl, which is Virgo. But such character traits for a girl are not a minus – in any case, she will be able to find a partner to her liking.
A strong friendship is also unlikely between these two representatives of different elements. Sagittarius and Virgo are very sympathetic by nature, always ready to help each other, but in their communication there is no special sincerity, there is not enough closeness, unity of souls, which usually happens when people similar to each other meet. But in a working environment, this couple is a very efficient tandem – in such special conditions, the business features of both signs begin to be revealed.
Marriage compatibility
In marriage, Sagittarius and Virgo get along with each other only with a great desire. In family life and in everyday life, the most responsibility will lie on the shoulders of the wife, since the spouse will be more busy earning money for the family and establishing their communication ties. Perhaps a slight fading of the spark of passion in family relationships, both partners will lack tenderness and attention from each other. To manifest the positive aspects of such an alliance, both partners will have to be patient.
Spouses love different pastimes: Sagittarius loves outdoor activities, skiing, hiking in the forest, gatherings around a fire with a guitar, summer concerts in the rain, dancing on Friday evenings, noisy parties. And Virgo prefers to spend time at home, reading an interesting book. She will prefer a romantic evening by candlelight, a quiet family holiday with the closest and dearest to active rest. The main reason for the emergence of small quarrels can be just this difference between partners.
In marriage, a man manifests himself as the most passionate lover. A male leader is usually attracted to very feminine people who have a sense of humor. Since he himself loves to be a winner in life, he also chooses a companion to match. His beloved woman should not have an “inferiority complex”, ideally she should always strive to explore new horizons. It is with such a woman that he wants to build not only a love relationship, but also a family, despite the fact that Sagittarius values his own freedom most of all. First, the mind of a woman, her broad outlook, and only then her bodily attractiveness are evaluated. At all stages of the relationship, he perceives his woman, first of all, as a friend, and only then looks at her as a lover, spouse, mother of his children. Sagittarius, a fiery man, is easy to captivate into new novels, he will still plunge into each of them with interest and curiosity. Such a character trait of the spouse will push the Virgo to jealousy. The husband will try to re-educate the jealous wife, but this can only offend her feelings.
There are some disagreements also in the field of finance. The Sagittarius man strives to earn money, but spends the money he earns at his own discretion, practically does not save anything for unforeseen situations. Partners, in order to maintain good family relations, are advised to be patient and not encroach on each other’s freedom. The free behavior of the fiery spouse will certainly disturb the Virgin, but she still should treat her man with understanding, because among hundreds of fans he chose her, and her easy character is just an addition to such a bright person. With all the desire of both partners, provided that they both invest in this relationship, their marriage has every opportunity to become happy.
Pros and cons of the union of Sagittarius man and Virgo woman
Among all the positive aspects in the relationship of this couple, it should be noted that the differences between partners can be the most important plus. Dissimilar views will help the representatives of these signs learn to look at the world around them in a new way. The main advantages of the union of a Sagittarius man and a Virgo woman:
- Fiery Sagittarius can turn the whole life of a girl with her appearance, forcing her to look at things in a new way. He himself will be able to discover many new things in himself, something that he had not noticed before.
- Creative skills can awaken in a man in an unexpected way. If a woman really captivates Sagittarius, then she can become his creative muse for many years.
- The couple will push each other to development, as both Sagittarius and Virgo have an inexhaustible craving for learning everything new.
- A Virgo woman in a relationship with Sagittarius will be able to reveal the best features in her character, a man will teach her to think positively and be an activist, share a bit of her luck.
- Also among the advantages it can be noted that the couple will have few conflicts, since both of them do not like to sort things out. In this alliance, both partners will find benefits for themselves.
Despite all the positive aspects, in the relationship of this couple, we can also observe some disadvantages. Virgo and Sagittarius in their temperaments and character are complete opposites of each other, so conflicts can arise on any domestic issues. Some negative aspects of this union:
- The Sagittarius man and the Virgo woman have completely different ideas about how to conduct life, family affairs, and this difference can cause conflict.
- Sagittarius does not know how to save money at all, and Virgo, on the contrary, may seem too greedy.
- The man in this pair needs more communication than the woman.
- Sagittarius in a pair is more frivolous and windy than a partner.
- Virgo will often be jealous of her lover because of his easy nature.
- Partners have different ideas about the ideal pastime.
No matter how difficult the couple experiences in communicating with each other, they should definitely try to be together. The relationship between Sagittarius and Virgo is characterized by a special passion and mutual attraction, but in order to maintain such positive love energy, partners should be more attentive to each other.