Sagittarius man – Taurus woman: horoscope compatibility

In a pair of these two signs of fire and earth, harmony is observed, achieved by mutual concessions. Patient, but not bowing her head in front of minor troubles, Taurus easily endures the love of freedom of this man, without limiting it. The representative of the fire sign should be more careful in words with the Taurus woman, because she does not tolerate reproaches in her address. Taurus does everything in his own way, in his measured order, and Sagittarius can commit any offense, being at the mercy of his emotions. This is their main difference as a couple. Compatibility is observed low, but there are real examples of the existence of such pairs. The difference in characters can serve as a bone of contention in their relationship, most often they are based on mutual respect and some mutual benefit. The Taurus girl may immediately become interested in the charismatic Sagittarius, but it is he who takes the first steps in a relationship.

They meet for the first time most often in a work team, where, first of all, they become friends and colleagues. Sparks flare up between a man and a woman every now and then – they perceive each other’s behavior as illogical, as they look at the world differently. The Taurus girl does not understand what to expect from her beloved in the next minute, as his mood quickly changes. An attempt to make a man’s behavior stable can lead to his misunderstanding, because he expects complete trust and understanding from his beloved. A small quarrel may arise if the interests of the parties differ.

Taurus will have to be more patient with this passionate man, considering his activity and hot temperament as a gift. It is this attitude that the Sagittarius man is waiting for.

Despite the low compatibility, good friendly and working relations can arise between representatives of the fiery and earth signs. Sagittarius really appreciates the tenacity of Taurus in building a career, because he himself is the same careerist. But if they communicate, then this does not happen for long, since the partners speak different languages ​​​​and most often do not understand each other. The Sagittarius guy will change his attitudes and preferences from time to time, while in Taurus they linger for a long time. A stubborn girl does not like change, does not like extreme activity, but she can be fond of the same hobby for a long time, which will allow her to become a pro in her field. As comrades for communication, these man and woman may be interesting to each other, but friendship as such is unlikely. If close communication arises between them, then this will tell others about the mutual passion for each other.

Love compatibility

Compatibility in love relationships is low. The earth sign Taurus prefers to know everything in advance, while the Sagittarius man cannot give guarantees that tomorrow everything will be as smooth in the relationship as yesterday, even if he is sincerely passionate about the girl. The Taurus girl dreams of a family, home comfort and a caring husband. But a man may not give it. Only through mutual investment in these relations can the union flourish, but for this you will have to try.

To understand each other, the couple has to make an effort, but otherwise they are doing well. Passionate Sagittarius brings a spark to personal relationships, and the girl does not cease, in turn, to take care of her beloved man. If a guy does not have serious intentions towards his chosen one, they should not start a relationship. Sagittarius will have to invest a lot of energy in order to convince Taurus of the sincerity of feelings.

From the very beginning of the relationship, he will feel constrained, “a spouse with experience.” This can seriously frighten a man who is in love with his freedom. The exactingness of a girl can annoy him a little. For a girl, flirting with the opposite sex in a relationship is unacceptable, and this is a serious reason for parting. Whereas for the Sagittarius man it’s just entertainment. The guy will not withstand such control from a serious girl and may disappear from her life. So Taurus will have to forgive a lot to her lover if she is really interested in continuing a relationship with him.

In bed, they experience tender feelings for each other, fully reveal their sexual potential. But even against the background of complete sexual compatibility, they are in no hurry to create an alliance. Failures in the sexual sphere can only be observed if the partners begin to neglect each other’s desires, which can lead to a breakdown in the relationship. If a Sagittarius man turns a blind eye to the needs of his partner, sex can turn into a routine, which is highly undesirable in a relationship with Sagittarius, especially if he is young and his body wants experiments. His companion is not always ready for innovation and may show increased emotionality about this, which can frighten off Sagittarius in earnest. In this pair, the partner will try to change her partner, trying to make him more economic and domestic, calm. But the Sagittarius guy will regard this as an exciting game, which he will be interested in only for a short period of time. To captivate such a partner for real, you need to look at what is happening through his eyes.

Marriage compatibility

Both partners respect the institution of the family and marriage, but such couples rarely reach the marriage process. A Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man cannot always reach a high level of mutual understanding in a couple and therefore part long before starting a family. However. If the union decided to extend the relationship in marriage, then in the family they become more friendly, calm, understanding each other. Only the initial period of living together is difficult, and then the partners get used to the difference in each other’s characters and begin to look for pluses in this union. So how does the picture of the world change in these zodiac signs in marriage?

A man relegates parties and meetings with friends to the background and puts his family in the lead. The couple learns to find common ground and begins to devote more time to each other.

It is worth saying that it is Taurus who takes the first step in creating a family, since it is she who is interested in stable relationships. The motive for creating a family can be strong love or mercantile plans of one of the partners. In this case, you need to be more attentive to the choice of your life partner. To create a successful marriage, these two people must have known each other long enough to start listening to each other. Attentive attitude to a partner will increase the quality of a marriage, which is usually built on mutual respect. And mutual respect, as you know, appears only in those couples that are attentive to each other.

The sphere of finance is also perceived differently by these two representatives of the signs of fire and earth. Taurus is a more practical person in this regard and treats money as a means of life, lives not for the sake of money, but with their help. Sagittarius, in turn, loves to spend money on pleasure, allows himself luxury, and sometimes lives beyond his means. This attitude to money is very dangerous in family life, because in marriage a partner is responsible not only for himself, but also for his spouse. Husband and wife perceive children in almost the same way – they treat children with sincere curiosity and love them equally. So there are practically no problems with children in such a family. The active Sagittarius is like children themselves, so they love him very much. The Taurus woman becomes an excellent teacher for them. In the union of Sagittarius and Taurus, passion does not fade away if both partners do not forget to engage in self-development and constantly surprise their partner.

Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man and Taurus woman

There are a lot of positive moments in the union of these interesting personalities. The fact is that with enough desire, Sagittarius and Taurus can create a fairly successful union together, provided that both work on relationships. In the relationship of these representatives of the zodiac sign, we can see the following positive aspects:

  • New opportunities for development open up, both in relationships and in a career. They both ignite each other’s interest in common goals, bringing common ideas to life.
  • They support each other in labor endeavors, can help each other in building a career.
  • Able to ignore each other’s shortcomings.
  • Strongly interested in each other sexually.
  • Able to remain faithful to each other if the love is mutual.
  • They have many common ideas.

However, in addition to the pluses, in these relationships there are also not very pleasant moments:

  • They have different needs for social activity, one partner may want communication more than the other.
  • They may not come to a compromise, everyone can insist on their own.
  • This can lead to a refusal to accept the partner’s point of view, which means misunderstanding.
  • Different attitude towards money.
  • They can shift the responsibility for their guilt onto the shoulders of a partner.
  • A woman is more stable, strives for long-term relationships, has a practical outlook on things.
  • A man is more creative, strives to transfer all his energy into vigorous activity, which gives him a lot of pleasure, his character is playful, flirting.

All these differences between partners can further lead to misunderstanding in a couple. But if the partners really love each other and elevate relationships to a rank, value them to the fullest, then they will be able to suppress in themselves those traits and shortcomings that can lead to a possible break. Any relationship needs careful attention and accuracy in relation to the partner as a separate person.

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