Sagittarius man – Scorpio woman: horoscope compatibility

What would you prefer – a bright and explosive love at first sight or a relationship, albeit not too stormy, but stable and reliable? Of course, everyone will answer this question in their own way. In addition, no matter how much we would like to see certain features in a partner, nevertheless, it will depend to some extent on his zodiac sign. We will analyze a rather interesting combination in a pair, where the man is Sagittarius, and the woman is Scorpio.

Very charming and respectable Sagittarius men attract the eyes of others, thanks to a dazzling smile and an impressive figure. They look perfect in any clothes, although they prefer business style and expensive accessories. Born under the auspices of Zeus (Jupiter) himself, the men of this fiery sign have been the favorites of Fortune almost all their lives. But in fairness, we must note that luck will not overtake them if they lie on the couch.

Sagittarius by nature are very active, ambitious, love experiments. And in their heads are constantly swarming masses of ideas and goals, which, for the most part, are being implemented. Sometimes they are so passionate about some kind of their dream that for the sake of its realization they can unexpectedly, even for themselves, break away from their place (including the worker) and plunge into the implementation of the project. Therefore, the fiery men were known as unreliable and irresponsible people. But still, such an opinion about them is very unfair. At any age, Sagittarians are young at heart, energetic, brutal and damn good! What also attracts them is that they always try to say only what they think, live for their own pleasure, are open and friendly. Therefore, they are rarely offended.

Yes, they do not like restrictions and are very careful about commitments. Therefore, although this zodiac sign, to put it mildly, is not deprived of the attention of women, it is very difficult for him to take a step towards a serious relationship. And only a persistent, smart and self-confident lady can curb such a freedom-loving and independent man.

Women born between 23.10 and 22.11 are under the auspices of the constellation Scorpio. The ladies of this sign are quite controversial. On the one hand, due to the influence of the water element, Scorpios are reverent, sexy and charming. And on the other hand, they are assertive, secretive and prudent: this is the influence of Mars and Pluto, which rule this constellation. The Scorpio woman, whom unfamiliar people know as the “iron lady”, is completely different for loved ones – sensitive, gentle and kind. But getting into the inner circle of the water lady is very difficult. She is very distrustful, suspicious and looks at a person for a long time before recognizing him as “hers”.

The masculine planets that rule the sign endowed the Scorpio woman with business acumen and inner self-confidence. She loves and knows how to be the center of attention and radiates natural magnetism. What is going on in the soul of our lady, no one will know: she is always outwardly calm and imperturbable. But it’s not worth offending her – she will hold a grudge, and then sting in cold blood and painfully, when the offender least expects it. It is not difficult for such a woman to find tricks with which she will achieve what she wants or win someone’s heart. When the ward of Pluto sees the goal, he goes to it directly, confidently and decisively, often even over the heads. Yes, she is charismatic and prudent, erudite and independent, cold-blooded and caustic, secretive and very incomprehensible. But her opinion is listened to and thanked for valuable advice. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with her.

Love compatibility

Water-fire union occurs quite often. But for how long is another question. Both representatives of the couple are very contradictory and temperamental, which at first brings them together. The Sagittarius man, like a true adventurer, is attracted by the mystery and depth of his partner and rushes to study her with pleasure. Sociable and cheerful, he conquers his chosen one with inexhaustible optimism and a wonderful sense of humor. The fatal beauty is easy and interesting with a fiery man. She herself is rather secretive and cold-blooded, but in order to attract a successful partner to herself, she can sometimes put on a mask of carelessness and lightness and even participate in some dubious, in her opinion, event of her active friend. But, of course, it will not work to be “in the mask” for a long time. And soon the Scorpio lady will be annoyed by the sociability, ease and frivolity of Sagittarius. The fiery partner, in turn, sincerely will not understand what is wrong with his optimism and a certain inconstancy. Partners begin to imperceptibly simply covertly lead each other, trying to gain the upper hand in the struggle for leadership. Over time, this can develop into open manipulation and the couple will break up.

And yet there are enough pluses in such an extraordinary tandem. Both are smart and very interesting to each other. In such couples, mutual respect reigns. The romantic side of the relationship can also be kept at a high level and be bright and strong, because the emotional and sensual attractiveness of partners has been at its best for quite a long time.

The Sagittarius man sees a sexy and mysterious girlfriend in the water lady. And when a romance arises, he becomes a caring loving partner and a reliable patron for his chosen one. Scorpio gets in these relationships what she lacks so much – emotionality, care and warmth. Next to a fiery man, she feels calm and happy. Unfortunately, they have practically no common interests. And when a loved one goes to the next party without her, a temperamental partner can make a scandal, for example, on the basis of jealousy. But Sagittarius is a womanizer, he sincerely does not understand the feelings of his girlfriend and does not attach importance to them. Although the man may be right. By the way, his communication with other girls rarely crosses the boundaries of friendship, often, by the way, very useful. But an independent Sagittarius will not tolerate an open restriction of freedom and may even break off relations. So, couples in love have something to work on. And you will have to change more yourself, and not put pressure on your loved ones. Then the fire-water relationship will last for many years.

Marriage compatibility

The family union of a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman is always emotional, passionate and stormy, but much less often strong and lasting. But if the spouses are able to discern in each other what is not visible at first sight, then many will envy their beautiful couple. One of the main advantages of this relationship is that both partners are quite ambitious. They are successful in their careers, they have a beautiful house, furnished expensively and tastefully. The couple travels frequently and does not need money. And, of course, this state of affairs causes envy and gossip on the part of ill-wishers. These contradictory signs, with mutual aspiration and effort, can create a good friendly family. Provided that the spouses learn to hear, understand, and most importantly, accept each other, their tandem will be prosperous in all areas of family life. Interestingly, the stars are sure that it is even beneficial to be paired with a fiery Sagittarius and a water Scorpio, since they achieve greater success, both financial and social, living together than separately. In addition to material well-being, lovers receive other bonuses by marrying.

Completely dissimilar zodiac signs, such as Sagittarius and Scorpio, are often attracted to each other. Similar at first glance, the temperament of the spouses, in fact, turns out to be exactly the opposite. A couple in love is attracted by those features that they themselves lack. An equal energy exchange makes it easier for a couple to find a common language and reach compromises.

They well stimulate each other to achieve in various areas, especially in finance and home improvement. Therefore, if the water-fire family boat breaks, then it’s definitely not about life – they are all right with this. Conflicts in a couple can arise on several serious issues. And, basically, the claims will come from the side of the wife. She can’t come to terms with the fact that he often spends time in companies in which, by the way, he makes useful acquaintances. But after all, this is one of the foundations of their financial stability, which the spouse cherishes so much. Also, her husband’s ability to be almost constantly in a good mood annoys her. Although many years ago it was this quality that attracted her attention to the chosen one. The water lady sometimes gets angry and even envious of the success and luck of her soulmate. But her well-being is ensured precisely by his Fortune.

And now, being in such internal contradictions, when there seems to be a reason for a quarrel, but there are no serious arguments, the Scorpio wife, according to her character, is silent and endures for a long time. But in vain. After all, understatement ruins their relationship. And when a scandal “suddenly” arises in the family, Sagittarius is simply discouraged, because he sincerely believed that everything was fine in his family. But if a woman does not give her husband ultimatums and weakens the reins, Sagittarius becomes calm, gentle and only chuckles good-naturedly at the jealousy and reproaches of his wife. And peace and tranquility reign in the family. The water lady, in this case, receives a temperamental partner, financial stability and the status of a married lady. And a man is a mystery and a mystery in his wife and a reason for pride in front of colleagues and friends.

Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man and Scorpio woman

As we already understood, the union where the man is Sagittarius and the woman is Scorpio is rather contradictory. But still, let’s try to highlight the main characteristics of the pair. Among the positive aspects, it is necessary to note the following:

  • Material well-being and great success in your career.
  • Personal growth of both spouses.
  • The emotionality of relationships and the presence of respect in a couple.
  • The attraction of opposites.
  • Ambition and desire to win.
  • The unpredictability of both spouses, novelty and intrigue in relationships.
  • A woman contributes to more thoughtful and successful actions of her husband.
  • A man brings bright colors and emotions into the life of his wife.

Unfortunately, there are also negative aspects in the relationship of these people:

  • Lack of warmth and understanding and some windiness of partners.
  • Jealousy and distrust, which, in turn, cause the silence of problems.
  • Different interests and different requirements to each other.
  • The irascibility of both spouses.
  • Over time, there is irritation and constant dissatisfaction with each other.
  • A woman after a while can become too demanding, and this will begin to strain a man.
  • A Sagittarius man can get tired of the constant jealousy and exactingness of his wife and break family ties.

Yes, the union is not perfect, and you should not aggravate an already difficult relationship. We have to be patient and kind to each other. Of course, it will be better if the partners agree on everything on the shore, because the requirements for a spouse are different from the requirements for a friend or partner. A man should designate his personal space, but you should not provoke your soulmate to jealousy. And Pluto’s ward needs to learn not to accumulate claims in herself, but to immediately express them to her husband. And don’t get too attached to your spouse. Otherwise, he will act in spite of his wife. But if the couple breaks up, then both will lose: the woman will lose her usual standard of living, and the husband will lose the woman he loves. Therefore, the advice from the stars is this: work out in advance the rules and laws of your family, thanks to which you can build strong relationships. And be happy!

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