Sagittarius man – Pisces woman: horoscope compatibility

Sagittarius and Pisces belong to opposite elements, and this difference can be traced in their views on the world, characters. Uniting in such an alliance can be the desire for everything new, the need for pleasant experiences, sociability and openness in interaction with others. Fruitful cooperation between signs is possible in the conditions of a common cause, a common passion for one or another occupation.

Sagittarius man is a bright personality, has charisma, uses every opportunity to be a leader. He has many acquaintances, friends, but he does not reveal his secrets to everyone and shares his thoughts and experiences. His perseverance, sociability and desire to attract attention allows you to successfully make new acquaintances.

A great desire to realize oneself makes it possible to achieve success in almost any field of activity. Sagittarius is philosophical about life and prefers to express his views to others. The Sagittarius man is charming, attracts the attention of women and himself strives to seduce the opposite sex, therefore he is fickle, he is married several times.

In their profession, Sagittarians are most often highly qualified specialists, they can occupy a leadership position. The representatives of this Constellation can achieve success through their qualities: straightforwardness, perseverance and perseverance, striving for something new as an opportunity to test their capabilities.

Pisces are receptive signs, they have a well-developed intuition. They are always ready to help, listen and give advice, sincerely sympathize and empathize. However, this sometimes plays a cruel joke with them – they often fall under the influence of manipulators. In relationships with the opposite sex, Pisces choose people with a strong character, self-confident, and they themselves play the role of sensual and emotional persons. The innate ability to swim “against the current” helps them overcome difficulties in their lives, although from the outside it may seem that Pisces is always lucky in everything.

Representatives of these signs have the ability to adequately assess themselves and their capabilities, if necessary, look at their actions from the outside. And if these people can treat themselves with indulgence, then in relation to others they are quite serious. Pisces women are very sensitive to criticism, extremely vulnerable and touchy.

Pisces seems to have created their own world, in which their own laws and rules are not always clear to others. Therefore, it is often difficult to understand a person born under this sign. The success of the union and cooperation of these signs is based on what can unite this couple.

At the same time, the emotionality of partners can also be a binder in a relationship. And for Sagittarius and Pisces, emotional connection is more important than all material wealth. Their common love of travel, philosophical conversations, new hobbies is the basis of their strong relationship and long-term union. A common similarity is the tendency of both signs to exaggerate circumstances, to embellish their merits.

Love compatibility

The union of lovers Sagittarius man and Pisces woman may well become an ideal and fruitful cooperation of two equal people. If there are deep and mutual feelings between them, then the couple quickly copes with minor troubles, since the desire to acquire harmony in relationships comes to the fore.

Between representatives of these signs, attraction arises quickly. Both are sensual, emotional, able to quickly establish contact. Sagittarius attracts a Pisces woman with her confidence, having her own opinion on every issue. From the very first glance, he can give the impression of an interesting person, which captivates the attention of women.

A woman born under the sign of Pisces, with her innate attentiveness and sensitivity to people, Sagittarius is close to a philosophical view of the world, deep thoughts. Sagittarius in the face of Pisces finds an understanding person, and Pisces is fascinated by the special worldview of Sagittarius. If love arises between representatives of these signs, then it is always romance, passion, surprises. Both try to avoid conflicts, so there are rarely loud quarrels in the love relationship of these two people.

The only thing is that in such an alliance, Pisces, a woman can hold a grudge for some time, but this is unlikely to have a strong influence on the relationship itself and their future.

Both quickly adapt to each other, so much quickly becomes familiar, and partners accept their soul mate as they are. Difficulties in love relationships can arise due to the different pace of life. Sagittarians are always active, sociable, while Pisces has a more measured rhythm, and they prefer solitude, loneliness to a greater extent. Sagittarius is focused on the outside world and on the opinions of others so much that sometimes he forgets about the interests of people close to him, and this, of course, causes bewilderment among sensual Pisces.

The Pisces woman lives in her inner world, carefully considering her actions and the behavior of other people. A love union of representatives of these signs can teach both a lot: Sagittarius to notice the richness of the inner world of his partner, Pisces – to “stick out” of his “world” and realize feelings and experiences in relation to real life.

The Pisces woman tends to completely “dissolve” in relationships. For Sagittarius, this is a gift of fate – understanding, gentle, soft, intuitively feeling where to remain silent, and when to express one’s opinion. We can say that the duration of the relationship and the love between them in most cases depends on the Pisces, which is more malleable compared to the partner.

Marriage compatibility

If Sagittarius decided to tie the knot with Pisces, this is already a great achievement for both. Sagittarius is fickle in his sympathies. Already familiar things become immediately annoying for him. The durability of the union with this sign is determined by the diversity and fantasy in the relationship.

The Pisces woman takes on household issues without much desire, perceiving this as an obligation. However, she has to patiently wait for her husband to help. Fulfilling family responsibilities, Pisces needs praise, tender words about how her work and care are appreciated. This does not immediately become clear to Sagittarius, in connection with which there are silent resentments of the spouse.

So, if you don’t deal with each other in time, and don’t talk openly, misunderstanding arises, which can grow every day. Despite the good nature and responsiveness of Pisces, they can show sharp teeth. If Sagittarius turns out to be attentive during the grinding period, then the married couple will be able to overcome the troubles that have arisen and agree. Perhaps the further course of the relationship depends on the spouses themselves.

Deep and tender feelings will help both find common ground and determine how to overcome this in the future. Mutual understanding and achieving harmony in relationships are helped by common spiritual goals and the desire to be together.

It is difficult to call a Pisces woman a good housewife, and a Sagittarius man a serious husband, who is the support and hope of the family. Family life is not the main thing in the representation of family life for both, therefore, they often shift the responsibility for the fulfillment of certain family responsibilities to each other.

Difficulties arise due to the fact that they do not openly declare this, but suggest that it should be exactly as they imagine. In such an alliance, open conversations should come to the fore at the slightest clash of views, and this is not always possible due to the innate characteristics of signs to exaggerate and embellish.

Common family hobbies, which are also diverse, help the signs to maintain relationships and overcome the difficulties of everyday life. The diverse nature of spending time together can include both quiet rest and vigorous activity. This gives Sagittarius the opportunity to satisfy their need for curiosity for everything new, and Pisces – to enjoy joint communication with their spouse, including a calm atmosphere. Children in such a family will always be interesting and fun: today everyone goes skiing, tomorrow evening – a home movie show in comfort and warmth!

Pros and cons of the union Sagittarius man – Pisces woman

Sagittarius and Pisces have different characters, different worldviews, but they can make a happy union. At first glance, they attract the attention of each other and the people around them. Relationships have the following benefits:

  • Sagittarius and Pisces already at the very beginning experience a strong mutual attraction.
  • Even after a long time, they remain interested in self-development.
  • The union is good because the representatives of these signs have common goals and interests.
  • Both partners have such qualities as sociability, kindness and quickness.
  • Spouses will always have a common desire for harmony and a prosperous relationship.
  • Interestingly, there is a complete lack of jealousy in the couple.
  • They are always accompanied by tenderness, passion, care in relationships.
  • These people always remain optimistic, as a consequence of both embellishing events.

Difficulties in relationships, of course, happen when one or both partners begin to doubt their own choice of their “half”. Here the ability to exaggerate plays a cruel joke with them. Partners can really disperse if they do not take timely action to preserve the relationship. The disadvantages of such an alliance may be:

  • An impractical view of many things.
  • The ability to exaggerate events, which sometimes serves both bad and good.
  • Sagittarius and Pisces tend to be moody.
  • Representatives of the Sagittarius sign are characterized by increased attention to their own person to the detriment of their partner. And the Pisces, of course, do not like it.
  • Excessive gullibility, which can “spoil” a partner. Despite the same interests, Pisces and Sagittarius have a different pace and rhythm of life.
  • The tendency of one to pay more attention to external events, and the other to his own world.

The union of Sagittarius and Pisces is perhaps the most extraordinary in the zodiac circle. When compared with other signs, the longevity and peculiarity of the relationship is more dependent on the Sagittarius and Pisces themselves. On the one hand, this is a complex combination and requires the self-development of each of the partners, on the other hand, in any union, the success of the relationship depends on the behavior and feelings of each. The mutual attraction of these signs is very strong at the first stage, and due to the inconstancy of Sagittarius and the inner experiences of Pisces, none of them can imagine what their communication and the first meeting in private will lead to.

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